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由我公司研究完成的广东省交通厅科技项目《公路项目车辆当量系数与通行能力标定研究》,于2008年7月10日通过了由广东省交通厅组织的科学技术成果函审鉴定,鉴定认为该成果整体上达到国内领先水平。同时,该成果作为专题研究荣获了2008年度广东省优秀工程咨询成果一等奖。  相似文献   
通过利用四分法取样,测其单位重,求得粉煤灰填充砂,以及二者的混合物填充碎石的最佳填塞率.并根据水泥浆以一定的富裕系数填充混凝土中固态材料粉煤灰、砂、石在最佳级配时的最小空隙,原材料比例及水胶比确定各原材料的实际用量,对于混凝土设计方法及性能研究大有裨益,值得推广.  相似文献   
Radar cross section (RCS) reduction technologies are very important in survivability of the militarynaval vessels. Ship appearance shaping as an effective countermeasure of RCS reduction redirects the scatteredenergy from one angular region of interest in space to another region of little interest. To decrease the scatteringelectromagnetic signals from ship scientifically, optimization methods should be introduced in shaping design.Based on the assumption of the characteristic section design method, mathematical formulations for optimalshaping design were established. Because of the computation-intensive analysis and singularity in shapingoptimization, the response surface method (RSM) combined genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed. The poly-nomial response surface method was adopted in model approximation. Then genetic algorithms were employedto solve the surrogate optimization problem. By comparison RCS of the conventional and the optimal design,the superiority and effectiveness of proposed design methodology were verified.Ky words: radar cross section (RCS); characteristic section design method; response surface method; genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed. The polynomial response surface method was adopted in model approximation. Then genetic algorithms were employed to solve the surrogate optimization problem. By comparison RCS of the conventional and the optimal design, the superiority and effectiveness of proposed design methodology were verified.  相似文献   
利用数据实例,说明不平衡系数的计算方法应该在相关规范中做出明确规定,一些问题需要通过进一步的研究加以解决.  相似文献   
近几年来,直接以位移为设计参数的抗震设计方法越来越受到重视并且得到了很大的发展,逐渐成为了实现基于性能抗震设计思想的一条有效途径。本文将对基于位移的结构抗震设计方法进行评述。  相似文献   
本文基于三维快速拉格朗日有限差分计算程序FLAC3D对地下结构在地震荷载作用下的动力响应做了分析。经过模型建立和动力计算可以看出,在地震作用下,地下结构产生很大的位移,对于结构的稳定影响很大,在开挖地下结构时的衬砌保护设计要做慎重的考虑。  相似文献   
采用隐式锚杆单元,结合三维非线性弹塑性有限元法,对地下厂房开挖过程中的岩锚吊车梁及围岩的应力、变形、稳定性进行了计算分析。通过对工程实例,论证了有限单元法能较好地反映岩锚吊车梁的受力特点,较全面地分析了地下厂房的开挖过程对岩锚吊车梁的影响,为岩锚吊车梁的在施工过程中的稳定校核提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
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