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IntroductionltiswellknownthatmetallmpicalstrUcforeofsteelsandheattransferarefullycouPled.PhasechangesdependontemPertheeevoluton,whereastemPertheeisinfluencedbycontrastsofmaterialcharacteristicsbetWeenphasesandlatenheateffects.AlotofworkhasbeenpefformedonthssubeCt,andclassicalmodelsarenowwidelyimPlementedintofiniteelementcomPutercodes[l][2][31[4][5][61.Thesemodelsaregenerallybasedonf.AVramityPekinetics[7][8]l9]Whnthephasechangeisgovernedbydiffusion,.TheKoistinen-Marburgerlaw[l0]fOrmfornsi…  相似文献   
Advanced modelling of rail vehicle dynamics requires realistic solutions of contact problems for wheels and rails that are able to describe contact singularities, encountered for wheels and rails. The basic singularities demonstrate themselves as double and multiple contact patches. The solutions of the contact problems have to be known practically in each step of the numerical integration of the differential equations of the model. The existing fast, approximate methods of solution to achieve this goal have been outlined. One way to do this is to replace a multi-point contact by a set of ellipses. The other methods are based on so-called virtual penetration. They allow calculating the non-elliptical, multiple contact patches and creep forces online, during integration of the model. This allows nearly real-time simulations. The methods are valid and applicable for so-called quasi-Hertzian cases, when the contact conditions do not deviate much from the assumptions of the Hertz theory. It is believed that it is worthwhile to use them in other cases too.  相似文献   
An adjoint 1-D model was used to determine vertical diffusivity coefficients from temperature profiles collected within a filament escaping from the Galician coast following an upwelling event. The optimisation scheme ended with relatively high diffusivity values within the thermocline (9×10−5 m2 s−1). Such high values are relevant for biogeochemical exchanges between surface and deep waters in stratified areas.The optimised values were several orders of magnitude higher than the bulk of diffusivity measurements recorded with a free-falling device; however, the optimisation solution was consistent with the arithmetic mean of the measurements in the thermocline (7.7×10−5 m2 s−1), giving more weight to the few largest values. Below the thermocline, the data assimilation method failed because of the three-dimensional nature of the advective field of the upwelling system. Ignoring this advective forcing in the model led to estimates that were two orders of magnitude too high.The results suggest that turbulent mixing is a random process where a few intense events determine the average mixing that drives the long-term evolution of the water column structure. This statistical property is very important when one wants to use instantaneous diffusivity measurements for modelling purposes.  相似文献   
With the continuous growing of the aquaculture industry and increasingly limited fish farming sites at close to shore areas both in Norway and worldwide, there is a need to develop fish farms suitable for aquaculture production in typical offshore environments. For this purpose, SALMAR has developed and deployed the Ocean Farm 1 facility for offshore fish farming.The main purpose of this paper is to develop a reliable numerical model and investigate the motion responses of the Ocean Farm 1 structure in waves and current. The established numerical model consists of the Ocean Farm 1's frame structure (with rigidly-connected circular column components), the net and the mooring system. The hydrodynamic external loads and coefficients of the frame structure are obtained by using potential flow theory. The quadratic drag load on the individual circular columns of the frame structure is formulated by a given drag coefficient. The loads on the net are formulated by using the screen model, where the Reynold number dependent lift and drag forces are formulated as a function of the solidity ratio Sn of the net, relative inflow angle and velocity. The hydrodynamic loads on the mooring lines are formulated using the Morison's equation and the structural responses of the mooring lines are obtained using a nonlinear FE model.With the developed numerical model, time domain simulations are performed. The simulation results are firstly validated against measured data from the decay tests, current tests, and regular wave tests. After the validation, numerical simulations are performed in different irregular wave and current combined weather conditions and the obtained motion response of Ocean Farm 1 are discussed and compared with available measurement data.  相似文献   
A method is introduced to determine the uncertainties in the predictions of oil spill trajectories using a classic oil spill model. The method considers the output of the oil spill model as a function of random variables, which are the input parameters, and calculates the standard deviation of the output results which provides a measure of the uncertainty of the model as a result of the uncertainties of the input parameters.In addition to a single trajectory that is calculated by the oil spill model using the mean values of the parameters, a band of trajectories can be defined when various simulations are done taking into account the uncertainties of the input parameters. This band of trajectories defines envelopes of the trajectories that are likely to be followed by the spill given the uncertainties of the input.The method was applied to an oil spill that occurred in 1989 near Sines in the southwestern coast of Portugal. This model represented well the distinction between a wind driven part that remained offshore, and a tide driven part that went ashore. For both parts, the method defined two trajectory envelopes, one calculated exclusively with the wind fields, and the other using wind and tidal currents. In both cases reasonable approximation to the observed results was obtained.The envelope of likely trajectories that is obtained with the uncertainty modelling proved to give a better interpretation of the trajectories that were simulated by the oil spill model.  相似文献   
In the next few years, exciting developments in the field of freight transport are likely to occur. The Channel Tunnel will be perceived as giving railways much greater distance of operation, compared to the current train ferry to/from Great Britain. The further development of swap-body technology will allow easier modal transfer and the creation, in 1992, of a single market in Europe will transform the pattern of trade. All of these are likely to have significant impacts on modal choice, and hence modal split, in freight transport. Reappraisal by many firms of the modes of transport used is likely but will it result in a net transfer of freight from road to rail and, if so, to what extent? To answer such questions, an accurate and reliable method of predicting modal split is required. Research in the past has concentrated on the development of modal split models based on generalised costs. These fail to explain adequately the prevalence of road freight in the UK. From surveys of freight managers within industry, it is clear that models to date rely too heavily on the economic cost factor and too little on behavioural factors (Jeffs 1985). This paper derives from a recent study of freight transport modal choice from the standpoint of the transport decision-maker within the firm. It attempts to shed light on the actual parameters which should be incorporated into a modal split model. Many variables appear to exert an influence on modal choice decision-making process. However, it is possible to categorise them into six main groups, namely: customer-requirements; product-characteristics; company structure/organisation; government interventions; available transport facilities; and perceptions of the decision-maker him/herself. It is the interactions and inter-relationships between these which ultimately determine freight modal split. This study has shown that the relationship between the outcome of the transport decision process and the values of particular determinants of modal split is not straight-forward, due to the complexity and variety of interactions involved. Perhaps one of the main reasons for researchers' failure hitherto to develop a successful modal-split model has been the preoccupation with techniques that rely on the development of common metric (e.g. generalised cost), which has led to the exclusion of some important explanatory variables along quite different dimensions. Another important issue concerns the appropriate level of aggregation. In order not to reduce the explanatory power of the key variables, it is important to work at a disaggregate level, although this does make substantial demands on data. The use of factor analysis enables both the aggregation of information without loss of behavioural reality and the specification of variables in terms of a common metric. In conclusion, freight transport has usually been examined within too narrow a framework. It must be placed firmly within the context of the total industrial process. The demand for freight transport is directly influenced by the level, composition and geographical distribution of production and consumption activities. Freight flows are complex and so it is highly unlikely that a universal mode-choice model can ever be developed. Future research should, therefore, be directed towards developing partial models in response to specific needs of those involved in decision-taking in the freight sector.  相似文献   
Automated and manual transmissions are the main link between engine and powertrain. The technical term when the transmission provides the desired torque during all possible driving conditions is denoted as powertrain matching. Recent developments in the last years show that double-clutch-transmissions (DCTs) are a reasonable compromise in terms of production costs, shifting quality, drivability and fuel efficiency. They have several advantages compared to other automatic transmissions (AT). Most DCTs nowadays consist of a hydraulic actuation control unit, which controls the clutches of the gearbox in order to induce a desired drivetrain torque into the driveline. The main functions of hydraulic systems are manifold: they initiate gear shifts, they provide sufficient oil for lubrication and they control the shift quality by suitably providing a desired oil flow or pressure for the clutch actuation. In this paper, a mathematical model of a passenger car equipped with a DCT is presented. The objective of this contribution is to get an increased understanding for the dynamics of the hydraulic circuit and its coupling to the vehicle drivetrain. The simulation model consists of a hydraulic and a mechanical domain: the hydraulic actuation circuit is described by nonlinear differential equations and includes the dynamics of the line pressure and the proportional valve, as well as the influence of the pressure reducing valve, pipe resistances and accumulator dynamics. The drivetrain with its gear ratios, moments of inertia, torsional stiffness of the rotating shafts and a simple longitudinal vehicle model represent the mechanical domain. The link between hydraulic and mechanical domain is given by the clutch, which combines hydraulic equations and Newton's laws. The presented mathematical model may not only be used as a simulation model for developing the transmission control software, it may also serve as a virtual layout for the design process phase. At the end of this contribution a parametric study shows the influence of the mechanical components, the accumulator and the temperature of the oil.  相似文献   
Traditional finite element (FE) methods are arguably expensive in computation/simulation of the train crash. High computational cost limits their direct applications in investigating dynamic behaviours of an entire train set for crashworthiness design and structural optimisation. On the contrary, multi-body modelling is widely used because of its low computational cost with the trade-off in accuracy. In this study, a data-driven train crash modelling method is proposed to improve the performance of a multi-body dynamics simulation of train set crash without increasing the computational burden. This is achieved by the parallel random forest algorithm, which is a machine learning approach that extracts useful patterns of force–displacement curves and predicts a force–displacement relation in a given collision condition from a collection of offline FE simulation data on various collision conditions, namely different crash velocities in our analysis. Using the FE simulation results as a benchmark, we compared our method with traditional multi-body modelling methods and the result shows that our data-driven method improves the accuracy over traditional multi-body models in train crash simulation and runs at the same level of efficiency.  相似文献   
为满足列车动力学仿真对轮轨接触点位置的精度要求,采用解析方法建立轮轨空间接触几何的约束方程组,并给出其在二维轮轨接触几何情形时的简化形式.以S1002车轮踏面和UIC60钢轨为例,基于符号计算平台Maple软件对该约束方程组进行求解,得到轮轨接触几何参数.结果表明:二维轮轨接触时的滚动半径差、接触角差、接触点在车轮踏面...  相似文献   
为研究上承式钢筋混凝土拱桥构造对结构受力的影响,利用有限元方法分析某无砟轨道上承式钢筋混凝土拱桥拱肋厚度及腹拱跨度对结构受力的影响。通过计算分析得出采用增加拱肋厚度、减小腹拱跨度的方式,能有效改善局部受力,降低腹拱墩范围的应力水平使结构受力更为合理的结论。  相似文献   
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