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从使用和环保的角度出发,对柴油发动机排出的三种颜色烟雾的原因及排除方法进行了论述。  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the observability issue of static O–D estimation based on link counts. Unlike most classic observability analyses that relied only on network topological relationships, our analysis incorporates the actual values of input parameters, thus including network operational relations as well. We first analyze possible mathematical properties of an O–D estimation problem with different data input. We then propose a modeling approach based on mixed-integer program for selecting model input that ensures observability and estimation quality. Through establishing a stronger connection between observability analysis and the corresponding estimation problem, the proposed method aims to improve estimation quality while reducing reliance on erroneous data.  相似文献   
The management of products’ end-of-life and the recovery of used products has gained significant importance in recent years. In this paper, we address the carbon footprint-based problem that arises in a closed-loop supply chain where returned products are collected from customers. These returned products can either be disposed of or be remanufactured to be resold as new ones. Given this environment, an optimization model for a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) in which carbon emission is expressed in terms of environmental constraints, i.e., carbon emission constraints, is developed. These constraints aim to limit the carbon emission per unit of product supplied with different transportation modes. Here, we design a closed-loop network where capacity limits, single-item management and uncertainty on product demands and returns are considered. First, fuzzy mathematical programming is introduced for uncertain modeling. Then, the statistical approach to the possibility to synthesize fuzzy information is utilized. Therefore, using a defined possibilistic mean and variance, we transform the proposed fuzzy mathematical model into a crisp form to facilitate efficient computation and analysis. Finally, the risk caused by violating the estimated resource constraints is analyzed so that decision makers (DMs) can trade off between the expected cost savings and the expected risk. We utilize data from a company located in Iran.  相似文献   
In this paper a novel solution algorithm is proposed for exactly solving simplified first order dynamic network loading (DNL) problems for any generalised network. This DNL solution algorithm, termed eLTM (event-based Link Transmission Model), is based on the seminal Lighthill–Witham–Richards (LWR) model, adopts a triangular fundamental diagram and includes a generalised first order node model formulation. Unlike virtually all DNL solution algorithms, eLTM does not rely on time discretisation, but instead adopts an event based approach. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility of yielding exact results. Furthermore, an approximate version of the same algorithm is introduced. The user can configure an a-priori threshold that dictates the approximation error (measurable a-posteriori). Using this approximation the computational effort required decreases significantly, making it especially suitable for large scale applications. The computational complexity is investigated and results are demonstrated via theoretical and real world case studies. Fixed periods of stationary demands are included adopting a matrix demand profile to mimic basic departure time demand fluctuations. Finally, the information loss of the approximate solution is assessed under different configurations.  相似文献   
City Logistics Centers (CLC) are an important part of the modern urban logistics system, and the selection of the location of a CLC has become a key problem in logistics and supply chain management. Integrating the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainable development, this paper presents a new evaluation system for the location selection of a CLC from a sustainability perspective. A fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making (FMAGDM) technique based on a linguistic 2-tuple is used to evaluate potential alternative CLC locations. In this method, the linguistic evaluation values of all the evaluation criteria are transformed into linguistic 2-tuples. A new 2-tuple hybrid ordered weighted averaging (THOWA) operator is presented to aggregate the overall evaluation values of all experts into a collective evaluation value for each alternative, which is then used to rank and select alternative CLC locations. An application example is provided to validate the method developed and to highlight the implementation, practicality, and effectiveness by comparing with the fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method.  相似文献   
化学除磷在污水处理工艺中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家和地方的排放标准的提高,大多数污水处理厂由于以前设计上的局限,处理后的水质的一些指标达不到新的标准要求。该文主要介绍广州市猎德污水处理厂在采用化学除磷过程中的一些成功经验,说明其在污水处理工艺中运用的可行性及可操作性。  相似文献   
公众出行信息服务建设在今后的几年中将是交通信息化建设的重点内容。通过对国内外公众出行信息服务系统的建设现状的分析,针对内蒙古交通公众出行信息服务的需求,提出具体的系统建设方案。  相似文献   
该文针对"白改黑"和"白加黑"工程中出现的反射裂缝,提出用共振破碎技术彻底解决这一长期困扰工程界的技术问题。并且对以前和现在常用的处理方法进行比较,阐明为什么要将板块破碎,破碎的机理是什么,用工程实例说明破碎法处理裂缝的后期效果。其内容对类似工程有一定的借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   
李波 《交通标准化》2011,(3):219-222
从预测交通量分析出发,结合互通式立交功能、既有构造物等建设条件,对互通式立交型式进行方案综合比选,从而推荐出功能完善、与既有构造物衔接良好、造价较低的互通方案。  相似文献   
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