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刘芳 《西安交通大学学报(英文版)》2006,18(1):1-5
Internet is heterogeneous in nature,and ex-tremely wide variations in parametric perturbationlead to a very rich world of dynamical behaviorsranging from s mooth,stable operation to rathercomplicated irregular patterns.In[1],the occur-rence of chaotic behavior in TCP has been reportedfor the first ti me.Since the seminal work of Mathisand Floyd[2-3],there have been increasing interestsin the dynamical characteristics of Internet.In theprevious work,TCP congestion control algorithmplus RED… 相似文献
减少网络拥塞是提高网络传输的服务质量(QoS)的关键策略之一,基于路由器/网关的拥塞控制策略可以及时发现网络的拥塞状态并实施有效的控制,文中在已有的RED算法基础上展开研究,提出了一种改进的算法,该算法采用非线性丢弃函数来控制网络拥塞.为了考核算法的有效性,利用OPNET建立网络仿真模型,结果表明改进的算法在许多方面比原有算法更有效。 相似文献
The traditional net work management can tmeet the users requirements about quality of servicealong with the fast increasing of the scale of net-work.So service management has been proposed toguarantee the QoS of net work services and has beena hot topic in the research community for a fewyears now,and a lot of research has been carriedout[1-6].The net work traffic management is one ofthe key compositions of service management,andplays ani mportant role inthe QoS,congestion con-trol and net wo… 相似文献
分析了Internet上出现拥塞的基本原因,对比了已有的被动式路由器队列管理机制和新兴的主动式队列(AQM)管理方法的主要优缺点,叙述了AQM的指导算法"早期随机检测算法(RED)",自适应控制在RED算法中的应用,提出了存在的问题和研究思路. 相似文献
针对TCP协议的Tahoe、Reno和Vegas三个不同版本,简要描述了其所采用的拥塞控制算法,并在详细分析链路RED算法的基础上,讨论了链路RED算法下对应不同协议版本的网络数据吞吐量和端到端延迟性能.仿真结果表明,TCP Vegas的综合性能最优越,但仍需在快速重传算法和拥塞控制算法上加以改进. 相似文献