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目的探讨中国汉族人群5-羟色胺转运体启动区(5-HTTLPR)基因多态性和抑郁症的发病、性别、严重程度及自杀是否相关。方法应用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增技术测定150例抑郁症患者和150例正常对照者的5-HT-TLPR基因型和等位基因,分别验证各种基因型与中、重度抑郁症发病、性别及自杀行为的相关性。结果病例组SS、LS基因型及S等位基因频率均高于对照组(26.0% vs.20.0%;52.7% vs.46.0%;52.3% vs.43.0%;P均<0.05);两组性别分层比较,女性S等位基因频率高于对照组(55.3% vs.43.6%,P<0.05);病例组严重程度分层比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);病例组有无自杀行为分层比较,有自杀行为患者SS基因型频率(37.3% vs.20.2%)及S等位基因频率(61.8% vs.47.5%)均高于无自杀行为患者(P<0.05);抑郁自杀组性别分层比较未显示显著性差异(P>0.05);抑郁自杀组病情程度分层比较,重度抑郁自杀者SS基因型频率(42.5% vs.18.2%)及S等位基因频率(68.7% vs.36.4%)均高于中度抑郁自杀者(P<0.05)。结论在中国汉族人群中,5-HTTLPR多态性和抑郁症相关。S等位基因可能是抑郁症的易感基因,特别是女性,SS型可能是抑郁症易感基因型;S等位基因可能是抑郁症患者自杀的危险基因,SS基因型人群可能是抑郁症患者自杀的危险人群,特别是携带S等位基因的重度抑郁症患者更易自杀。  相似文献   
香港女作家李碧华在小说中,通过一系列美丽叛逆的女性的情感、生活和命运,对男权文化系统中的女性性别宿命做了深刻独到的描述.在关于两性关系的深度拷问中,李碧华表现出了鲜明的女性主义立场和反抗姿态.  相似文献   
Livelihood diversity factors such as flexibility within fisheries, geographical mobility, reallocation of fishing effort into the broader economy, and the non-material benefits that fisheries provide are important areas of research in marine policy. We use two small-scale fisheries related socio-economic surveys of communities in the Tigak Islands of Papua New Guinea. The first conducted 5 years before a ban on the harvesting of sea cucumbers was imposed and the second from the present day, 5 years after the initiation of the ban—with the objectives of exploring changes in household fishing strategies (types and numbers of species targeted) and to identify any important socioeconomic factors that help explain those changes. Fishing's contribution to total household income has increased significantly (p = 0.019) up from 61% in 2004 to 73% in 2014 with the percentage of female residents living in a household now positively and significantly (p = 0.018) associated with fishing income. The average number of species categories targeted per household increased insignificantly while households with more women are significantly (p = 0.018) less likely to target more species than households with more men. Moreover, customary management practices contribute to this difference. Together, these results show that households are not worse off financially 5 years after the ban on sea cucumber harvesting and that gendered seascape use has implications for the role of livelihood diversity as a marine policy tool.  相似文献   
无论何种政治体制的国家对于不同性别的主体都有着不同的角色期待。跨文化的研究发现,性别的刻板印象是任何一种文化下都存在的,一个社会通过分配给两性不同的任务来体现其不同的性别概念。自人类开始真正认识自己的时候,就已经通过他人的语言和行为认同了自己的性别特征,例如,在大部分父权社会中都认同的性别角色特征是:男孩子勇敢独立,将来要承担家庭、社会的责任,女孩子文静细腻,将来要成为一个贤妻良母。这种被大众认可了的性别特征就成了学校、家庭和社会对所有孩子的隐性培养目标,本文就性别刻板印象、性别角色和角色认同等方面进行论述,说明儿童教育中应克服性别刻板印象带来的负面影响,更好的对儿童进行有差别的教育,从而促进儿童的全面发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the travel patterns of Iranian women, where typical patriarchal views and specific social and cultural norms may differ from the patterns of those in western societies. In addition to inherent psycho-physical gender differences, women in Iran can face special constraints forcing them not to be involved in all activity-travel patterns that people in developed countries usually undertake. We pay special attention to the role of marital and employment status on women’s activity-travel patterns. To this end, we develop a joint mode and daily activity pattern (DAP) discrete choice model, which is a two-level mixed nested Logit. The upper nest of the proposed model embodies women’s DAP choices, and the lower nest belongs to the mode choices. In this paper, we try to show how different factors in a patriarchal Muslim society like Iran affect or restrict women’s type and structure of activity-travel patterns.  相似文献   
通过音乐事件影响不同性别人群情绪变化,对EEG数据中的θ波进行相关计算和分析,得出音乐情绪不仅与θ波有着密切的关系,而且对左右脑半球神经皮质活动的同步性有重大影响.在安静闭眼放松时,女性的同步性高于男性.无论是听喜欢的还是不喜欢的音乐,前额、头顶和顶枕部的同步性高于侧头部.此外,也给出了脑不同部位对音乐事件相关性变化的规律,并得出头顶和顶枕部对区别男女情绪变化有重要作用.  相似文献   
Gender differences in work trip and job search patterns have received several analytical attention in recent years. A consistent finding in the literature is that women work closer to home than men because of their lower income, greater household responsibilities, and heavier reliance on public transit. While these findings pervade the literature, there has been little analysis into the extent to which they hold in the exclusive case of the urban poor. Can poor women afford to choose between jobs on the basis of journey to work considerations, any more than poor men? Using a survey data from Edmonton, this study examines the gender differences in commuting and job search patterns of the urban poor. The findings suggest that, even among the low income population, women have shorter work trips and greater preference for part-time jobs than men because of their child care and household responsibilities. More women than men did not have enough time for their job search activities; and fewer women than men were prepared to accept job offers in all parts of the study area due to their household responsibilities. The results suggest that while males' employment problems are tied primarily to the working of the labour market, through inadequate skills and lack of good-paying jobs, females' employment problems are more explicable in terms of their role as mothers and homemakers.  相似文献   
近年来,对性别刻板印象的研究逐渐成为组织管理中的一大热点,国内外学者采用经验性研究和验证性研究方法发现,男性女性管理者都存在着这种性别认知定式,员工的性别、管理者的性别、管理者的性别比率以及企业类型、管理者的年龄、企业层次对性别刻板印象存在影响。本文通过综述发现,目前国内此方面的研究相当有限,采用的实验和研究方法也需进一步探讨。  相似文献   
为了分析不同性别驾驶人抵近信号灯控制铁路道口的驾驶行为特性,设计了5个具有不同红灯触发时距的信号灯控制铁路道口的虚拟场景,并进行了驾驶模拟试验,采集24名男性驾驶人和20名女性驾驶人抵近道口的微观驾驶行为数据。基于时空特性将抵近行为划分为月白灯期间、红灯进入时刻、红灯期间3个阶段,利用混合线性模型和二元Logistics线性回归模型对比分析了2组驾驶人抵近道口的制动行为、加速行为和闯红灯行为特性,并探索性别与信号灯控制铁路道口抵近行为的相关关系。结果表明:男性驾驶人更倾向于在月白灯期间提前制动,其提前制动率是女性驾驶人的1.57倍;男性驾驶人在红灯进入时刻和红灯期间的车辆操控行为特性与女性驾驶人无显著性差异;男性驾驶人的总体违法率是女性驾驶人的1.5倍,尤其在红灯触发时距较大(4~6 s)时,女性驾驶人几乎无人违法,而男性驾驶人在3个场景下的违法率仍然达到25.0%、12.5%和16.7%;男性驾驶人闯红灯的严重性更高,驾驶风格更加冒险激进;另外,驾驶人闯红灯行为还受红灯进入时刻位置、制动时刻位置和加速时刻位置显著影响,说明驾驶人在走停决策的制定上更依赖于物理空间位置,与车辆运行速度和驾驶人反应能力无关。研究结果可应用于铁路道口安全管理与防护对策设计。  相似文献   
Travel to work and household responsibility: new evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Turner  Tracy  Niemeier  Debbie 《Transportation》1997,24(4):397-419
A persistent empirical finding in the research on travel patterns is that women tend to engage in shorter work commutes than men. Research evaluating the degree to which this gender differential in commuting may be explained by the division of labor in the household has produced decidedly mixed findings. This paper presents a critical review of the methods and results of recent research on the gender differential in commuting along with the associated implications for the household responsibility hypothesis (HRH). While all of the articles reviewed are informative and unique, not all conclusions are well supported. The paper then tests the HRH using the 1990 NPTS travel data. The new evidence confirms that women continue to exhibit shorter commute times and distances than men and provides support for the HRH. The paper concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   
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