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舰船加强筋尺寸的合理确定一直是结构设计中的热点问题。本文综合考虑总纵弯曲应力和局部载荷的相互作用,研究加强筋的许用应力折减系数(Cs)的影响因素与合理取值方法。通过分析加强筋的力学模型、对比不同规范中的Cs取值,以及用非线性有限元软件Abaqus计算一系列加筋板模型,拟合Cs曲线并与规范对比,并验证剖面对称性和局部载荷作用方向对Cs取值的影响方式,丰富了舰船局部强度校核方法的技术背景,为板架设计、舰船三维局部校核程序开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   
申莉  刘国民 《交通标准化》2015,1(1):114-121
利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了含碎石化层的沥青加铺路面结构模型,研究土基、旧路基层与碎石化层模量以及碎石化层和加铺层厚度对含碎石化层沥青加铺层路面结构的力学响应的影响,确定碎石化模量的控制范围.结果表明,荷载作用中心点及附近一定区域,沥青加铺层层底受拉;沥青加铺层层底拉应力对土基模量、旧路基层模量、碎石化层厚度不敏感,但当碎石化层模量较小(接近300MPa)或加铺层厚(大于20cm)时层底拉应力均较大,在重载作用下更大.因此碎石化道路必须验算沥青层层底拉应力指标.为使沥青层层底拉应力峰值不至于过大甚至超过容许拉应力,使得受拉区域控制在一定范围以内,同时为降低加铺层竖向剪应力及土基顶面压应变,并达到防治反射裂缝的效果,碎石化层的模量宜控制在500~1000MPa.  相似文献   
This paper describes the effect of previous heating on inherent deformation by a subsequent heating line, more specifically, the case of two heating lines intersecting (crossing) each other. The paper has been divided into two parts. In the first part, the case of single crossed heating lines is studied in detail. The second part of the paper, discusses the case of more than one crossed heating lines. The novelty of the work lies in revealing the cross effect and how, factors such as, for example, the heating condition and the plate geometry, influence the resulting inherent deformation of crossed heating. In addition, relationships to easily get these influences are provided. The results are suitable for a wide range of heating conditions and plate thickness.  相似文献   
通过有限元计算,对比几种常见的横梁端部连接方式,综合考虑结构整体强度、钢材使用量、舱室空间利用率、施工便利性等方面的影响因素,确定较优的连接过渡方式和过渡结构的参数尺寸,为船舶设计横梁端部节点形式的确定提供参考。  相似文献   
Experimental fatigue data for butt-welded joints in as-welded condition and under constant amplitude tensile loading (secondary bending included) were analyzed using the nominal stress system and the notch stress system. Two approaches were used; a standard fitting procedure and minimization of the sum of squared perpendicular distances from a line with a fixed and free slope. In all cases, the latter method gave better agreement between the experimental and predicted fatigue life and fatigue strength. The analyses showed both with all broken specimen data included and with reduced data that the FAT225 curve, as recommended by IIW, might be too optimistic for the notch stress approach in the case of butt-welded joints in as-welded condition. It was also found that use of the local stress ratio instead of the applied stress ratio might explain many issues concerning current observations and apparent inconsistencies in reported literature.  相似文献   
小直径盾构施工中管片纵向应力监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索小直径盾构法隧道在施工过程中管片纵向应力的变化规律,对北京槐房再生水厂污水隧道管片纵向应力进行了现场监测:将第976环、第1 054环管片分别设为第1和第2监测断面,2监测断面各预埋5个纵向应力计,各监测断面从本监测断面管片安装后即开始监测,当盾构掘进至第1 129环时停止监测。研究表明:1)在管片离开盾尾50环后,其纵向应力波动值小于管片拼装期间应力值的5%。2)在盾构掘进期间,管片距离盾构越远,其纵向压应力值越小。3)在管片拼装期间,管片距离盾构越远,其纵向压应力经历了先增大后减小的过程。4)管片距离盾构108环后,该管片纵向压应力趋近于0.2~0.3 MPa。5)随着盾构推进,管片纵向应力经历了4个阶段的变化过程,即周期性剧烈波动阶段—动态稳定阶段—逐渐衰减阶段—趋于稳定阶段。  相似文献   
尤显明  李沿宗 《隧道建设》2017,37(7):832-837
为了解决极高地应力软岩隧道大变形控制难题,以兰渝铁路木寨岭隧道岭脊核心段施工为例,通过现场试验和数据分析,得到如下主要结论:1)提出了"先放后抗,抗放结合,锚固加强"的变形控制理念;2)得出了该隧道岭脊核心段"超前导洞应力释放+圆形4层支护结构+径向注浆+长锚杆+长锚索"综合变形控制方案;3)超前导洞应力释放效果明显,正洞累计变形减小幅度约为34%;4)得到了圆形多层支护结构变形规律;5)累计变形均控制在设计预留变形量内,保证了该隧道岭脊核心段大变形控制效果。  相似文献   
为了解决隧道工程渗水问题,基于某隧道工程,采用MIDAS-GEN对其二次衬砌早期模筑混凝土进行非稳定温度应力场以及周围约束进行研究。研究结果表明:约束可以改变隧道的早期拉应力场的分布,具有外围约束的隧道二次衬砌的拉应力为隧道厚度中间最大,无约束隧道的拉应力为外部最大,约束可以减小隧道外部区域的拉应力,使得远离约束区域的拉应力变大,而无约束隧道的拉应力分布与之相反。根据温度应力分布特点,建议在设计方面适当增大二次衬砌中间与外侧的配筋,在施工方面减小初期支护与二次砌衬之间约束等。  相似文献   
针对某柴油机气门导管在整机台架试验过程中发生的横断和纵裂失效故障,对气门导管的材料性能、结构应力、微动磨损、热变形、装配工艺等影响因素进行了分析。分析结果表明:材料力学性能差和装配过盈量较大造成的应力集中和微动磨损是气门导管横断的主要原因;液氮人工压装的装配工艺是造成气门导管纵裂的主要原因。据此提出新方案气门导管,并通过了整机台架试验验证。  相似文献   
We sought to validate magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) for documenting the effects of rosiglitazone on rabbit atherosclerosis and the possible mechanism by treatment on the lesions.24 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into normal group, control group and treatment group.After 4 weeks, all rabbits underwent MRI.After examination, the number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) and level of lipid, glucose, nitric oxide(NO) and superoxide anion(O-2·) were measured.MRI demonstrated the regression of atherosclerotic lesions by rosiglitazone which has good correlation with histopathology.Treatment not only increased the level of EPCs and NO, but also raised the ability of inhibition of O2-·.MRI is a promising noninvasive technology to detect the effects of therapeutic interventions.Rosiglitazone slows the progression of atherosclerosis that may in part attribute to its improvement of mobilization of EPCs and the reduced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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