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乘客舒适度标准是确定线路平纵断面设计参数最为重要的控制指标,也是必须满足的强制性指标。为合理平衡乘客舒适度与工程建设成本之间的跷跷板关系,通过系统总结国内外各种现有制式取值标准,就悬挂式单轨乘客舒适度控制标准取值开展理论分析研究,并提出相应建议。与平面圆曲线半径相关的乘客舒适度指标为车体偏转角及未被平衡离心加速度,随着偏转角和未被平衡离心加速度数值的增加,其对最小圆曲线半径的影响逐渐减弱,恶化舒适度条件并不完全等同于工程效益的减小。悬挂式单轨最大偏转角理论上可突破传统轮轨铁路7.7°的限制,但增大偏转角对限界造成的影响不可忽略。人体可忍受的振动持续作用时间与未被平衡离心加速度大小成反比,将加速度控制在0.4~0.8 m/s~2是合理的。  相似文献   
In this study, real-time monitoring campaigns were conducted in two tunnels (Line A and Line B) at a subway station in Shanghai, including temperature, relative humidity, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, in order to understand the climate and PM characteristics in the transportation microenvironment. In addition, collected floor dust particles in the tunnel were analyzed by ICP for their metal elemental composition. Strong correlations occurred between all PM levels and meteorological parameters in the tunnel of Line A (with platform screen doors), in comparison with the weak correlations between such parameters in the tunnel of Line B (without platform screen doors). PM2.5 and PM10 between peak hours and off-peak hours for both lines presented significant differences (p < 0.05), respectively. Nevertheless, PM1 showed a different pattern, with p > 0.05 for Line A and p < 0.05 for Line B, respectively. In addition, statistical results concluded that PM had an evident weekly variation for both lines. Friday was the highest day of all particulate matters in monitoring periods for both lines. Ratios of PM1/PM10 and PM2.5/PM10 were high when trains were out of service and low when trains were in service. Relative abundance of metal elements detected from floor dust particles proved that floor dust particles in tunnels might be a major source of airborne PM in the subway microenvironments, with Fe as the most abundant metal element, followed by Ca, Al, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Hg.  相似文献   
The High Line is an elevated public park in New York City, transformed from an unused freight rail line. Pedestrians walking through Manhattan’s West Side can walk either on the High Line or on a footpath below. Using Manhattan as a laboratory, this paper offers a combined assessment of noise and particulate matter pollution for its pedestrians. Noise and PM2.5 levels were recorded simultaneously for two cases (i) pedestrians walking on a footpath alongside road traffic and (ii) pedestrians walking on the elevated High Line. Testing took places over three days in autumn 2014. Results were analysed to investigate if pedestrians using the High Line would have a lower pollution exposure to those using the footpath below. Results showed statistically significant differences between the upper and lower levels in exposure to both pollution types. In order to quantify the overall impact, results are expressed through a combined air–noise pollution index. This index indicates that the average reduction in PM2.5 and noise pollution along the High Line compared to the footpath below is approximately 37%.  相似文献   
Eddy systems are a unique ecosystem, usually having high biological masses and primary production in the sea. In this study, both particulate and dissolved phases of cadmium in the water column of 15 stations over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were determined to obtain their spatial distributions. This allows us to confirm that cyclonic eddy systems play the role of a Cd pump in the sea.Results showed that particulate Cd (PCd) and dissolved Cd (DCd) concentrations in water varied greatly, ranging over two orders and one order of magnitude, respectively. Large spatial variability was found not only for PCd but also for DCd in the upper water, apparently due to the effects of the cyclonic eddy system on the Cd distributions over the study area. DCd accounts for about 99% of the total Cd. For the surface water, DCd concentration at the eddy center was about five times the average of the water surrounding the eddy center. The depth distributions of DCd exhibited a typical surface depletion and a subsequent increase with depth; however, the PCd distribution showed the opposite, i.e. a surface maximum and a subsequent decline with depth. In general, the DCd maxima were found at depths of 600–1000 m, agreeing well with the literature. It reflected the internal biogeochemical cycling of Cd in the water column, which was driven by the utilization of Cd by plankton in the euphotic zone and by the regeneration of Cd at depth. In addition, a remarkably high DCd concentration existed in near-bottom water around the cyclonic eddy center.The horizontal distributions of both PCd and DCd in the upper water shared a common feature with elevated concentrations centering around the eddy center and a decline in concentration with distance from the eddy center. This shows that the cyclonic eddy could bring up the Cd-rich deep water to the surface water around the eddy center and could then expand toward eddy's vicinity via advection–diffusion. It is thus likely that it produces ample biological masses over the eddy system. Hence, this work can demonstrate that the ascending nutrient-rich water driven by the cyclonic eddies can serve as an important source not only for many nutrients but also for Cd in the sea.  相似文献   
颗粒物是柴油发动机的主要排放物之一。目前在试验室内主要的测试方法是全流稀释采样系统和部分流稀释采样系统。文章介绍了全流和部分流采样的原理,分析了选择采样方法的原则;分别描述了全流和部分流颗粒采样过程中各参数对颗粒物的影响,特别是目前国内可以进行型式核准的部分流颗粒物采样系统;着重阐述了提高2种采样方法的相关性措施。分析认为,应着重关注部分流和全流的颗粒物采样条件对测试结果一致性的影响,以提高我国内燃机颗粒物排放测试的整体水平。  相似文献   
简单介绍了特大桥连续箱梁挂篮悬浇的施工程序及质量控制要点。  相似文献   
由于车辆结构的差别,悬挂式单轨平面圆曲线参数与传统轮轨相差较大。为研究合理的圆曲线参数取值,本文运用行驶动力学理论,从乘客舒适度角度,对最小平面曲线半径和最小圆曲线长度等参数进行了计算研究,提出了相应的取值建议。当车辆最大偏转角不大于6. 843°,最大未被平衡离心加速度不大于0. 8 m/s~2,车速为80km/h时,最小平面曲线半径应不小于250 m。由于悬挂式单轨车辆的悬挂结构和参数与传统轮轨车辆存在较大区别,其最小圆曲线长度应不小于2V,是传统轮轨铁路的4倍。后续可在此研究成果基础上,利用车线耦合动力学理论,对乘坐舒适性、车线动力响应、车辆性能与线路参数之间的匹配关系等进行进一步研究,并综合考虑建设成本、运营维修等因素,合理确定各项参数。  相似文献   
为研究隧道内列车荷载下弹性支承块空吊对钢轨竖向位移的影响,基于银洞坡和定水坝隧道现场实测数据,建立考虑支承块空吊的力学模型,分析连续1~3块支承块空吊情况下钢轨竖向位移的超限情况。实测和研究结果表明:隧道内实测的空吊位置和量值具有不确定性特征,空吊现象引起的钢轨竖向位移有超过安全指标的情况;单块支承块空吊值在10 mm以下,钢轨竖向位移不出现超限情况,当连续2块或连续3块支承块空吊量大于3 mm时,钢轨竖向位移出现超限情况,对于隧道内复杂的支承块空吊病害,建议控制空吊量在3 mm以内,同时应尽量避免连续空吊情况。  相似文献   
More than 9 million passengers take Shanghai’s subway system every work day. The system’s air quality has caused widespread concern because of the potential harm to passengers’ health. We measured the particulate matter (PM) concentrations at three kinds of typical underground platform (side-type, island-type, and stacked-type platforms) and inside the trains in Shanghai’s metro during 7 days of measurements in April and July 2015. Our results demonstrated that the patterns of air quality variation and PM concentrations were similar at the side-type and island-type platforms. We also found that the PM concentrations were higher on the platforms than inside the train and that the PM concentrations in the subway system were positively correlated with those in the ambient air. Piston wind generated by vehicle motion pushes air from the tunnel to the platform, so platform PM concentrations increase when trains approach the platform. However, the piston wind effect varies greatly between locations on the platform. In general, the effect of the piston wind is weaker at the middle of the platform than at both ends. PM concentrations inside the train increase after the doors open, during which time dirty platform air floods into the compartments. PM1.0 and PM2.5 were significantly correlated both inside the train and on the platforms. PM1.0 accounted for 71.9% of PM2.5 inside the train, which is higher than the corresponding platform values. Based on these results, we propose some practical suggestions to minimize air pollution damage to passengers and staff from the subway system.  相似文献   
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