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等维灰数递补技术在隧道地表沉降预测中的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于等维灰数递补数据处理技术,建立了等维灰数递补GM(1,1)模型,对洞口山体沉降进行预测和模拟,以判定洞口山体的稳定性。结果表明:等维灰数递补数据处理技术充分利用了系统响应的最新信息,降低了预测系统的灰度,提高了模型的预测精度,预测结果可靠,与常规灰色预测模型相比,该法更具有实用价值。  相似文献   
并联高架路是一种车辆在高架道路上逆向行驶,主要为城市公共交通服务的道路。地面道路与并联高架路联系的匝道设在并联高架路的中间;岛式车站站棚的立柱设在岛式站台的两侧,这样岛式车站内空间宽敞,站棚受力合理,结构稳固,适合在站棚下安装为电动汽车充电的接触板。  相似文献   
Radar cross section (RCS) reduction technologies are very important in survivability of the militarynaval vessels. Ship appearance shaping as an effective countermeasure of RCS reduction redirects the scatteredenergy from one angular region of interest in space to another region of little interest. To decrease the scatteringelectromagnetic signals from ship scientifically, optimization methods should be introduced in shaping design.Based on the assumption of the characteristic section design method, mathematical formulations for optimalshaping design were established. Because of the computation-intensive analysis and singularity in shapingoptimization, the response surface method (RSM) combined genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed. The poly-nomial response surface method was adopted in model approximation. Then genetic algorithms were employedto solve the surrogate optimization problem. By comparison RCS of the conventional and the optimal design,the superiority and effectiveness of proposed design methodology were verified.Ky words: radar cross section (RCS); characteristic section design method; response surface method; genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed. The polynomial response surface method was adopted in model approximation. Then genetic algorithms were employed to solve the surrogate optimization problem. By comparison RCS of the conventional and the optimal design, the superiority and effectiveness of proposed design methodology were verified.  相似文献   
介绍了采用强夯法加固填土地基的施工实践,为市政道路建设提供了成功的范例,对设计和施工具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
In 1992, the authors carried out a statistical analysis of Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority (TBTA) crossings in New York City, to determine the impact of toll increases on traffic volumes and revenue. Using twelve years of monthly time-series data, we developed a set of multiple regression models that estimated traffic volumes on each TBTA bridge and tunnel as a function of the toll level and other explanatory variables. In most cases, the estimated toll elasticities were negative and much less than 1.0 in absolute value; the median toll elasticity for automobiles was found to be –0.10. Our finding that automobile travel demand is highly inelastic with respect to toll rates is consistent with most previous travel demand studies.  相似文献   
In combination, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) are innovative and aggressive efforts to move US cities toward integrated transportation and air quality planning. Under these complementary laws, air quality has become a major national transportation goal. In areas with serious air pollution, air quality will be a major consideration in determining the future shape of urban transportation.This paper considers how the CAAA and ISTEA combine to provide an innovative national policy approach of interest to countries seeking to encourage sustainable development in urban centers. The CAAA mandates measurable and enforceable air quality targets. Nation-wide standards are set for acceptable levels of carbon monoxide, ground level ozone, and small particulates. ISTEA includes directions for transportation planners and decision-makers to follow to reach air quality and other goals — transportation planning must emphasize system efficiency, and for cities with severe air pollution, transportation projects are expected to contribute to cleaner air. Each urban area has flexibility in how it applies this framework to reflect its priorities and solve its problems. Strict federal sanctions provide incentives for compliance with both laws.Enactment of these laws has produced a period of transition and uncertainty as well as of challenge and opportunity for planners and elected officials. The next several years, the US will provide one national laboratory and over 100 different urban laboratories for innovative approaches to integrate transportation and environmental policies to resolve major urban problems.Abbreviations CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 - CO Carbon monoxide - ECO Employee Commute Option - EPA US Environmental Protection Agency - HC Transportation hydrocarbons - I/M Inspections and maintenance program - ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 - MPO Metropolitan planning organizations - NOx Nitrogen oxides - PPM Parts per million - PM10 Small particulate matter - SIP State Implementation Plan - TIP Transportation Improvement Program - TCM Transportation control measures - VMT Vehicle miles traveled  相似文献   
本文应用准定常升力线理论预报船用螺旋桨的性能,建立了适合中型计算机的程序。通过四个桨模的敞水试验和性能计算结果比较表明,对于计算螺旋桨的推力与转矩系数,只要应用升力线理论加上简单的粘性经验修正及升力面影响修正,不必作边界层计算即可得到比较满意的结果。伴流场中单个叶片推力与转矩脉动计算表明,用升力线作计算时,伴流产生的水流弯曲对推力、转矩脉动有较明显的影响,对推力偏心度则影响不大,计算所得的推力、转矩脉动可供计算主机扭振及轴系振动的外力作参考。  相似文献   
A hypothesis of the minimum energy of secondary flow, suggested by Bessho, is introduced here. According to this hypothesis, it can be expected that hull forms having frame lines with a minimum energy of secondary flow show less form drag. In the first part of this article, secondary flow energy is evaluated for the cases with and without a free-surface effect, and Bessho’s hypothesis is confirmed for practical hull forms. Then optimization methods for the stern hull form are suggested, in which a nonlinear optimization technique is introduced. Numerical examples are given for a practical tanker hull form and a practical container hull form. From these studies, the suggested optimization method can be confirmed as a simplified and practical design method to the select frame lines of stern hull forms.  相似文献   
牛海  武登科 《船舶》2007,(1):30-33
随着现代作战舰艇探测设备、通信设备及电子战设备的增加,其电磁兼容和电磁隐蔽问题日益成为影响舰艇作战效能和生存能力的主要问题.为此,针对各种不同探测、通信及电子战设备研究设计一种多功能复合隐形桅杆势在必行.该文论述了美国、英国、意大利、荷兰海军在此方面的研究和应用现状.  相似文献   
通过对吸扫式扫路车吸嘴口气流状态以及速度测试的分析,在不增加制造和使用成本的前提下,对吸嘴内部结构进行了优化设计,增大了吸力,提高了吸扫式扫路车的扫净率。  相似文献   
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