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化学类抑制冻结铺装技术是国外提出来的一种抵抗冬季暗冰的一种新技术手段,并取得了良好的应用效果。我国大部分地区冬季气候湿冷,易产生暗冰,并导致交通事故发生率的逐年增长,抗暗冰材料的研发对提高我国冬季交通安全和填补我国抗暗冰技术的空白有非常重大的社会和经济意义。该文对国内自主研发的一款新型抗暗冰填料的应用性能研究作了介绍,可供同行参考。  相似文献   
采用LS-DYNA有限元软件建立极地物探船的船-水域-海冰有限元模型,计算得到该型船在设计破冰厚度和设计航速下的冰载荷量和冰载荷时程曲线,并进一步研究冰体单元尺寸对冰载荷计算结果的影响。研究表明,冰载荷最大值随冰体有限元单元尺寸减小而减小。对比相关冰载荷经验公式计算结果,最终确定合理的冰体单元尺寸。研究结果对极地物探船的结构设计和结构安全性评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在季节性冰冻河流开江过程中,特别是武开江,较大体积的流凌会对堤防、护岸等水工建筑物构成严重威胁,甚至可聚集成冰塞或冰坝,造成水位短时抬高,导致漫滩或决堤,造成人民生命财产的损失。为探究流凌演进规律,有效预防流凌灾害,建立了流凌演进原型试验方法,开展松花江汤原河段流凌演进原型试验研究。通过RTK测量不同模型粒子的运动轨迹和撞击护岸现象,结合当地风速测量数据,探究流场要素、风速以及河道地形对流凌运动的影响;明晰流凌撞击护岸的影响因素以及堤防可能发生破坏的地点和形式。为揭示冰坝、冰塞形成机理提供理论参考,为堤防合理布局和维护提供指导依据。  相似文献   
为解决目前冬季融冰雪成本高、环保性差的问题,首先基于医学制药中的缓控释思想,确定涂层材料的组成,为使表面能较高的亲水性填料、补强剂与表面能较低的树脂能有效结合,采用偶联剂对组分中的填料和补强剂进行表面改性处理,用高分子纤维素分别制备疏水型与亲水型包衣溶液,对环保型融雪剂进行包衣成膜,研究其微观形貌以评价成膜状况;然后通过融冰雪试验确定涂层溶液的最佳涂刷量,研究涂层的抗黏附性能与缓释持久性,通过分析涂层的微观形貌特征,揭示其缓控释融冰雪机理;最后分别通过研究融冰雪涂层的耐水性、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性分析其耐久性能,通过分别分析融冰雪涂层对植物生长和金属腐蚀的影响以评价其环保性能。研究结果表明:亲水型与疏水型包衣溶液的掺配比例是1:8,环保型主动融冰雪涂层溶液的最佳涂刷量为0.65 kg·m-2,融冰雪涂层具有良好的缓释持久性和抗黏附性能;在融冰雪过程中,包衣薄膜吸水溶胀,溶解缠绕在包衣薄膜表面的亲水型高分子纤维素,使镶嵌在包衣表面的抗黏剂及致孔剂碎片脱落,在包衣薄膜表面形成孔洞,渗出融雪剂晶体,包衣薄膜成功地发挥缓释作用;水进入包衣膜内后溶解融雪剂,浓度升高,渗透压增大,融雪溶液便渗出包衣薄膜,融化冰雪;环保型主动融冰雪涂层具有良好的经济、环保和耐久性。  相似文献   
冰区航行船舶冰阻力研究方法综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
船舶在冰区航行时的冰阻力性能一直是国内外关注和研究的重点。冰阻力的研究主要集中在经验方法、数值模拟和实验研究三个方面。同时,由于冰区船舶在航行过程中频繁地与冰层或浮冰产生碰撞,海冰的材料结构和力学性质对冰阻力的研究有重要影响。文章从冰的物理力学特性出发,简要回顾几种重要的冰本构关系模型及其适用性;并从经验方法及试验与数值模拟相结合两个角度,回顾和讨论浮冰区和平整冰区中船舶的冰阻力性能研究进展;最后,基于研究现状提出尚需进一步解决的问题。文章旨在介绍冰区船舶冰阻力性能的研究进展,望能为后续冰阻力研究提供参考。  相似文献   
分析了冰雪对公交车辆运行影响的3个方面,建立了基于乘客等待费用最小化、公交线路效益最大化的发车间隔优化模型,研究冰雪条件下发车间隔的确定方法,为冰雪条件下公交线路的运营调度提供建议.结合实例分析了冰雪条件下公交线路调度方案的制定办法.  相似文献   
针对电动汽车存在充电续航问题与传统燃油汽车存在环境污染问题的矛盾,本文提出共 享汽车混合车队规模优化方法。首先,在不考虑成本条件下,分析动态车辆调度和实时调度员分 配对共享汽车系统需求满足和车辆利用的影响。然后,针对由传统内燃汽车、混合动力汽车、插 入式混合动力汽车和纯电动汽车构成的混合共享汽车系统,考虑车辆调度和调度员分配,以运营 商利润最大化为目标,CO2排放量和道路拥堵为约束,构建混合车队规模优化模型。通过Matlab 调用Gurobi求解器求解上述混合整数线性规划模型。最后,以成都市为例,分析不同CO2排放量 约束,以及车辆调度对共享汽车运营商利润、不同类型的车队规模、车辆利用率和用户需求满足 率的影响。同时,比较单一车队和混合车队共享汽车系统,结果显示,混合车队和单一插入式混 合动力车队可以实现经济效益和环境效益的双赢,是目前最适合共享汽车系统发展的模式。  相似文献   
近年来,极地冰区航运成为关注热点,第24届北极条件下港口和海洋工程国际会议(The 24th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions)的召开旨在为广大极地航运的专家学者提供相互交流学习的平台.从北极冰区港口和海洋工程安全保障技术角度,对本次国际会议的报告内容进行介绍和分析,并从多角度详细阐述了北极海冰遥感监测技术、北极冰区冰载荷分析、极地规则与法律和极地船舶航行风险评估等研究的发展前沿,对当今世界上极地研究的核心脉络进行梳理和把握.针对极地冰区船舶航行及安全保障的研究热点,展望了极地冰区航运研究的发展趋势,并对未来极地冰区船舶航行的研究重点提出建议,旨在抓住极地船舶航行的发展机遇.  相似文献   
Helicopter-borne sensors have been used since the early 1990s to monitor ice properties in support of winter marine transportation along the east coast of Canada. The observations are used in ice chart production and to validate ice hazard identification algorithms using satellite advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) imagery. In this study we evaluated the sensors' additional capability to monitor the freshwater plume characteristic beneath land-fast ice. During the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) data were collected over the Mackenzie Delta in the southern Beaufort Sea where a buoyant river plume exists. Results showed that the electromagnetic–laser system could describe not only the ice properties but also the horizontal distribution of the freshwater plume depths that decreased in depth stepwise offshore as the flow of the buoyant plume was restricted by a series of ridge-rubble fields running parallel to the coast. Relative to the 2 m mean ice thickness, the plume layer depth varied from zero under mobile offshore pack ice to 3 m inshore of the third set of ridge-rubble fields.  相似文献   
Protist abundance and taxonomic composition were determined in four development stages of newly formed sea ice (new ice, nilas, young ice and thin first-year ice) and in the underlying surface waters of the Canadian Beaufort Sea from 30 September to 19 November 2003. Pico- and nanoalgae were counted by flow cytometry whereas photosynthetic and heterotrophic protists ≥ 4 µm were identified and counted by inverted microscopy. Protists were always present in sea ice and surface water samples throughout the study period. The most abundant protists in sea ice and surface waters were cells < 4 µm. They were less abundant in sea ice (418–3051 × 103 cells L− 1) than in surface waters (1393–5373 × 103 cells L− 1). In contrast, larger protists (≥ 4 µm) were more abundant in sea ice (59–821 × 103 cells L− 1) than in surface waters (22–256 × 103 cells L− 1). These results suggest a selective incorporation of larger cells into sea ice. The ≥ 4 µm protist assemblage was composed of a total number of 73 taxa, including 12 centric diatom species, 7 pennate diatoms, 11 dinoflagellates and 16 flagellates. The taxonomic composition in the early stage of ice formation (i.e., new ice) was very similar to that observed in surface waters and was composed of a mixed population of nanoflagellates (Prasinophyceae and Prymnesiophyceae), diatoms (mainly Chaetoceros species) and dinoflagellates. In older stages of sea ice (i.e., young ice and thin first-year ice), the taxonomic composition became markedly different from that of the surface waters. These older ice samples contained relatively fewer Prasinophyceae and more unidentified nanoflagellates than the younger ice. Diatom resting spores and dinoflagellate cysts were generally more abundant in sea ice than in surface waters. However, further studies are needed to determine the importance of this winter survival strategy in Arctic sea ice. This study clearly shows the selective incorporation of large cells (≥ 4 µm) in newly formed sea ice and the change in the taxonomic composition of protists between sea ice and surface waters as the fall season progresses.  相似文献   
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