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研究了混沌控制理论的时滞反馈控制算法及在该算法基础上改进的峰峰值自适应延迟反馈控制算法,得出以上算法在测量受到噪音干扰情况下,信号的峰值很难准确确定,而且控制稳定后,所得到的周期轨道不能很好重叠等不足,本文提出一种修正的峰峰值自适应延迟反馈算法,该算法通过事先给定延迟时间的变化阈值,来消除在自适应调节延迟时间过程中因测量误差带来的延迟时间的小幅波动,使轨道达到稳定的时间减小.最后使用该方法对自治Rossler系统进行控制,并用Matlab/Simulink工具箱对该系统进行了仿真验证.  相似文献   
基于价值流图析的精益生产研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
企业的生产过程实际上是价值流动并增加的过程,运用价值流图析研究企业的价值流流动情况,并根据精益生产的原理,运用拉动和流动,使企业创造价值的各个步骤不间断地流动起来,使价值流进行最高效的运动,并且消除不必要的浪费,从而使企业的利润最大化。  相似文献   
To improve predictive accuracy, new hybrid models are proposed for container throughput forecasting based on wavelet transforms and data characteristic analysis (DCA) within a decomposition-ensemble methodology. Because of the complexity and nonlinearity of the time series of container throughputs at ports, the methodology decomposes the original time series into several components, which are rather simpler sub-sequences. Consequently, difficult forecasting tasks are simplified into a number of relatively easier subtasks. In this way, the proposed hybrid models can improve the accuracy of forecasting significantly. In the methodology, four main steps are involved: data decomposition, component reconstruction based on the DCA, individual prediction for each reconstructed component, and ensemble prediction as the final output. An empirical analysis was conducted for illustration and verification purposes by using time series of container throughputs at three main ports in Bohai Rim, China. The results suggest that the proposed hybrid models are able to forecast better than do other benchmark models. Forecasting may facilitate effective real-time decision making for strategic management and policy drafting. Predictions of container throughput can help port managers make tactical and operational decisions, such as operations planning in ports, the scheduling of port equipment, and route optimization.  相似文献   
时间因素在协同作战中作用日益凸显。首先对简单时间约束网络进行了分析,而后根据时间约束网络,对航空兵协同时间约束进行了定量化,将定量时间约束转化为 STCN要求的不等式形式,给出了时间协同STCN模型建模的具体流程,最后,建立了基于 STCN的d个协同动作时间约束模型。  相似文献   
以南港工业区造陆五区工程为依托,根据现场试验取得的数据,总结分析了含水量随深度的变化规律、各层含水量随时间的变化规律以及含水量与高程之间的对应关系,计算得出南港区域淤泥质吹填土由高含水量的淤泥状态到表层1 m范围内的土体含水量都小于85%,需要经过2 a左右的晾晒时间,初始吹填高程为6.91 m以上,才能满足验收要求。从工程实施结果看具有良好的效果,也为今后类似工程提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
方宁  李燕林 《机电设备》2005,22(4):29-31
分析了空调自控系统的主要特性,并介绍了一种基于组合自校正控制策略的自适应控制算法,同时采取一些解决工程实际问题的辅助措施,以增强系统的抗干扰能力和对未建模动态、时变参数的鲁棒性.  相似文献   
指出了双参数法微分方程在公式推导与参数取值方面存在的不足,对微分方程中深度的幂数进行了修正并推导出计算公式。修正参数后的推导公式克服了原公式取值只能为正整数1和有限个小数的缺陷,使取值可取任意整数和小数,从而拓宽了参数的取值范围。当桩在弯矩和水平力共同作用时,利用桩的边值问题可求得桩身各截面的弯矩、剪力、位移、转角。实例计算证明,用修正后的幂数作为参数,推导正确,取值灵活且与实测值很接近。  相似文献   
对平面钢框架算例模型分别采用质点系、双翼鱼刺型和杆系振动模型输入天然和人工地震波进行地震响应时程分析.在分析中,与质点系振动模型相关的结构侧移刚度矩阵由反弯点法、D值法、非线性静力分析法以及柔度法确定;与双翼鱼刺型振动模型相关的结构侧移刚度矩阵由双鱼刺法确定;与杆系振动模型相关的结构侧移刚度矩阵由矩阵位移法确定.通过算例讨论了采用上述不同方法确定的结构侧移刚度对结构地震响应影响.  相似文献   
As a result of frequent marine disasters leading to the loss of human life and pollution of vast areas of the ocean, ship manoeuvrability has become a very important characteristic of ship design. Among several recent experimental techniques to determine ship manoeuvrability, the most popular is captive model testing using a planar motion mechanism (PMM). This article describes some tests, analyses, and results of PMM tests in a circulating water channel (CWC) using a model of a training ship. The hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on a model of the training ship Shioji Maru in pure yawing motion were measured, and hydrodynamic derivatives were obtained using two different methods of analysis: singular value decomposition (a least-squares fit method) and Fourier analysis. Derivatives obtained from the tests were used to simulate the turning trajectory of the actual ship, and these were compared with the results of sea trials. The results indicate that both methods of analysis yield fairly similar derivatives. The simulation results were also found to be a close match with the trial results. Received: February 7, 2002 / Accepted: May 14, 2002 Address correspondence to: K. Shoji (shoji@ipc.tosho-u.ac.jp)  相似文献   
导管架由驳船上滑移下水,首先在倾斜的驳船上由外力(液压缸或绞车)推动克服滑靴与滑道间的静摩擦力,其后在倾斜的滑道上靠自身重力的作用滑移,最后通过下水驳船的摇臂滑入水中。在此过程中,应考虑到导管架的运动轨迹是否安全稳定(如导管架和泥面的安全间隙)、导管架是否以安全的方式脱离摇臂、导管架最终的漂浮位置是否稳定以及驳船的倾角等方面。采用时域分析法对导管架重心的轨迹进行计算和分析。  相似文献   
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