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定义路径行程时间可靠性为在交通事故期间内平均路径行驶时间小于事故前路径出行时间乘以可接受拥堵水平的概率,由此导出路网行程时间可靠性.假定事故持续时间服从正态分布并将研究时域划分成相同的时段,在先进出行信息下,利用元胞传输模型进行路段流量加载,给出了每一个时段内路径行程时间的递推式,并在每一个时段内更新1次路径出行时间,出行者根据更新的出行时间运用Logit模型进行路径决策,最后基于Monte-Carlo法模拟求解路网行程时间可靠性.算例结果表明,行程时间可靠性随事故持续时间和方差及需求的增加而减小;可靠性随可接受拥堵水平的增加而增加;在拥堵网络中,包含事故路段的OD间需求越高,可靠性越低.  相似文献   
新扩展强化非对称选择网的有界性与单调性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据Petri网结构理论,讨论非对称选择网(AC)的一个子类:新扩展强化非对称选择网(NESAC)的有界性与活性单调性,判定NESAC网N结构有界的充分必要条件是,N被极小死锁簇覆盖,每个非空极小死锁H一定是个陷阱且满足|t^*∩|=|t^*∩H|=1,NESAC网仍然具有ESAC活性单调性的特征。  相似文献   
采用意向调查与行为模型分析相结合的方法,量化研究油价影响下我国居民的出行行为特征,识别典型响应行为,筛选显著影响因素,建立居民出行方式选择模型.结果表明,油价上涨将影响大部分潜在购车者的购车意向,改变其购车计划;油价对小汽车出行者的影响更加显著,减少用车频率、避免高峰出行、改变出行方式是私家车主应对油价上涨的最常用措施;以地铁为代表的公共交通是首选的替代出行方式,经济状况、家庭结构等在很大程度上决定了出行者对小汽车的依赖程度.通过燃油税对油价进行调节,将对我国城市交通结构的优化、交通状况的改善起到关键作用;建议在实施过程中,充分考虑油价对不同居民的影响特点,提高实施效果.该研究可为我国交通需求管理策略的制定提供参考.  相似文献   
为了解强震作用下我国斜拉桥桥塔的抗震性能以及震害现象,通过调研确定典型斜拉桥原型,对其H型混凝土桥塔进行纵桥向振动台试验研究.基于斜拉桥的动力特点及振型分析方法进行桥塔模型的简化设计、制作和安装,输入不同类型及不同强度的地震波,对桥塔模型进行了振动台试验.结果表明:相比一般的Elcentro波和Chichi地震波,相同加速度峰值地震输入下,场地人工波激起桥塔的地震反应最剧烈,且随着地震动输入的不断加强,桥塔下塔柱、中塔柱靠近下横梁部位先后不同程度地出现了裂缝开展延伸现象,其中塔底向上30 cm区域内损伤较明显,存在多条贯通裂缝,塔底截面最外侧钢筋屈服,模型整体刚度有明显下降趋势,但桥塔抗震性能依然表现良好.  相似文献   
旅游目的地选择是游客出行决策的核心问题,本文对游客的目的地选择行为进 行了研究.本课题组选取北京市区8个景点,以在京旅游的游客作为研究对象,组织进行了 游客出行行为调查.问卷设计22 项旅游动机,通过对游客旅游动机项提取因子,并对旅游 动机的因子得分进行聚类分析把游客分为4 类.在构建游客旅游目的地选择行为模型时, 对首个目的地和非首个目的地分别建模.模型中引入了旅游动机类型变量,证明旅游动机 对游客目的地选择行为影响显著.另外出行距离在不同阶段对游客目的地选择的影响存 在显著的差异.该模型精度较高,为进一步研究旅游目的地选择行为提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
为了探讨饮酒对驾驶员驾驶行为的影响,以驾驶模拟器为平台,测试了13名驾驶人员在不同血液酒精浓度(0mg/dl,20mg/dl,50 mg/dl,80 mg/dl)、不同场景下加速、刹车情况并调查了其主观感受。进行数据分析后初步得到一些结论:饮酒(特别是在较高血液酒精浓度的情况下)确实会对驾驶行为产生影响并可能会导致某些危险驾驶行为;性别和驾驶经验也会对不同酒精浓度下的驾驶行为产生影响。  相似文献   
波浪中破损船舶的运动会同时受到波浪激励和进出水的影响,而船体运动也会影响进出水过程,二者的相互影响机理十分复杂.本文重点研究波浪中破舱进出水对船舶运动响应的影响,文中首先基于势流理论建立了考虑破舱进出水的4DOF(横荡-垂荡-横摇-纵摇)相互耦合时域预报方法,在计算中假设舱内的液面水平,利用修正的伯努利方程模拟破舱进/出水,利用Ikeda's经验公式修正阻尼系数.然后以一艘ITTC破损稳性标模为例,研究了波浪中考虑破舱进出水的数学模型以及破舱进出水对运动响应的影响,并研究了不同自由度、破舱口位置对运动响应的影响.研究表明,本文基于势流理论建立的时域预报方法可以定量的预报破损船舶的运动响应.  相似文献   
Concerned by the nuisances of motorized travel on urban life, policy makers are faced with the challenge of making cycling a more attractive alternative for everyday transportation. Route choice models can help achieve this objective by gaining insights into the trade-offs cyclists make when choosing their routes and by allowing the effect of infrastructure improvements to be analyzed. We estimate a link-based bike route choice model from a sample of GPS observations in the city of Eugene on a network comprising over 40,000 links. The so-called recursive logit (RL) model (Fosgerau et al., 2013) does not require to sample any choice set of paths. We show the advantages of this approach in the context of prediction by focusing on two applications of the model: link flows and accessibility measures. Compared to the path-based approach which requires to generate choice sets, the RL model proves to make significant gains in computational time and to avoid paradoxical accessibility measure results discussed in previous works, e.g. Nassir et al. (2014).  相似文献   
Land use can influence walking (measured by the number of steps) and so the health of people. This paper presents the result of empirical research on the impact of regional population densities (inhabitants per inhabitable area) on the number of steps (all steps, both outdoors and indoors). With data collected from almost 11,000 respondents in 148 Japanese regions, we estimate polynomial regression models, the total number of steps being the dependent variable and densities being the main independent variable. Regional population density significantly affects the number of steps after controlling for individual and household attributes. The estimated population density that maximizes the number of steps is around 11,000?persons/km2. Increasing densities, up to levels of around 11,000?inhabitants/km2, could increase walking and consequently the health of inhabitants. The population density elasticity of the number of steps is 0.046–0.049 in a simple log linear regression model without a peak.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the boundedly rational route choice behavior under the Simon’s satisficing rule. A laboratory experiment was carried out to verify the participants’ boundedly rational route choice behavior. By introducing the concept of aspiration level which is specific to each person, we develop a novel model of the problem in a parallel-link network and investigate the properties of the boundedly rational user equilibrium (BRUE) state. Conditions for ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the BRUE solution are derived. A solution method is proposed to find the unique BRUE state. Extensions to general networks are conducted. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   
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