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本文用数值方法研究了19A/Ka4-50导管螺旋桨输入转速随时间变化情况下的水动力响应特性,对比了转速波动幅值、频率对响应特性的影响,发现导管桨推力系数、扭矩系数和效率相对于敞水实验结果均发生了迟滞效应。分析导管桨性能的变化幅度、相对于敞水实验结果的相位差,结果表明:推力系数、扭矩系数和效率的变化规律均一致,即随着转速频率的降低,同一进速系数范围内对应的导管桨性能变化幅度均减小,相位差先增后减;增大转速的波动幅值,导管桨性能变化幅度均增大,但相位差基本保持不变;此外,导管桨在较高进速系数越的情况下,性能变化幅度越小,且相位差也基本呈减小的趋势。总体来说,导管桨在较低的转速频率、波动幅值和较的进速系数时,其性能变化幅度和相位差较小,此时导管桨的响应较及时,并且效率的响应要比推力和扭矩更及时。 相似文献
谐波电流注入式多相永磁电机的综合性能高,可在舰船电力推进领域得到广泛应用。本文对该电机变频控制系统的设计进行分析,建立电机的数学模型,确定变频控制系统的控制方法和电流分配策略。仿真分析结果表明了方法和策略的可行性。 相似文献
A pipe model with a mass ratio(mass/displaced mass) of 4.30 was tested to investigate the vortex-induced vibrations of submarine pipeline spans near the seabed.The pipe model was designed as a bending stiffness-dominated beam.The gap ratios(gap to diameter ratio) at the pipe ends were 4.0,6.0,and 8.0.The flow velocity was systematically varied in the 0-16.71 nondimensional velocity range based on the first natural frequency.The mode transition between the first and the second mode as the flow velocity increases was investigated.At various transition flow velocities,the research indicates that the peak frequencies with respect to displacement are not identical along the pipe,nor the frequencies associated with the peak of the amplitude spectra for the first four modes as well.The mode transition is associated with a continuous change in the amplitude,but there's a jump in frequency,and a gradual process along the pipe length. 相似文献
目前,用于航行舰船上的测波设备只有测波雷达,其优势为可以测得当前较精确的海浪谱,这是精确预报舰船耐波性的基础。在测波雷达使用中,至少存在三方面矛盾:一是各船测得的海量海浪信息,如何实现快速查询;二是信息如何为众多的需求单位共享,以求解决海浪信息预报和深入研究海浪规律尤其是远洋航区的海浪规律问题;三是需要解决普遍存在有义波高测量误差偏大等测波信息航海实用化的问题。本文针对以上需求,以WaMoSⅡ测波雷达为例,从建立雷达测波信息数据库、有义波高的参数修正、相对频谱转化为绝对频谱以及基于雷达测波信息生成频率方向谱等方面,对测波信息的再处理进行研究,力求满足上述需求。 相似文献
针对船舶系泊试验中现场人员对电量参数评价指标的需求,开发了船舶电站电量参数分析软件.根据实时采集的电量参数,该软件能够快速准确地计算电压偏差、频率偏差及有功和无功功率分配差度等评价指标,并生成相应的报表和实时曲线.该软件的设计与应用为从事船舶电站电能质量评估的人员提供辅助的分析工具,提高了工作效率. 相似文献
对电动机设计来讲,电机型式、功率和极数相同,但电压或频率不同,则它们的设计参数便不会相同,所以200V的电动机用于230V,或者50周频率的电机用在60周频率的电网上,看起来相差有限,同样也能运转,但这种作法往往使电机脱离了它的最佳工作点。严重的时候也会引起无法使用甚至导致烧毁,这点应引起充分注意。 相似文献
阐述短波Chirp探测技术的基础上,综合运用信道编码、帧检测和加权大数判决等技术,对Chirp探测短信息传输技术进行了分析研究,提出了具体的工程实现方法。 相似文献
The motion analysis of fire video images based on moment features and flicker frequency 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper, motion analysis methods based on the moment features and flicker frequency features for early fire flame from ordinary CCD video camera were proposed, and in order to describe the changing of flame and disturbance of non-flame phenomena further more, the average changing pixel number of the first-order moments of consecutive flames has been defined in the moment analysis as well. The first-order moments of all kinds of flames used in our experiments present irregularly flickering, and their average changing pixel numbers of first-order moments are greater than fire-like disturbances. For the analysis of flicker frequency of flame, which is extracted and calculated in spatial domain, and therefore it is computational simple and fast. The method of extracting flicker frequency from video images is not affected by the catalogues of combustion material and distance. In experiments, we adopted two kinds of flames, i.e. , fixed flame and movable flame. Many comparing and disturbing experiments were done and verified that the methods can be used as criteria for early fire detection. 相似文献
大虾信箱专为广大读者朋友开辟了一个邮箱,地址是123daxia@163.com。大家如有什么问题、什么要求、对我们的批评和建议,还有等等等等……都可以来这里找我,我将尽心尽力为大家服务。 大虾留本刊和“虚幻军事天空”的合作站点已开通,欢迎大家有空来灌灌水。http://www.war-sky.com 有问有答□ 山东东营读者程志广问:俄罗斯新一代潜艇采用无舵、无螺旋桨的新技术有什么好处?■答:据称,俄罗斯新一代核潜艇210型没有采用传统的螺旋桨,而是采用了一种“磁流体推进”系统。所谓“磁流体推进”,就是将电能转换成脉动磁场,而脉… 相似文献