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电力企业信息系统应用集成技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
国内电力企业信息系统存在重复开发、独立运行、分散管理、缺乏规划等问题,难以满足集约化、集中化和精细化管理的要求.文章研究了面向国内电力企业的基于SOA架构的多层次应用集成方案和技术,支持在数据层、服务/消息层和流程层3个层面进行电力行业的应用集成,所采用的集成方案和技术体系都是基于最新的服务应用集成标准和较成熟的技术体系,不仅能降低应用集成的风险,而且还能降低集成工作的成本.  相似文献   
结合哈尔滨市中心区交通对策研究项目,为了更好的解决城市中心区内部交通运行状态问题,建立了反推"四阶段法"的停车需求预测方法,立足城市规划角度,从用地性质、容积率和建筑密度等因素对中心城区进行特征片区的划分,在确保动态交通顺畅的前提下,针对不同性质用地确定不同道路的合理的服务水平,按照容量控制法进行了停车需求量的预测.最后,对停车需求预测结果进行评价,指出基于服务水平下的停车需求预测方法能够反映了实际的道路交通资源满足情况.  相似文献   
本文试图通过32个城市电话调查建立公共服务、政府管理与政府公信力三者之间的关联。调查研究发现:1.改善公共服务来提升城市地方政府公信力是可行的,不过应优先考虑住房与社会保障服务、环境保护和改善公共交通服务等。2.加强政府管理措施来提升政府公信力也是可行的,但首要的是提高政府部门的工作效率,其次是改善政府工作人员的服务态度,再次是拓宽政府民主决策渠道等。3.对外提升公共服务能力、对内加强政府管理水平双管齐下对政府公信力的提升有积极效果。但二者比较而言,加强政府内部管理更加有益于提升政府公信力。  相似文献   
深化深圳公交特许经营机制改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过深入剖析深圳公交特许改革后行业发展面临的新困境,在借鉴国外城市成功案例基础上.提出深化深圳特许经营机制改革框架设想,并进行政策可行性分析,为深化深圳公交行业特许经营改革提供理论依据.  相似文献   

This study develops a multicriteria evaluation of user perception towards bus transit services and measures the gap in the perceptions held by current and potential users. A review of the transport quality literature indicates that both preference and satisfaction measures have been implemented to provide a comprehensive perception-based evaluation of bus quality. Although attempts have been made to evaluate user perception through a separate analysis of each (preference and/or satisfaction), the application of multicriteria quality measures are limited. A multicriteria quality measure not only offers more than just information on the daily experience of users but also knowledge of the internal process of quality evaluation (drivers/barriers). The multicriteria measure utilises the data of 512 questionnaires, whereby user perceptions were expressed through judgments of importance and satisfaction based on a set of 29 quality indicators classified into six attributes. Firstly, the study develops analytical hierarchy process (AHP) models to measure user preference. Secondly, a weighted perception index (WPI) of both preference and satisfaction is developed through a multicriteria model. Finally, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is conducted to identify the level of variation in the perception of both current and potential users towards bus service quality. The results show that although both current and potential users place a higher importance towards the same indicators, they do not share the same pattern of preferences (values and/or order). In addition, the study found that the interaction between preferences and satisfaction generated new patterns of subjective evaluation, and that these patterns vary significantly by user category.  相似文献   

Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developing countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.  相似文献   
客票系统延伸服务信息安全模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
铁路客票发售和预订系统的延伸服务是铁路客运发展的业务范畴,其发展受信息安全问题影响很大.在分析这些问题的基础上,提出搭建安全体系的思路,建立安全体系模型,并对涉及的相关技术和在现有系统中应用情况作了简要介绍.  相似文献   
分析呼和浩特铁路局货运综合信息服务的业务功能需求,介绍系统的设计思想、总体结构,并从电话语音服务、短信服务,货运营销管理等方面进行系统功能设计.简要说明系统建设后产生的经济和社会效益.  相似文献   
近年来,由于一些新型交通服务的出现与迅速发展,多模式公交网络包含了更多的交通模式.定制公交作为一种创新的公共交通服务,在中国许多城市引起了人们的广泛关注. 针对包含定制公交的多模式公交网络,本文提出了基于活动的模型以模拟出行者的活动与出行行为.本模型探究了由于定制公交的出现,人们在多模式公交网络中的行为决策变化,并采用了超级网络以同时模拟用户的活动与出行行为.为研究定制公交的容量约束与预约机制,在模型中有效模拟了用户的逐日学习与调整过程.本文通过实例验证了所提出模型的有效性,结果显示,定制公交的运营显著影响了出行者的活动与出行行为.  相似文献   
“公交都市”倡导的可持续发展理念为公共交通发展指引了方向并得到广泛认可。然而,对“公交都市”理念的误解和在实际行动中的偏离,使得最初的目标往往难以实现。首先分析公交出行分担率的作用和特征,指出建设“公交都市”不应过分看重公交出行分担率的短期提高,公共交通体系的建设应聚焦便捷和低碳目标。提出优质的公共交通体系应是由功能分层清晰、覆盖各层次服务水平要求的多种公共交通方式组合形成一体化体系。最后,以便捷低碳为纲要,从轨道交通系统、公共汽(电)车系统、辅助公交系统三方面探讨构筑优质公共交通体系的途径。  相似文献   
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