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在不同条件下对广西地区常见各类岩石轧制碎石测试其强度变化,认为仅用碎石的压碎值或芯样抗压强度不能反映其合格性,提出增加碎石的软化系数,CBR值指标评价其路用合格性。  相似文献   
关于沥青混合料用细集料质量要求的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》(JTG F40—2004)和《沥青路面施工及验收规范》(GB 50092—96)中沥青混合料用细集料的质量要求进行对比,并通过试验分析,发现《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》(JTG F40—2004)中对细集料的质量要求存在的缺陷,提出应调整规范对细集料的质量要求。  相似文献   
路桥过渡段容许差异沉降计算模型   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为确定路桥过渡段桥台与引道之间的差异沉降,考虑行车的舒适性和安全性,以人的振动频率和加速度最大瞬态振动值作为控制指标,建立了台阶状和折线形不设搭板与设搭板的路桥过渡段模型,提出以容许台阶高度和搭板容许纵坡变化值作为不设搭板与设搭板的路桥过渡段容许差异沉降,以三自由度体系作为单轮平整度测定车模型,以五自由度体系作为双轴车辆模型,而且五自由度体系中不能忽略车架的转动惯量。容许最大瞬态振动值为1.0m/s。时,搭板容许纵坡变化计算值为0.42%,位于行车调查得到的0.4%~0.5%范围内,表明本文建立的模型是合理的。  相似文献   
This study examines how to incorporate the inventory costs of containerized cargoes into existing liner service planning models such that the designed networks could be improved while not causing extra modeling/computational burden. Two approaches are compared: (i) not considering the inventory costs at all and (ii) incorporating the inventory costs associated with onboard time and those related to transshipment by assuming a fixed connection time. The two models are compared with the ideal model capturing the exact inventory costs on a route choice problem and a capacity planning problem based on extensive randomly generated and practical numerical experiments. The results show that: first, ignoring the inventory costs in service planning models may lead to network design with much higher costs (poor network design decisions); second, in service planning models assuming weekly frequency, the inventory costs associated with onboard time could be formulated exactly, and those related to the connection time of weekly services could be approximated by assuming fixed connection time of 3.5 days for ports with 1 day’s minimum connection time and 4.5 days for ports with 2 days’ minimum connection time.  相似文献   
基于参数服从SB分布的混合Logit 模型进行道路交通统计生命价值的测算研究. 首先,结合意愿选择法和正交实验法设计出行路径选择调查问卷;然后,基于死亡风险系数服从对数正态分布和SB分布的混合Logit 模型,构建统计生命价值测算模型;接着以大连市私家车出行者为调查对象获得调查数据,并利用Monte Carlo 仿真方法进行模型参数标定;最后,对模型进行比较分析,并获得统计生命价值的测算值. 研究结果表明:死亡风险参数服从限制域为(0.0, 0.5)SB分布的混合Logit 模型,精确性更高且更合理;道路交通统计生命价值测算值为 105.76万元,这一结果可以作为道路交通安全项目经济评价的参考数据.  相似文献   
为检查和评价隧道及地下空间火灾预警系统的实际功能,需要一套可行的在线评估手段。根据近年来国内外全尺寸隧道火灾发展曲线的试验结果,提出隧道火情的定义依据;引用运营隧道内准分布式光纤光栅感温火灾探测器的实测数据,证明运营中隧道报警系统的个性化现象;提出合格的数字化报警系统应存在一个在统计学意义上使漏报率和误报率同时达到期望值的合理阈值取值区间;建议以该区间的尺度作为该系统功能完好性的评估指标;对日常隧道运行温度数据的统计分析可估计合理阈值取值区间的下限,对规定条件下的现场点火试验温度数据分析可估计合理阈值取值区间的上限。在隧道运营期该区间尺度可实时在线自动更新。  相似文献   
奇摄动三阶非线性边值问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用微分不等式技巧和Volterra型积分算子,研究了三阶非线性奇摄动边值问题εx^(3)=f(t,x,x′,w(ε)x^(3),ε),g(x′(0),x″(0)=0,x(1)=A,x′(1)=B的存在性及渐近估计。  相似文献   
PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) is a widely used index for evaluating the thermal environment. However, few studies have been conducted to take physiological values directly as evaluating indices. This paper assumes a linear relation between body temperature and both sweating rate and heat produced by shivering, and introduces the linear relation into the human heat balance equation to revise the classic PMV. And the assumption of linear relation is subsequently proved. The revised PMV possesses the same characteristic of dependent heat load as that of the classic one, and moreover it is convenient to be calculated.  相似文献   
建立整数型轨道状态最优综合维修计划模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为实现高效的轨道不平顺养护维修,建立最优养护维修计划模型和采用大型养路机械进行作业是十分重要的。本文以养护维修时间为决策变量,以年度轨道不平顺平均值最小为目标函数,在考虑了一系列约束函数的情况下,建立了整数型轨道状态最优综合维修计划模型。该模型能有效利用现场的养护资源,从安全和舒适的角度出发来制定养护计划,该模型的建立从理论上解决了轨道不平顺状态计算机辅助决策系统的关键问题。  相似文献   
As a result of frequent marine disasters leading to the loss of human life and pollution of vast areas of the ocean, ship manoeuvrability has become a very important characteristic of ship design. Among several recent experimental techniques to determine ship manoeuvrability, the most popular is captive model testing using a planar motion mechanism (PMM). This article describes some tests, analyses, and results of PMM tests in a circulating water channel (CWC) using a model of a training ship. The hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on a model of the training ship Shioji Maru in pure yawing motion were measured, and hydrodynamic derivatives were obtained using two different methods of analysis: singular value decomposition (a least-squares fit method) and Fourier analysis. Derivatives obtained from the tests were used to simulate the turning trajectory of the actual ship, and these were compared with the results of sea trials. The results indicate that both methods of analysis yield fairly similar derivatives. The simulation results were also found to be a close match with the trial results. Received: February 7, 2002 / Accepted: May 14, 2002 Address correspondence to: K. Shoji (shoji@ipc.tosho-u.ac.jp)  相似文献   
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