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BRT专用车道的定点停车位作为铺装的薄弱点,若铺装层的高温动稳定性不足将造成该处形成剪切推移、车辙等病害。以贵阳市中环路为背景,对BRT专用车道站台段钢桥面铺装的四个方案进行比选,并选取热拌式沥青混凝土作为实施方案,经验证效果良好,可为国内外的类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
现代城市交通规划的人本主义理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文从交通领域的人本主义人手,对国外大城市交通建设中的人本主义思潮进行了评析,提出了对于我国大城市交通规划的启示,并对最能体现人本主义理念的“公交优先”和“BRT”进行了解读,最后基于人本主义理念提出了我国现代交通规划的几点建议。  相似文献   
快速公交系统具有“现代化、高等级、低费用、大容量”的特点,指出在我国大中城市实施该系统的优势,并结合《长春市城市公共交通发展规划》项目,在对长春市公交运营现状及快速公交系统六个主要特征具体分析的基拙上指出长春市实现快速公交系统的必要性和可行性.提出在长春市的主干道上构建“两纵两横”的“井”字型的城市公交专用道网络框架,以及与之相适应的专用车辆的选择、会交专用道的布设方案等,以期全面实现BRT系统.  相似文献   
Public transport in South Africa is one of the most burning issues in the transport sector. The government is faced with huge public pressure to improve public transport systems in the face of rising fuel costs, the pending implementation of expensive urban toll road systems in the Gauteng province, and elsewhere in urban environments, public transport safety issues, public transport fleet renewal, especially the commuter rail services, as well as limited resources to fund public transport. As a developing country, the South African Government has pressing funding issues such as funds needed to improve housing for the poor to improve schooling and public health services. Government is also faced with a vocal minibus taxi industry that transports an estimated 65% of all commuters in the country that is also insisting on subsidies for its services.  相似文献   
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has emerged as a cost-effective transport system for urban mobility. As a relatively new form of Mass Transit, its ability to provide a high-quality transport service and potential to stimulate land development remain largely unexplored. This study intends to investigate the public attitude towards BRT services, as well as respondents’ perception of living near BRT stations, using the Beijing Southern Axis BRT system as a case study. A data-set of responses to 525 questionnaires were assembled and analysed using a combination of statistical techniques. The results show that BRT has gained great popularity among passengers, and brought about a positive impact on the attractiveness of residential property. The data identify that the majority of passengers are work-related commuters and use BRT more than once a day. The captive users have a higher satisfaction than choice users with respect to reliability, comfort & cleanliness and overall satisfaction with the BRT service. It is argued that the BRT has significantly improved the attractiveness of residential property along the BRT corridor.  相似文献   
城市快速公交与常规公交系统协调评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过分析城市快速公交与常规公交系统协调的特征,可知相关研究应从规划协调、运营协调两个方面着手,建立两种公交系统的协调评价指标体系,并确定各指标的权重,这对于快速公交与常规公交的线网规划和运营管理有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
快速公共交通作为1种新型的公交模式,因其投资少、建设周期短、见效快等特点已被作为解决城市交通拥堵问题的有效方式.济南中央岛封闭站台式BRT-1采用封闭式站台,具有BRT专用车道,相比常规公交具有较高的运输效率,然而BRT-1车辆在运行中也存在诸如运行速度相对低下等问题,采用人工调查及便携式GPS调查数据,从行车速度特性曲线,站间行程速度与全程行程速度以及时变特性,空间特性方面对行车速度进行了分析,并对济南市中央岛封闭站台式BRT-1车辆运行方案提出了几条建议.  相似文献   
BRT站距影响乘客到达BRT 站点所花费的平均时间,这种影响对步行到站者的出行显得尤为明显。首先,对BRT走廊辐射区域进行了细致的解析,以到站时间受站距影响较大的步行到站者为研究对象,分析步行到站者的平均到站时间,得到了步行到站平均时间同站距的函数关系。在此基础上,以增加站点数量造成的平均步行到站时间减少同BRT车辆运行时间的增加两者之间的平衡为目标,建立了BRT走廊站距优化模型,给出了模型参数的标定方法。该模型对BRT 影响区进行细化,更加符合实际情况,能为BRT实际设站提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
快速公交系统以其特有的优势成为城市公共交通系统不可或缺的组成部分。结合快速公交系统的自身特点,构建适合兰州市快速公交运营可行性的评价指标体系,并提出各评价指标的等级划分标准;然后,确定评价兰州市快速公交运营可行性的方法,最后,应用模糊综合评价法和层次分析法相结合的方法对兰州市快速公交运营可行性进行具体的评价,并给出兰州市建立BRT系统的必要性。  相似文献   
快速公交(BRT)在公共交通中,因其快捷、舒适和高运量的特点,以及建设周期 短、投资低和见效快的优势,受到越来越多城市的青睐.然而,如何合理布设BRT线路并 没有一个科学的理论方法.本文对BRT线路规划尝试建模,以站点服务人口最大为目标, 站点及路径须满足站距、费用、线路不重复,以及几何条件等约束.模型为单目标线性0-1 规划,采用枚举法求解模型,最终给出以不同备选站为起点的多条可选线路方案,并从中 选取最优方案.此外,本文还结合非直线系数这一指标对一定区域内BRT线路站点数量 设置进行了评价.本文提出的线路规划方法可为规划人员提供一个科学规划BRT线路的 思路和参考.  相似文献   
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