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双层有轨电车是路面轨道交通工具的重要型式之一.自有轨电车引入中国内地以来,近10年得到快速发展.但相比国外,双层有轨电车在中国内地的应用和适应性仍有较大发展和进步空间,有必要针对双层有轨电车开展进一步研究.介绍双层有轨电车国内外应用现状,详细叙述现代双层有轨电车技术平台、关键技术参数,分析适应性及应用前景.针对双层有轨...  相似文献   
基于时间、票价、频次等多维视角选取哈大高铁沿线19 个县市,对比测算高铁 与普速列车广义交通成本,并延用广义交通成本探讨沿线城市土地价值增值的变化及其 空间差异.结果表明:哈大沿线高铁广义交通成本远大于普速列车,沿线首末城市主要受 城际时间与出行成本影响,运营频次为线路中间城市决定性因素;高铁广义交通成本与 城市行政级别和经济实力呈显著正相关,副省级城市广义交通成本明显高于地级城市, 地级市高于县级市和县域;普速列车广义交通成本总体仍与城市级别和经济实力相关, 但部分县市由于普速列车成本低廉性、高频性及受毗邻大城市边际效应影响而更具优 势;高铁对沿线城市土地价值远大于普速列车,以长春为分界线的吉林东部与黑龙江省 土地增值强于吉林西部与辽宁省,哈长沈大4 城市土地价值增值最为显著,营口、四平、鞍 山、双城、辽阳次之,其他城市增幅较弱.  相似文献   
文章针对当今国际、国内航运市场的人才需求情况,介绍了广西航运人才的现状及培养状况,分析了当前广西航运人才培养过程中存在的问题,并提出了加快广西航运人才培养的措施和途径。  相似文献   
文章根据国内外双语教学模式的研究和实践,从教学班的设置、课堂教学模式、教案、教学策略以及教学语言五个方面探索国际贸易理论课程的双语教学模式。根据目前安徽工程大学现状,可以采用的总体模式是:选用英文原版教材并大部分使用汉语讲解,但课件全部用英文,对于主要专业语汇要与汉语一一对照,并用英语进行解释,讨论、回答问题、作业和考试鼓励学生用英文。  相似文献   
这片水域俨然已经取代老铁山水道和成山角水域成为北方海域最为危险的区域,进一步考虑到烟大航线有众多的客滚船航行,一旦发生客船碰撞事故,后果将不堪设想。如何看待及评估这片水域的危险性,如何对该区域实施有效监管是摆在海事部门面前迫切需要研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   
As market price, shipping freight rates should in theory be stationary, but most empirical tests have found them to be non-stationary. To examine the causes of this theoretical–empirical inconsistency, we investigate the sensitivities of the stationarity of shipping freight rates from two perspectives: sample length and sample window. Longer samples are found not sufficient to make them stationary. Instead, sample windows separated by structural breaks are tested as stationary. Moreover, freight rates are found to have entered into a new phase since the 2008 financial crisis. This study contributes to the literature on the stationarity of shipping freight rates by providing an explanation for the theoretical–empirical inconsistency.  相似文献   
针对LNG运输船锅炉在燃烧低温液态LNG和BOG的同时会释放大量未利用冷能的问题,提出LNG运输船冷能综合利用方案。采用Aspen HYSYS软件,对LNG运输船的冷能利用系统进行模拟设计,包含纵向两级朗肯循环发电、海水淡化、船舶冷库和船舶空调的冷能梯级利用系统。对NG-2点的温度、朗肯循环部分的冷凝压力和蒸发压力等主要参数进行优化,确定最优参数设置。研究成果为船舶冷能的利用提供了理论指导和技术支持,有利于船舶节能减排,实现绿色航运。  相似文献   
In 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided on global regulations to reduce sulphur emissions to air from maritime shipping starting 2020. The regulation implies that ships can continue to use residual fuels with a high sulphur content, such as heavy fuel oil (HFO), if they employ scrubbers to desulphurise the exhaust gases. Alternatively, they can use fuels with less than 0.5% sulphur, such as desulphurised HFO, distillates (diesel) or liquefied natural gas (LNG). The options of lighter fuels and desulphurisation entail costs, including higher energy consumption at refineries, and the present study identifies and compares compliance options as a function of ship type and operational patterns.The results indicate distillates as an attractive option for smaller vessels, while scrubbers will be an attractive option for larger vessels. For all vessels, apart from the largest fuel consumers, residual fuels desulphurised to less than 0.5% sulphur are also a competing abatement option. Moreover, we analyse the interaction between global SOX reductions and CO2 (and fuel consumption), and the results indicate that the higher fuel cost for distillates will motivate shippers to lower speeds, which will offset the increased CO2 emissions at the refineries. Scrubbers, in contrast, will raise speeds and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   
While maritime pollution is often caused at the operational level, the causes can generally be traced back to shortcomings in the ship–shore interface and to poor communication among stakeholders. Here, the environmental responsibilities of maritime stakeholders are systematically analyzed and quantified using an analytic network process. This approach ensures that the most important dependencies and feedbacks among the responsibilities which is applied to a real marine situation (an oil spill) to validate the theoretical basis. A number of latent links between stakeholders’ responsibilities and the catastrophic impacts of the spill are identified.  相似文献   
海运业跨国经营投资区域选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了海运业跨国经营投资区域选择的层次分析模型,应用了Delphi、AHP、FUZZY综合评价方法来选择海运业跨国经营投资区域。  相似文献   
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