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张宏成 《国防交通工程与技术》2014,(4):31-33
利用改进的奇异值分解技术,用仿真信号验证了该技术对轮边减速器齿轮故障特征提取的有效性,并从模拟信号中提取出了故障特征频率。研究发现,噪声的奇异值分布趋于直线,凸显出了有用信号的奇异值,有利于特征信号提取。仿真结果表明,该方法能在强噪声背景下提取行星系统齿轮故障特征,为轮边减速器故障诊断提供了一个新的思路。 相似文献
采用GB6359-86规定的方法,运用数理坑计方法回归处理数据,归纳得出了15MnVNq桥梁钢的疲劳裂纹扩展中速区母材、焊缝和热影响区金属的Paris公式表达式,以及疲劳裂纹不扩展门槛值回归曲线△K_(th)(R)。并在疲劳断口微观形貌的研究方面进行了尝试,得到了二次裂纹影响疲劳裂纹扩展的证据。在残余应力影响紧凑拉伸(CT)试样疲劳裂纹扩展的研究方面也取得了进展。 相似文献
文中立足行政法规的实施,分析了海事危防管理在港口经营领域面临的疑难问题,提出了解决思路和管理建议。 相似文献
Application specific instance generator and a memetic algorithm for capacitated arc routing problems
Capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is a well known combinatorial problem that requires identifying minimum total distance traveled by a fleet of vehicles in order to serve a set of roads without violating the vehicles’ capacity constraints. A number of optimization algorithms have been proposed over the years to solve basic CARPs and their performance have been analyzed using selected benchmark suites available in literature. From an application point of view, there is a need to assess the performance of algorithms on specific class of instances that resemble realistic applications, e.g., inspection of electric power lines, garbage collection, winter gritting etc. In this paper we introduce a benchmark generator that controls the size and complexity of the underlying road network resembling a target application. It allows generation of road networks with multiple lanes, one-way/two-way roads and varying degree of connectedness. Furthermore, an algorithm capable of solving real life CARP instances efficiently within a fixed computational budget of evaluations is introduced. The proposed algorithm, referred to as MA-CARP, is a memetic algorithm embedded with a similarity based parent selection scheme inspired by multiple sequence alignment, hybrid crossovers and a modified neighborhood search to improve its rate of convergence. The mechanism of test instance generation is presented for three typical scenarios, namely, inspection of electric power lines, garbage collection and winter gritting. The code for the generator is available from http://seit.unsw.adfa.edu.au/research/sites/mdo/Research-Data/InstanceGenerator.rar. The performance of the algorithm is compared with a state-of-the-art algorithm for three generated benchmarks. The results obtained using the proposed algorithm are better for all the above instances clearly highlighting its potential for solving CARP problems. 相似文献
This paper describes
, an innovative multi-agent architecture for the provision of real-time decision support to Traffic Operations Center personnel for coordinated, inter-jurisdictional traffic congestion management on freeway and surface street (arterial) networks.
is composed of two interacting knowledge-based systems that perform cooperative reasoning and resolve conflicts, for the analysis of non-recurring congestion and the on-line formulation of integrated control plans. The two agents support incident management operations for a freeway and an adjacent arterial subnetwork and interact with human operators, determining control recommendations in response to the occurrence of incidents. The multi-decision maker approach adopted by
reflects the spatial and administrative organization of traffic management agencies in US cities, providing a cooperative solution that exploits the agencies’ willingness to cooperate and unify their problem-solving capabilities, yet preserves the different levels of authority and the inherent distribution of data and expertise. The interaction between the agents is based on the functionally accurate, cooperative paradigm, a distributed problem solving approach aimed at producing consistent solutions without requiring the agents to have shared access to all globally available information. The cornerstone of this approach is the assumption that effective solutions can be efficiently obtained even when complete and up-to-date information is not directly available to the agents, thus reducing the need for complex data communication networks and synchronization time delays. The simulation-based evaluation of the system performance validates this assumption. The paper focuses on the distributed architecture of the agents and on their communication and decision making characteristics. 相似文献
研究了三阶非线性方程的一类三点周期边值问题,利用Volterra型积分算子和微分不等式理论,得到了解的存在性. 相似文献
综合考虑不同结构层之间的相互作用,结合无砟板式轨道动力学模型,利用有限元软件建立车辆-轨道-路基耦合系统的动力学空间数值模型,分析了时速350 km/h高速列车在运营时正梯形和倒梯形形式路桥过渡段的动力响应。结果表明:列车荷载作用下,两种路桥过渡段的动力响应基本上一致;倒梯形过渡段的沉降量稍大于正梯形过渡段,而正梯形过渡段比倒梯形过渡段更有利于保持轨道的平顺性;路桥连接处(桥台后5 m范围内)是整个路桥过渡段的薄弱环节,应该单独考虑其设计、施工过程。综合考虑机车的各项动力学指标,建议将路桥过渡段轨面弯折角 相似文献
通过有限元分析预制T梁在不同欠张拉状态下的受力性能,确定预应力结构处于安全状态时临界值;通过足尺寸(25 m)T梁试验,分析其在荷载作用下的应变和挠度,通过实测值与理论值的比较,表明结构处于安全状态时临界值的可靠性;比较临界值与锚下有效预应力取值合理范围,得出锚下有效预应力安全性富余度。 相似文献
Abstract This paper concerns the newspaper distribution problem. It addresses the transportation of newspapers from printing plant to newsagents with distribution vehicles under various particular constraints. The objective is to minimize the distance traveled by the vehicles and/or the number of vehicles. In this study, the routes for vehicles of a leading newspaper distributor company in the Turkish press sector are examined. The problem is defined as determining optimal delivery routes for a fleet of homogeneous vehicles, starting and ending at the printing plant that is required to serve a number of geographically dispersed newsagents with known demands under capacity and time constraints, while minimizing the total distribution cost. An integar linear programming model is proposed as a solution using Cplex. Computational results demonstrate that the proposed model is fast and able to find optimal solutions for problem scenarios with up to 55 newsagents within reasonable computing times. It was found that the proposed model reduced the delivery cost by 21% on average when compared to the current manual method. The results show that this model is adequate for medium-sized distribution problems. 相似文献