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目前,我国高职院校的英语口语教学过程中,由于受到传统授课观念、模式以及高职学生生源素质等诸多因素的影响,教学效果差强人意。本文根据日常一线的教学实践和体会,分析高职院校英语口语教学中存在的问题,对改进高职英语口语教学进行初步思考,并提出增强高职学生英语口语交际能力的教学策略与方法。  相似文献   
Dial-a-ride problems are concerned with the design of efficient vehicle routes for transporting individual persons from specific origin to specific destination locations. In real-life this operational planning problem is often complicated by several factors. Users may have special requirements (e.g. to be transported in a wheelchair) while service providers operate a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles from multiple depots in their service area. In this paper, a general dial-a-ride problem in which these three real-life aspects may simultaneously be taken into account is introduced: the Multi-Depot Heterogeneous Dial-A-Ride Problem (MD-H-DARP). Both a three- and two-index formulation are discussed. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the standard dial-a-ride problem is adapted to exactly solve small problem instances of the MD-H-DARP. To be able to solve larger problem instances, a new deterministic annealing meta-heuristic is proposed. Extensive numerical experiments are presented on different sets of benchmark instances for the homogeneous and the heterogeneous single depot dial-a-ride problem. Instances for the MD-H-DARP are introduced as well. The branch-and-cut algorithm provides considerably better results than an existing algorithm which uses a less compact formulation. All seven previously unsolved benchmark instances for the heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem could be solved to optimality within a matter of seconds. While computation times of the exact algorithm increase drastically with problem size, the proposed meta-heuristic algorithm provides near-optimal solutions within limited computation time for all instances. Several best known solutions for unsolved instances are improved and the algorithm clearly outperforms current state-of-the-art heuristics for the homogeneous and heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem, both in terms of solution quality and computation time.  相似文献   
思想政治理论课是高职院校德育建设的主阵地,基于高职学生文化素质低、抽象思维能力低、理论素质低等"三低"的现实,我们从打破传统的闭卷考试模式开始,创建开放性考试模式,创建学生自主性学习、理论学习与社会实践平行并驱的教学模式,对高职院校德育建设进行新的探索。  相似文献   
专业群建设是应用型本科院校实现内涵发展,提升外部竞争力的重要途径.广州航海学院应充分发挥行业办学传统及新建本科院校的后发优势,借鉴应用型海运本科专业建设实践经验,把握我国航运服务业产业链发展的高端化趋势,对接航运服务业构建航运特色经贸专业群,实现专业人才培养与服务产业发展的双重贡献.  相似文献   
继续教育是提高专业技术人员创新能力和整体素质的重要途径,接受继续教育是专业技术人员的权利和义务.高校教师是最重要的一支专业技术人员队伍,高校教师的继续教育学习是高校教师队伍建设的一项重要任务,既关系到教师队伍整体素质的提高,又关系到学校整个教学质量的提高.本文就高校教师继续教育学习过程中存在的问题及相应对策作些探讨.  相似文献   
职业道德教育一直是高职院校德育工作的重点和难点。文中通过对企业的问卷调查,分析企业对大学生职业道德素养的现实内在需要,探讨从教育观念、教育模式、考核体系等方面加强大学生职业道德教育的对策建议。  相似文献   
实施素质教育,培养全面发展的大学生,在目前已经成为当代中国教育改革的主旋律。大学生实施素质教育势在必行,亦即有正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;有较宽的知识面和文化修养,有扎实的专业基础知识和能力,有健康的体魄和良好的心理素质。本文通过三年的高校生活分析了各时期素质教育的特点。并对高职院校大学生素质教育建设进行了认真的探讨。  相似文献   
本文通过对高职货代人才需求问卷调查表的统计分析,了解货代行业的基本情况和对人才的需求状况,以此探讨工学结合教学模式下《国际货运代理》课程的改革方案。  相似文献   
针对我国青少年体质健康问题,对青少年学生参加体育锻炼行为现状进行了分析,为实施青少年体育运动的干预指导提供了依据。  相似文献   
文章结合大学生创业教育的发展历程,分析目前大学生创业教育的现状,针对目前我国大学生创业教育的面临的问题,提出了相应促进大学生创业教育的有效措施,具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
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