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为了分析城市新建地铁项目对居民公共交通出行的影响,改善公交服务水平,提高公共交 通的分担率,针对大连市新建地铁线路展开研究。以大连市地铁1 号线沿线站点作为研究区域, 采用SP (Stated Preference) 调查方法,收集了300 名地铁沿线居民对常规公交以及新建地铁两种 出行方式的选择数据。通过建立二项Logit 模型,分析出行成本、换乘时间等选择方案特性变 量,出行特性变量以及出行者特性变量对于居民出行方式选择行为的影响,并计算弹性值及模型 精度。结果表明,通过调整出行成本及换乘时间可有效提高地铁分担率。由此提出相关政策建 议:对于出行成本,可从出行者年龄及出行次数两方面制定不同的优惠政策;对于换乘时间,可 从提高可达性、完善购票系统以及调整发班频率三方面进行改善。  相似文献   
论述近10年来AFC系统的国产化取得的显著成绩和存在的问题:从起初基本依赖进口,到目前国产化率达到70%,但是现场终端设备(主要包括自动售票机及自动检票机)中的几个关键模块仍以进口为主,国产化遇到瓶颈。对AFC系统的现状进行论述,并提出对国产化的展望。  相似文献   
Image-guided computer aided surgery system (ICAS) contributes to safeness and success of surgery operations by means of displaying anatomical structures and showing correlative information to surgeons in the process of operation. Based on analysis of requirements for ICAS, a new concept of clinical knowledge-based ICAS was proposed. Designing a reasonable data structure model is essential for realizing this new concept. The traditional data structure is limited in expressing and reusing the clinical knowledge such as locating an anatomical object, topological relations of anatomical objects and correlative clinical attributes. A data structure model called mixed adjacency lists by octree-path-chain (MALOC) was outlined, which can combine patient's images with clinical knowledge, as well as efficiently locate the instrument and search the objects' information. The efficiency of data structures was analyzed and experimental results were given in comparison to other traditional data structures. The result of the nasal surgery experiment proves that MALOC is a proper model for clinical knowledge-based ICAS that has advantages in not only locating the operative instrument precisely but also proving surgeons with real-time operation-correlative information. It is shown that the clinical knowledge-based ICAS with MALOC model has advantages in terms of safety and success of surgical operations, and help in accurately locating the operative instrument and providing operation-correlative knowledge and information to surgeons in the process of operations.  相似文献   
自主水下航行器制导系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了某小型远程自主水下航行器制导系统的设计要求和软硬件实现方法,该制导系统已成功应用于211工程建设的自主水下航行器上。  相似文献   
随着北京市轨道交通的快速发展,每年的新线开通都将对线网各线的客流分布产生较大的影响,但新线可研多注重新线自身的预测,缺乏线网整体变化的预测分析.结合线网客流变化的关键因素,探索利用新线可研和现有OD数据预测新线开通后线网客流的方法,并以北京地铁4号线开通为例进行验证,从一定程度上证明该方法的可行性和适用性.  相似文献   
根据Biot饱和多孔连续介质波动方程,基于Bardet对准饱和土的假设,提出了准饱和土二相介质波动方程;运用Helmholtz矢量分解和传递、透射矩阵法(TRM)推导出准饱和土中层状半空间受竖向荷载作用下的动力响应表达式;利用Muki虚拟桩法,在层状半空间建立了桩和准饱和土相互作用的第二类Fredholm积分方程,通过离散的数值积分方法求解积分方程,讨论了准饱和土中单桩竖向动力响应问题.算例分析表明,准饱和土中桩顶竖向阻抗随饱和度的减少而增大,与饱和土地基相比,明显偏大;桩侧孔压随饱和度的减小而增大,并沿着桩长迅速衰减;桩顶位移幅值在频率较小时变化明显,饱和度越小,位移峰值越大,当频率较大时,饱和度的变化对振幅的影响不大.  相似文献   
In thispaper, the effects of a rigid baffle on the seismic response of liquid in a rigid cylindrical tank are evaluated. A baffle is an annular plate which supplies a kind of passive control on the effects of ground excitation. The contained liquid is assumed incompressible, inviscid and has irrotational motion. To estimate the seismic response, the method of superposition of modes has been applied. To analyze the rigid tank response, Laplace's equation is considered as the governing equation of the fluid domain, in both time and frequency domains. The boundary element method(BEM) is employed to evaluate the natural modes of liquid in a cylindrical tank. To gain this goal, the fluid domain is divided into two upper and lower parts partitioned by the baffle. Linearized kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions of the free surface of the contained liquid have been considered.  相似文献   
VDR图像压缩方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张丽珂  江娜 《船舶工程》2006,28(3):66-69
简单介绍了船载航行数据记录仪(VDR)的基本功能、系统结构和工作原理,并对其图像压缩方法作了详细介绍.先分别介绍了离散余弦变换(DCT)和嵌入式零树小波编码(EZW)的优缺点,针对VDR图像压缩的具体情况,提出采用DCT和EZW相结合的方法,可发挥它们的优势,克服缺点,达到更好的压缩效果.  相似文献   
SRM优化设计问题属于带多个约束条件的非线性规划问题,除变量的离散性外,约束条件众多且非线性程度高,目标函数是离散跳跃的,本文着重对SRM最优化方法进行了研究,提出了一种改进的增广Largrange乘子法,与罚函数法相比,对复杂数学模型的优化具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   
Hub‐and‐spoke networking is a key feature of current aviation markets in which hubs, as connecting points, function to consolidate and redistribute flows. This indicates that observation of traffic on a segment does not necessarily convey information about the origin to destination routing of passenger journeys because of the unavoidable detours in the system. This paper examines the heterogeneity of the flow composition in domestic and international US markets, which in turn allows us to observe the variation of operations across major hubs. A modified Route Flow Estimator for origin–destination synthesis (or origin–destination matrix estimation) is designed to decompose the segment traffic into itinerary‐based passenger trips. Several public and commercial databases, which are easily accessible, are exploited (and reconciled) for the model in order to (i) generate possible trip itineraries using those segment markets, and (ii) link data‐driven operational conditions with the underlying segment flows. The results are validated with US domestic trip observations and empirical knowledge related to the air transportation system. Then, the variability of the hub operations is examined based on sensitivity tests using the model parameters. From the resolution of itinerary‐based estimates, we observe that major airports' hub operations are spatially uneven, particularly with respect to domestic and international connecting passengers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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