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论述了真然高性能矿渣水泥配制高性能混凝土的性能优势以及对所制作的高性能混凝土的各项性能的试验研究,包括混凝土强度、流动性、耐久性能、体积稳定性和断裂力学行为等,利用普通硅酸盐水泥配制的混凝土作对比性试验。研究结果表明,真然高性能矿渣水泥配制混凝土的力学和耐久性能指标达到了用同标号北京琉璃河水泥厂的普通硅酸盐水泥配制混凝土的相应性能指标,可以用于各搅拌站混凝土及一些有特殊性能要求的高性能混凝土的拌制。  相似文献   
分体冷却式柴油机缸盖水套的CFD分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用CFD技术对一高速柴油机缸盖水套进行了分析。介绍了缸盖水套结构调整的基本原则及其计算网格的选取方法,并对3种方案的缸盖冷却流场进行了分析。指出,进一步减小沿进气道侧两缸相邻区域连接截面的面积,可以显著减少沿该侧的冷却液流量,增加沿着排气道侧和喷油器侧的冷却液流量。如在缸盖底部排气门侧加导流盘结构,其冷却效果更好。  相似文献   
Several significant events between 2007 and 2009 impacted flight demands and the abilities of the three major New York area airports to handle demand. This paper assesses the results of applying a probabilistic simulation method – which isolates the individual contributions of changes in flight demand and changes in airport throughput performance to changes in flight delays – to diagnose how these different events may have caused operational changes at these airports, and in turn, how the results may be used to inform policies for appropriate countermeasures. The analysis revealed two key observations. Firstly, certain patterns in throughput performance shifts caused the most significant delays, and were more likely to have been caused by controller staffing issues rather than caps. Secondly, relatively constant average delays from one year to the next may result from significant demand drops accompanied by large throughput performance degradations at an airport. This suggests that not only operational limitations on capacity encourage airlines to reduce schedules, but that changed demands can also impact throughput performance. Overall, the analysis indicates that caps may not have provided their fully intended delay benefits. Although they successfully reduced overall flight demands at LGA and JFK, they also directly limited throughput performance at critical times, in turn limiting delay benefits. In addition, demands at the busiest times of the day appear to be relatively inelastic to these operational limitations, insofar as demand profiles at EWR and JFK remained “peaky” in 2008 and 2009. Also, the recession was largely responsible for reducing demands at the airports in 2009, but the delay benefits of this were dampened by a corresponding throughput performance degradation. Based on the above observations, a more direct demand management policy combined with policies that focus on maintaining high staffing capabilities at critical times of the day may be considered, to reduce the likelihood of major queue formation on days that do experience sustained demands. The results also suggest that a more flexible caps system, particularly during times of heavy queues, could be explored. Although airport practitioners have keen understandings of how their airports operate, without the support of quantitative analysis tools, it can be more difficult to argue the need for appropriate countermeasures. An analysis such as the one presented here can provide the detailed quantitative substantiation required to build cases for these targeted policy directives and infrastructure investments.  相似文献   
Estimation/updating of Origin–Destination (OD) flows and other traffic state parameters is a classical, widely adopted procedure in transport engineering, both in off-line and in on-line contexts. Notwithstanding numerous approaches proposed in the literature, there is still room for considerable improvements, also leveraging the unprecedented opportunity offered by information and communication technologies and big data. A key issue relates to the unobservability of OD flows in real networks – except from closed highway systems – thus leading to inherent difficulties in measuring performance of OD flows estimation/updating methods and algorithms. Starting from these premises, the paper proposes a common evaluation and benchmarking framework, providing a synthetic test bed, which enables implementation and comparison of OD estimation/updating algorithms and methodologies under “standardized” conditions. The framework, implemented in a platform available to interested parties upon request, has been flexibly designed and allows comparing a variety of approaches under various settings and conditions. Specifically, the structure and the key features of the framework are presented, along with a detailed experimental design for the application of different dynamic OD flow estimation algorithms. By way of example, applications to both off-line/planning and on-line algorithms are presented, together with a demonstration of the extensibility of the presented framework to accommodate additional data sources.  相似文献   
Assessing sustainability of supply chains is a critical and increasingly complex problem. In recent years sustainability has received more attention in supply chain management (SCM) literature with triple bottom lines including social, environmental, and economic factors. Conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models consider decision making units (DMUs) as black boxes that consume a set of inputs to produce a set of outputs and do not take into consideration internal interactions of DMUs. Two-stage DEA models deal with such DMUs. However, existing two-stage DEA models are applicable only in technologies characterized by positive inputs/outputs. This paper aims to build and present a new two-stage DEA model considering negative input-intermediate-output data. Some numerical examples along with some theorems and properties are given to show capability of proposed method. The proposed ideas are used in a case study where 29 Iranian supply chains producing equipment of expendable medical devices are evaluated in terms of sustainability.  相似文献   
基于模糊时间Petri网的列车运行时间不确定性问题的处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定义一种应用于铁路列车运行系统的模糊时间Petri网;针对列车运行时间存在的不确定性,该Petri网引入了4个模糊集理论函数:模糊时间片、模糊使能时间、模糊发生时间和模糊延迟,来处理时间的不确定性问题;能够对列车运行过程中的时间不确定性问题进行定量分析,可以有效应用于列车交会、列车终到时间、列车运行计划调整的分析等;其相对于已有的方法具有精确分析、计算简单、简化系统、便于系统集成的特点。  相似文献   
北京地铁4号线和伦敦地铁都是通过公私合营(PPP)的方式与融资能力强、具有一定经验的社会资本合作,北京地铁4号线自2009年开通以来一直运行良好,伦敦地铁PPP项目在运营不到7年就宣布破产.运用比较分析方法从融资结构、运营管理和合同履行3个方面对北京地铁4号线和伦敦地铁进行分析,发现伦敦地铁失败的原因主要是其融资结构不合理、竞争机制不完善、契约精神缺失,并针对这些问题为以后PPP项目的实践提出3点建议:1)在伙伴选择方面,引入竞争机制,项目公司市场化运营;2)优化融资结构,合理分担风险;3)强化契约精神,加强政府监管.  相似文献   
针对一些水印算法存在的不足提出一种基于离散小波变换的适于版权保护的数字音频盲水印算法。算法对能量的概念作了新的定义,对其设计原理和过程作了理论分析和实验验证。算法实现时先分帧音频并对各帧作n级离散小波变换,然后计算n级小波系数近似分量前后两部分的能量比值,并放大;再将放大后的比值修改为奇数或者偶数以嵌入水印,最后按与嵌入时相同的比例缩小第n级小波系数近似分量的前半部分并作小波逆变换,得到水印音频。算法根据n级小波系数近似分量前后两部分能量放大后比值的奇偶性提取水印,实现水印的盲检测,提取水印不需原始音频。采用混沌加密水印信号,缩放因子也是密钥,算法安全性得到双重保护。仿真结果证明了算法的鲁棒性和不可感知性。  相似文献   
廖宇  唐平 《铁道工程学报》2012,(7):67-70,92
研究目的:铁路站房有大量的旅客滞留,同时站房内设有供配电系统、建筑智能化以及客运服务、通信、信号等运输调度系统,为了保证人员、设备和运输生产的安全,必须做好站房的直击雷和雷击电磁脉冲防护,本文对站房的防雷接地进行系统研究,指出设计中的关键点。研究结论:通过分析得出:(1)铁路综合站房的雷电防护应采用外部防雷和内部防雷相结合的手段;(2)等电位联结是所有防雷措施中最为关键的一条;(3)综合接地1Ω的要求并不是每座建筑物都应满足。  相似文献   
Transit agencies implement many strategies in order to provide an attractive transportation service. This article aims to evaluate the impacts of implementing a combination of strategies, designed to improve the bus transit service, on running time and passenger satisfaction. These strategies include using smart card fare collection, introducing limited-stop bus service, implementing reserved bus lanes, using articulated buses, and implementing transit signal priority (TSP). This study uses stop-level data collected from the Société de transport de Montréal (STM)’s automatic vehicle location (AVL) and automatic passenger count (APC) systems, in Montréal, Canada. The combination of these strategies has lead to a 10.5% decline in running time along the limited stop service compared to the regular service. The regular route running time has increased by 1% on average compared to the initial time period. The study also shows that riders are generally satisfied with the service improvements. They tend to overestimate the savings associated with the implementation of this combination of strategies by 3.5-6.0 min and by 2.5-4.1 min for both the regular route and the limited stop service, respectively. This study helps transit planners and policy makers to better understand the effects of implementing a combination of strategies to improve running time and passenger’s perception of these changes in service.  相似文献   
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