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为明确螺旋匝道和螺旋桥处的驾驶行为模式和汽车运行特征,在涪陵长江一桥、乌江二桥、重庆融侨大道和涪陵金凯环形高架4处地点开展螺旋匝道实车试验,用车载仪器采集自然驾驶状态下的汽车连续行驶轨迹、速度以及周围行驶环境等信息。基于自然驾驶数据,研究螺旋匝道范围内的速度变化模式、幅值特性以及影响因素。研究结果表明:单车道螺旋匝道的速度变化模式多样化,双车道螺旋匝道的行驶速度在整体上维持稳定,匝道范围内的连续升坡和降坡并未导致速度出现趋势性衰减和趋势性升高;螺旋匝道并入主线时,驾驶人在合流鼻之前有明显的、共性的减速行为,这与现行设计标准中的设计假定相反;除涪陵长江一桥之外,其余3处都是下行速度低于上行速度;螺旋匝道设计速度越低,实测速度与设计速度之间的偏离越严重,并且速度幅值离散化,因此不建议使用20 km·h-1的匝道设计速度;螺旋匝道运行速度与匝道半径成正相关。  相似文献   
In the process of the change to mixed ownership of Chinese ports, the allocation of human resources has become increasingly important because of the workforce’s growing concerns regarding losses of benefits. The mediating effect of organizational commitment in the relationship between person-organization fit and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can provide a significant reference for port managers and regulators, i.e., the government, regarding the framework of human resource systems. The data examined in this study were collected from three Chinese ports (Qingdao Port, Yantai Port and Rizhao Port) that are in the process of changing to mixed ownership. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the hypotheses. The results show that it is extremely difficult for groups with vested interests in Chinese ports to achieve consistency fit in the short term and to accept potential losses. Moreover, it is imperative to adopt a scientific and efficient person-organization fit mechanism and personnel system to achieve a higher level of fit.  相似文献   
层流等离子体表面强化技术可大幅提高钢轨表面的硬度和耐磨性。为了揭示强化处理对轮轨滚动接触行为的影响,建立同时考虑钢轨表面选区强化和短波波磨的三维轮轨瞬态滚动接触有限元模型,数值计算了车轮高速滚过一个波磨周期的轮轨力、接触斑黏滑分布和残余应力应变。对比发现:表面选区强化对轮轨力和接触斑黏滑分布的影响较小,不影响钢轨承载性能;对钢轨表面残余应力应变分布的影响明显,残余应力主要集中在屈服强度较高的强化斑内而残余应变主要集中在韧性较好的基体材料上,表面选区强化有效结合了强化斑和基体材料的力学性能,形成了一种强韧的良好匹配。结果可为现场生产服务提供一定的理论指导和应用参考。  相似文献   
为探究城市交通出行强度影响因素及不同因素的影响程度,本文从土地利用与交通基础设施建设两方面出发,分析包括土地利用混合指数,职住混合率熵指数,公共交通站点 500 m覆盖率,路网可达性等17个指标与出行强度的相关关系;基于相关系数和拟合优度分析,提取7个与出行强度强相关指标,基于所识别指标构建北京市中心城区出行强度多元回归模型.模型结果表明,职住混合率熵指数对出行强度的影响最为显著,公共交通站点覆盖率对出行强度的影响比道路网密度和可达性更为明显.此外,给出单一土地利用/交通基础设施指标对出行强度拟合结果的离群特征分析方法,用于评估不同区域基础设施供给与交通出行需求之间的平衡关系.  相似文献   
为剖析家庭属性差异对大学生出行方式选择行为的影响,基于非集计理论,构建家庭属性差异的大学生出行选择多元Logit 模型. 根据四川省2 571 份大学生出行行为调查问卷,运用SPSS 软件标定模型参数,获取影响大学生出行选择的主要家庭属性因素,并进行敏感性分析. 结果表明:家庭平均年收入、经济净流对大学生出行方式选择有显著的影响;以航空运输为参考,家庭平均年收入、经济净流对公路运输方式选择的影响大于铁路运输;“祖辈替孙辈购买机票”的折扣票务形式可提高大学生选择航空出行的概率.  相似文献   
分析驾驶员在冰雪条件下的驾驶行为特性,建立考虑驾驶员行为特性的跟驰模型,有助于丰富现有交通流理论.通过招募驾驶员开展实车跟驰试验,对比分析正常条件与冰雪条件下的驾驶行为差异.进而基于任务难度均衡理论构建包含人类因素参数的任务难度模块,引入改进后的智能驾驶员模型,并采用车辆轨迹数据对模型进行标定和有效性验证.研究表明:驾驶员在跟驰行驶过程中受外界刺激及自身驾驶能力影响时会对车辆行驶状态进行动态调整,试图保持期望间距,且速度与前车一致的状态;冰雪条件下驾驶员采取风险补偿行为,其车头时距波动幅度较正常条件收窄,模型引入人类因素参数可以较好地描述其差异性. 模型有效性验证表明,新模型在6个仿真场景中的表现都优于传统智能驾驶员模型,且表现出更好的鲁棒性.研究结果可为冰雪条件下的交通管理措施制定提供理论支持.  相似文献   
为准确评估新冠肺炎疫情期间的出行感染风险,在对出行行为进行全出行链建模基础上提出出行风险评估模型.基于江苏省确诊病例流行病学调查报告和线上问卷调查数据,分别对病毒携带者和普通出行者出行行为模型进行参数标定,对比分析病毒携带者和普通出行者出行行为的异同.进一步对疫情期间不同出行方式和出行活动进行感染风险评估. 得到结论:交通管制措施可有效降低出行感染风险,就医出行风险明显高于其他出行活动,差旅在疫情传播初期风险较高,非机动车出行风险相对较低.  相似文献   
手机信令数据不仅记录个体出行轨迹,也为分析城市活动空间分布特征提供了基础.本文提出一种基于狄利克雷混合模型的城市活动特征聚类方法,以手机信令提取居民出行OD为基础,将每个基站的到发出行量作为表征该基站所处空间位置的活动特征,研究特征的聚类方法.引入狄利克雷分布作为先验分布,由中餐馆模型推定特征聚类数量.与其他聚类方法相比,该方法最大的优点在于无需事先指定聚类数量,避免了传统聚类方法的缺陷.将本文方法应用到三亚市城市活动特征聚类当中,结果能够有效地反应不同城市功能组团的活动特征.  相似文献   
This study uses the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data to investigate the most recent correlates of vehicle ownership among young Americans. This study performs a spatial analysis to examine the potentially non-stationary relationships between sociodemographic factors and vehicle ownership. Consistent with previous studies, modeling results from this study showed that young Americans are more likely to be carless than older adults. The spatial analysis answers the research question – in which regions(s) young Americans are even less likely to have a car. The results highlighted the Northeast states for the young American’s extra-lower vehicle ownership if the influences of all other factors are held constant. The cost of living and availability of transportation alternatives are possible reasons. Further, this study built separate models for young adults (25–34 years old) and three older age groups. The vehicle ownership correlates within the young adults are found to be generally consistent with the correlates among all adults. Among young adults, vehicle ownership is still significantly related to their gender, educational attainment, employment status, household characteristics, and travel demand. However, young adults’ vehicle ownership seems to be less sensitive to household income than mid-age adults’ (35–44 years old), perhaps because young people may not perceive financial stress such as child support and mortgage. This study contributes by using a spatial analysis approach to reveal the non-stationary correlates of vehicle ownership. This approach is useful for future travel behavior research and transportation policy considering the spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Understanding the patterns of automobile travel demand can help formulate policies to alleviate congestion and pollution. This study focuses on the influence of land use and household properties on automobile travel demand. Car license plate recognition (CLPR) data, point-of-interest (POI) data, and housing information data were utilized to obtain automobile travel demand along with the land use and household properties. A geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) model was adopted to deal with both the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of travel demand. The spatial-temporal patterns of GTWR coefficients were analyzed. Also, comparative analyses were carried out between automobile and total person travel demand, and among travel demand of taxis, heavily-used private cars, and total automobiles. The results show that: (I) The GTWR model has significantly higher accuracy compared with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model and the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model, which means the GTWR model can measure both the spatial and temporal heterogeneity with high precision; (II) The influence of built environment and household properties on automobile travel demand varies with space and time. In particular, the temporal distribution of regression coefficients shows significant peak phenomenon; and (III) Comparative analyses indicate that residents’ preference for automobiles over other travel modes varies with their travel purpose and destination. The above findings indicate that the proposed method can not only model spatial-temporal heterogeneous travel demand, but also provide a way to analyze the patterns of automobile travel demand.  相似文献   
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