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为了合理科学组织医院周边及内部交通,避免重现目前深圳大型医院周边普遍存在的交通拥堵、停车困难、进院车辆排队、的士乘坐不便等交通问题,以深圳市为例,分析现状大型医院周边存在的道路交通问题和产生原因,提出完善周边道路交通设施、大力发展公共交通、合理规划医院布局、建立科学有效的交通组织体系等改善对策.  相似文献   
The management of vehicle travel times has been shown to be fundamental to traffic network analysis. To collect travel time measurement, some methods focus solely on isolated links or highway segments, and where two measurement points, at the beginning and at the end of a section, are deemed sufficient to evaluate users' travel time. However, in many cases, transport studies involve networks in which the problem is more complex. This article takes advantage of the plate scanning technique to propose an algorithm that minimizes the required number of registering devices and their location in order to identify vehicles candidates to compute the travel times of a given set of routes (or subroutes). The merits of the proposed method are explained using simple examples and are illustrated by its application to the real network of Ciudad Real.  相似文献   

The deterministic traffic assignment problem based on Wardrop's first criterion of traffic network utilization has been widely studied in the literature. However, the assumption of deterministic travel times in these models is restrictive, given the large degree of uncertainty prevalent in urban transportation networks. In this context, this paper proposes a robust traffic assignment model that generalizes Wardrop's principle of traffic network equilibrium to networks with stochastic and correlated link travel times and incorporates the aversion of commuters to unreliable routes.

The user response to travel time uncertainty is modeled using the robust cost (RC) measure (defined as a weighted combination of the mean and standard deviation of path travel time) and the corresponding robust user equilibrium (UE) conditions are defined. The robust traffic assignment problem (RTAP) is subsequently formulated as a Variational Inequality problem. To solve the RTAP, a Gradient Projection algorithm is proposed, which involves solving a series of minimum RC path sub-problems that are theoretically and practically harder than deterministic shortest path problems. In addition, an origin-based heuristic is proposed to enhance computational performance on large networks. Numerical experiments examine the computational performance and convergence characteristics of the exact algorithm and establish the accuracy and efficiency of the origin-based heuristic on various real-world networks. Finally, the proposed RTA model is applied to the Chennai road network using empirical data, and its benefits as a normative benchmark are quantified through comparisons against the standard UE and System Optimum (SO) models.  相似文献   
水中悬浮隧道交通荷载模拟方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁波  蒋博林 《隧道建设》2017,37(10):1232-1238
为研究水中悬浮隧道交通荷载的合理模拟方法以及交通荷载对隧道结构的影响,借鉴铁路、公路交通荷载的模拟方法,综合考虑车辆轮载、路面不平度、行车速度以及外部激励荷载等影响因素的共同作用,提出水中悬浮隧道交通荷载的模拟表达式。通过数值模拟计算,分析悬浮隧道交通荷载的变化特征,并研究不同交通荷载模拟方法对悬浮隧道结构振动位移响应的影响。结果表明:文章提出的交通荷载模拟方法计算结果符合移动振动荷载的波动性和周期性特征。在对结构振动位移响应影响方面,固定均布荷载相当于静载,移动集中荷载和移动振动荷载时的位移变化幅值相对固定均布荷载时的大且影响相似,但移动振动荷载时的振幅稍大,体现了交通荷载中动荷载部分对结构振动位移响应的影响,更适合用来模拟悬浮隧道中的交通荷载。  相似文献   
大型活动交通影响评价方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大型活动吸引和产生的突增交通量会造成周边地区的交通拥挤。通过比较大型活动与大型商业建设项目的交通影响评价特点和分析大型活动交通管理的影响因素,分别针对“提供一次性服务的大型活动”和“提供长效服务的大型活动”,设计了交通需求的预测方法。以交叉口服务水平分析方法为基础,提出一种了大型活动的交通影响评价方法。以长春市南岭体育场举办的“中国足球甲A联赛”为对象,运用Vissim微观交通仿真软件对所提出的方法进行了初步验证。结果表明,在大型活动条件下,所提出的方法能够确定需要进行交通管制的空间范围。  相似文献   
韩冬  张蕊 《城市交通》2008,6(6):33-40
为了解各类行人仿真模型的性能差异和适用范围,以选取适当模型进行交通枢纽行人仿真,对两种典型行人仿真模型进行研究。依据模型对行人行为描述的复杂程度,将行人仿真模型分为运动模型、部分行为模型、行为模型3类,并分别介绍了各自的特点。选取典型的运动模型软件STEPS和行为模型软件NOMAD,详细探讨其采用的数学模型,并通过4个仿真实例对比分析这两种模型的特点。分析结果得出两种模型在宏观与微观层面的异同点以及存在的问题。  相似文献   
This paper describes two identity-based broadcast encryption(IBBE) schemes for mobile ad hoc networks.The first scheme proposed achieves sub-linear size cipertexts and the second scheme achieves O(1)-size ciphertexts.Furthermore, when the public keys are transmitted, the two schemes have short transmissions and achieve O(1) user storage cost, which are important for a mobile ad hoc network.Finally, the proposed schemes are provable security under the decision generalized bilinear Di?-Hellman(GBDH) assumption in the random oracles model.  相似文献   
国家体育场作为北京奥运会的主会场成功地承担了开闭幕式和田径赛事任务。本文研究了其停车场车辆的交通疏散问题,制定了疏散方案。首先,分析了国家体育场停车场和泊位布局及车辆疏散的具体条件。其次,通过给定环境的场景和参数设定,对具体的奥运场馆停车场车辆的疏散方案进行了仿真和评价。最后,利用奥运会开幕式的车辆疏散实测数据进行了对比分析,在仿真中要员和贵宾车辆的总疏散时间为26min,而奥运会开幕式车辆疏散实测结果表明,全部要员、贵宾疏散完毕,共用时27min,从而验证了车辆疏散方案的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   
交通需求管理(TDM)已成为保障奥运会期间突增交通需求的必要手段。本文在综合奥运会交通需求特性和对比往届奥运会TDM政策要点的基础上,从控制机动车使用、设置奥运专用道、公共交通保障、错时上下班及人性化保障等5个方面阐述TDM政策在北京奥运会中的应用,并从政策综合性、可操作性、接受程度及政策实施效果等4个角度对该TDM政策进行效果评价。数据表明:TDM政策的实施使道路交通流量下降22.5%,早高峰路网平均车速提高28.5%,122报警量下降,公共交通客运量大幅上升,且公共交通的出行比例达45%以上,有效均衡了交通需求,达到预期目标。  相似文献   
���˷����ڰ��˳����е�Ӧ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型活动人员密集、场地条件相对复杂,需要有效的行人交通规划和组织管理方案。2008北京奥运会的举办对主办方的行人交通组织和规划工作提出了严峻的挑战。本文介绍了应用仿真工具辅助奥运会期间行人设施和交通组织方案设计的分析方法。在把握行人交通特点和奥运会行人集散特点基础上,采集北京赛事活动中的行人交通流数据,标定模型参数,设计仿真方法。结合仿真结果,综合分析行人设施和管理方案,提出行人设施及行人疏散组织方案的优化建议,并以北京奥运会的主会场——国家体育场为例对方法应用进行说明。奥运会期间国家体育场及场馆外围行人交通运行的实际效果证明了相关方案和建议是可行和有效的。  相似文献   
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