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针对运营期高铁隧道衬砌结构在飞机降落冲击荷载作用下的动力响应规律及疲劳损伤问题,以成自高铁下穿天府机场东二跑道区间隧道为工程背景,采用有限元分析的方法研究隧道动力响应及疲劳损伤规律。结果表明:B747-400型飞机在粗暴着陆后0.05 s时刻动力载荷达到最大值,约为500 kN;在单次粗暴着陆工况下,拱顶位移和受力最大,位移最大峰值为1.58 mm,拉应力最大峰值为437.79 kPa,压应力最大峰值为556.24 kPa,衬砌结构未出现塑性损伤;飞机荷载长期作用下,随着循环次数的增加,结构损伤部位和程度也随之增加,拱顶损伤最突出,其次为边墙,隧道衬砌在上方飞机长期粗暴着陆作用下的疲劳寿命大致为25 a。  相似文献   
焊接残余应力在焊接构件中普遍存在,直接影响车架结构的承载能力、降低焊接接头及整个车架构件的疲劳强度,在遇到外力作用时会产生疲劳断裂或脆性断裂而引发事故。只有从结构设计、工艺制造、焊后处理等阶段进行控制和消除,才能保证使用要求,提高焊接构件的强度,延长工作寿命。  相似文献   
This paper presents a fatigue design method for plug and ring type gas welded joints, which incorporates welding residual stress effects. A non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) was first performed to simulate the gas welding process. The numerically predicted residual stresses of the gas welds were then compared to experimental results measured using a hole drilling method. In order to evaluate the fatigue strength of the plug and ring type gas welded joints, a stress amplitude (σ a ) R taling the welding residual stress of the gas weld into account was introduced and is based on a modified Goodman equation incorporating the effect of the residual stress. Using the stress amplitude (σ a ) R , the ΔP-N f relations obtained from fatigue tests for plug and ring type gas welded joints having various dimensions and shapes were systematically rearranged into (σ a ) R -N f relations. It was found that the proposed stress amplitude (σ a ) R could provide a systematic and reasonable fatigue design criterion for the plug and ring type gas welded joints.  相似文献   
Air suspension systems have been implemented in various commercial vehicles, such as buses and special purpose trucks, because of the comfortable ride and easy height control. An evaluation of the durability of vehicle parts has been required for service life and safety starting in the early stages of design. The cyclic load applied to the vehicle can cause fatigue failure of parts, such as the suspension frame. This paper presents a method to predict the fatigue life of the suspension frame at the design stage of the air suspension system used in a heavy-duty vehicle. To estimate the fatigue life using the SN method, the Dynamic Stress Time History (DSTH) is necessary for the part of interest. DSTH can be obtained from the results of the flexible body dynamic analysis using the Belgian road simulation and the Modal Stress Recovery (MSR) method. Furthermore, the reliability of the predicted fatigue life can be evaluated by considering the variations in material properties. The probability and distribution of the expected life cycle can be obtained using experimental design with a minimum number of simulations. The advantage of using statistical methods to evaluate the life cycle is the ability to predict replacement time and the probability of failure of mass-produced parts. This paper proposes a rapid and simple method that can be effectively applied to the design of vehicle parts.  相似文献   
车轮是汽车的安全部件,不仅影响汽车的行驶性能,还影响汽车的行驶安全性,应具有足够的刚度和疲劳强度。车轮的强度不仅与轮胎气压、车辆重量、轮胎最大载荷、车辆速度、使用温度和腐蚀等使用环境有关,还受到与之连接零件轮毂的结构影响。文章对不同轮毂结构对车轮强度的影响进行分析和验证,通过优化轮毂结构可以提升车轮的安全率和使用寿命,给解决车轮开裂问题和车轮轻量化设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   
柴勇 《桥梁建设》2007,(A01):161-163
从设计和施工两方面分析影响高速公路桥面破坏的主要原因,提出了相应阶段应采取的措施。  相似文献   
基于模态应力恢复的汽车零部件虚拟疲劳试验方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于有限元模态分析、柔性多体动力学求解和疲劳寿命预测的相关理论,通过模态应力恢复得到了汽车零部件疲劳载荷历程,并将其应用于虚拟疲劳试验,解决了汽车设计过程中无法快速、准确预知零部件疲劳寿命的难题。该试验方法应用于某车双横臂独立前悬中的下横臂,在较短的时间内获得了该零件的预测疲劳寿命、寿命安全系数及危险部位等信息。结果表明该虚拟疲劳试验方法可作为汽车设计过程中的有效试验手段。  相似文献   
以某轿车后桥为例,介绍了疲劳寿命计算的理论基础和建立后桥精确有限元模型的方法。分别应用准静态法和随机振动法计算了后桥的疲劳寿命,讨论了频响分析带宽对振动疲劳分析方法的影响以及两种不同疲劳计算方法的区别和应用范围。结果表明,应用有限元仿真和试验相结合的方法可以有效地预测轿车关键零部件的疲劳寿命。  相似文献   
大马力飞轮是商用车一款大马力发动机的零部件,其搭载大马力发动机为商用车提供动力总成。飞轮在工作期间,因经常与离合器摩擦,售后市场出现离合器打滑,起步困难、抖动较大等整车问题,拆解后发现,飞轮表面出现磨损不平、表面微裂纹为主要的失效形态的现象。  相似文献   
柔性基层沥青路面沥青混合料优化设计研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沥青混合料的抗疲劳性能是影响柔性基层沥青路面结构长期使用性能的重要指标之一,文章在综合分析国外柔性基层沥青路面结构使用性能、沥青混合料疲劳试验方法和疲劳特性的基础上,通过对沥青混合料的疲劳试验及不同影响因素间相关性的分析,采用综合优化的方法,建立了优化设计模型,研究提出了柔性基层沥青混合料疲劳性能与高温性能的综合优化指标。研究分析表明,5%~7%的矿粉用量能保证疲劳性能和高温稳定性均达到最佳。而3%-4.5%空隙率的沥青混合料综合性能较好。  相似文献   
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