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土木建筑工程中,桩基础工程质量时有缺陷,选择合理的处理方案往往可以节约大量的建筑成本和工期。文章介绍了广西316省道改建工程桩基工程采用原位钻孔灌注桩法处理桩基质量问题的解决方案,可为类似工程施工提供参考。  相似文献   
铁路信息系统故障处理联动平台规避了传统信息系统故障处理不能够全过程实时掌控的弊端,实现了故障处理有时间、有记录、有结果、有反馈的严格闭环管理.设备资源管理模块实现了每一套信息系统档案健全、透明公开、实时检索,大大提高了信息系统故障处理效率.知识库、经验库模块起到了技术交流的作用,为新职工搭起快速学习的桥梁,也为各业务系统之间搭建起快速协作的通道,确保铁路运输工作的安全稳定.  相似文献   
研究了低阶大气环流模型的稳定性和分岔性质.用李亚普诺夫方法和定性理论分析了模型的稳定性,证明了全局一致渐进稳定和极限环的存在性,并给出了低阶大气环流模型的分岔条件.此外,研究了模型的Hopf分岔,并用规范形理论得到了Hopf分岔临界状态,最后运用数值仿真对所给的定理和条件进行了验证.  相似文献   
统筹城乡发展、加快形成城乡经济社会一体化新格局破解城乡二元结构的重要举措。实现城乡统筹发展必须从破解制约城乡统筹发展的瓶颈因素—农村土地流转这个难题入手,分析影响农村土地流转的因素。在土地流转的背后,深层次的问题是如何平衡土地流转中的多边利益,实现农民对土地财产权的价值,让农民以土地的权利参与城市化,形成合理的利益分配格局,推动城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   
随着工业化与城镇化的快速推进,土地流转过程中产生了大量的被征地农民。由于法律规定不完备、补偿标准偏低、以及残缺的农村社会保障制度等原因,导致了被征地农民的利益缺失,给经济持续稳定发展和现代化建设带来了不同方面、不同角度的影响。本文通过分析被征地农民面临的困境及原因,指出其对经济长期增长的影响,最后得出完善土地征用制度、建立合理的社会保障体系、大力解决农民失地后的再就业问题等结论。  相似文献   
中国2010年上海世博会普通高峰日预计将吸引多达60万人次的参观客流。开博后世博园内复杂的人流活动对世博会的有效运营提出了挑战。选取了世博园内一个热门展馆众多,设施布局复杂,行人设施多样的地块进行微观人流仿真研究。分析了世博观众的参观行为特点。选择使用Legion模型作为仿真研究的平台,并对仿真参数进行了统计分析与标定。在对世博观众参观流线与体育比赛观众和地铁乘客流线进行了对比分析的基础上,提出了一种与体育比赛观众和地铁乘客人流仿真建模不同的建模方法。对仿真结果从人流规划和运营的角度进行了分析和解读,并介绍了相关人员对其的应用。研究方法和成果对世博园的规划、设计和运营从行人交通的角度提供了技术支持和科学依据。所使用的研究方法具有代表性,随着办博工作的深入,可以推广到世博园其他地块和人流活动密集区域。本工作也可以为其他大型活动的人流规划与仿真提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
德大铁路黄河特大桥100号、101号主墩位于黄河河道中间,基础采用钻孔桩,桩径2.0 m,最大钻孔深度达110 m,为解决由于钻孔过深易产生的桩身倾斜、钻进效率低、清孔难等问题,施工中选用了ZSD250型气举反循环回转钻机及刮刀钻头,并针对成孔垂直度、钻进参数、泥浆指标等关键因素采取一系列有效措施进行控制,成孔质量达到了理想效果,保证了成桩质量。  相似文献   
Satellite images of surface chlorophyll-a concentration measured by the sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) and of sea surface temperature derived from advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) measurements, combined with in-situ drifter measurements of surface currents, and ancillary wind, Po River discharge and surface salinity data, are used to describe the surface dynamics in the northern Adriatic during the period September–October 1997.The satellite observations revealed very complex mesoscale dynamics, with time scales of a day or two and length scales of about 10 km, including the meandering and instability of basin-scale currents (e.g., the western coastal layer), jets/filaments and eddies. In addition, the two typical patterns of the Po River plume are observed and qualitatively explained in terms of wind forcing. A basin-wide double gyre pattern spreads the rich runoff water across most of the northern Adriatic from mid-September to early October, following Bora wind events and under stratified sea conditions. In contrast, in late October the Po plume is confined to the coast due to weaker winds and de-stratified conditions. This variability in the Po River plume extension is also confirmed by in-situ salinity measurements.  相似文献   
The seasonal variation of the surface circulation in the Japan/East Sea (JES) and the Tsushima/Korea Straits (TKS) is reviewed and discussed, focusing on mesoscale and submesoscale variabilities.The monsoon modified by coastal geographical features near Vladivostok generates a dipole of vortex off Vladivostok which induces dramatic changes in the surface circulation in the northwest JES, splitting the Subpolar Gyre into two smaller gyres by generating the Vladivostok Dome. Between these two smaller gyres, the Northwest Thermal Front is formed and current reversal is induced along the North Korean coast. The winter monsoon also induces a current reversal along the Sakhalin coast. The volume transport of the surface Subpolar Gyre has two maxima in January and August. The maximum in August is induced by the summer intensification of the Liman-North Korean Cold Current and the shallow and narrow surface coastal jet generated by the sea ice and snow melting. The maximum in January is induced by the northwest monsoon and associated cooling.Salient features in the TKS are the submesoscale variabilities. In the western channel, submesoscale eddies with length scale of about 80 km and time scale of 5–6 days develop in the cold period. On the lee side of the Tsushima Islands, Karman-like vortex pairs are generated in the warm period. Anticyclonic vortices generated at the northern tip of the Tsushima Islands have a time scale of 5 to 8 days, length scale of 35 to 60 km, and propagate toward the JES with a phase speed of 8 cm/s. Cyclonic vortices south of the anticyclonic counter part of the vortex pairs are rather stationary with intermittent occasional propagation toward the east. The development of stratification seems to be necessary for the development of Karman-like vortex pairs.Summarizing the results above, a schematic surface circulation with seasonal change is proposed.  相似文献   
在界定逆向物流定义的基础上,将再利用逆向物流划分为再利用、再循环、再制造和商业退回四种方式,并提出再利用逆向物流对企业物流管理的现实意义,对企业更好地实施物流管理具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
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