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介绍一种应用于变速恒频发电系统中,“模拟双向调节”的混合励磁发电机的电压调节模式.该调压器为双向调节模式,满足了混合励磁发电机变速条件下可靠输出稳定电压的要求.设计了稳压器,验证了性能.  相似文献   
阐述了电解水制氢技术在机动车上的应用研究与改进设计,详细介绍了系统组成、工作原理、主要性能参数、载车综合控制技术的研究设计和关键技术的解决、电解新技术的研究及新工艺的应用等.机动制氢技术已成功应用于我国"神舟"号系列航天飞行试验和"嫦娥一号"绕月工程的气象保障业务,及时检测"发射、回收窗口"的信息,为航天飞行试验提供可靠的气象参数.  相似文献   
通信中间件技术在新一代CTC系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新一代CTC系统综合了计算机技术、网络通信技术和现代控制技术,采用智能化分散自律设计原则.整个系统通常存在多种硬件系统平台,如工业控制机、工作站、小型机等,不同的操作系统及不同的网络协议和体系结构,如何把这些系统集成起来并开发新的应用是一个非常现实而困难的问题.为此,从安全性、可靠性、扩充性、易管理性、可用性和可移植性等综合因素考虑,提出了采取中间件的方式完成跨平台通信机制.  相似文献   
Activity-based demand generation contructs complete all-day activity plans for each member of a population, and derives transportation demand from the fact that consecutive activities at different locations need to be connected by travel. Besides many other advantages, activity-based demand generation also fits well into the paradigm of multi-agent simulation, where each traveler is kept as an individual throughout the whole modeling process. In this paper, we present a new approach to the problem, which uses genetic algorithms (GA). Our GA keeps, for each member of the population, several instances of possible all-day activity plans in memory. Those plans are modified by mutation and crossover, while bad instances are eventually discarded. Any GA needs a fitness function to evaluate the performance of each instance. For all-day activity plans, it makes sense to use a utility function to obtain such a fitness. In consequence, a significant part of the paper is spent discussing such a utility function. In addition, the paper shows the performance of the algorithm to a few selected problems, including very busy and rather non-busy days.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between land use and shopping tour generation using an activity-based shopping model that captures the effects of land use patterns on household decisions of shopping tour frequency, tour scheduling and mode choice. The model was calibrated using travel data collected in three traditional neighborhoods located in the Puget Sound region, WA, and shopping travel patterns across seven common household structures were analyzed. The results reveal that land use patterns have virtually no impact on overall shopping tour frequency. However, land use does seem to be associated with decisions about the type of shopping tours undertaken. For example, households with poorer accessibility tend to make fewer one-stop shopping tours, and are more likely to combine shoppingtrips with other trips to form multi-stop shopping tours as a means of compensating for locational deficiencies. Finally, we also found that traditional neighborhood residents who live closer to the neighborhood commercial street, and thus, have greater accessibility, are more inclined to use non-auto modes for one-stop shopping tours.  相似文献   
周涛  刘强  王云强  张磊 《船电技术》2010,30(1):11-14
介绍了船用SRM的结构及主要优点,并与其他同容量电机性能做了详细比较,介绍了SRM的中功率变换器的主要结构形式及调速系统的组成,分析了SRM运行于起动、电动、发电三种运行状态下的特点及其不同控制策略。  相似文献   
港口代际的本质特征及其演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以代际的概念描述港口功能的转变,体现了港口发展的历史进程,也反映出在生产力发展不同阶段中港口所具有的作用。深刻理解港口不同代际的内涵,把握港口未来的发展趋势,对于港口规划、建设和经营具有重要的现实意义。针对不同港口代际的本质特征及其演化规律进行重点剖析,并从横向扩展和纵向延伸两个方面对港口功能的转变进行研究,供决策者制定港口发展规划时参考。  相似文献   
针对异步直流发电中变转速控制与变转矩控制相结合的新颖综合控制模式,介绍其发电系统的结构、变转速模式特性、转速寻优策略和转矩控制特性并给出具体方法。以柴油机组万有特性为着眼点,提出分级阶跃变转速策略和控制程序流程,通过Matlab/simulink搭建系统模型进行仿真试验以验证变速控制策略的正确性;以异步发电机和变换器为对象,提出基于直接转矩控制策略(DTC)的转矩控制模式,以实现单机直流电压的稳定;最终通过小比例试验验证转矩控制模式实现的可行性。  相似文献   
设计一种固体氧化物燃料电池与微型燃气轮机的联合发电系统,并对其进行建模仿真及性能研究.基于Matlab/Simulink仿真软件,采用模块化建模方法,再以拓扑结构连接各个子系统模型,搭建SOFC-MGT联合发电系统模型.仿真结果表明:模型满足仿真要求,系统具有较高的发电效率.在变工况,尤其是高背压条件下,该系统不能稳定工作,必须附加水处理系统才能保证该系统良好运行.  相似文献   
国际海事组织(IMO)船舶建造和设计委员会(SDC)4次会议把第二代完整稳性衡准直接评估方法提上议程,本文针对第二代完整稳性衡准的五种稳性失效模式——参数横摇、纯稳性丧失、骑浪/横甩、瘫船稳性和过度加速度,分别给出了直接评估的水动力原则性要求,然后针对这些水动力要求进行了分析,并给出了具体的数学模型.最后结合已有的计算结果对直接评估方法的可行性进行了分析,为二代稳性直接评估软件的开发和应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   
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