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为了提升铁路沿线城市空间物业开发的设计手法,结合宝鸡市南客站核心区站前广场工程的设计实践,从系统性设计观、工程性质解析、消防设计思路、空间建构方法、无缝接驳、技术要素等方面进行研究分析,展示将铁路与城市系统进行一体化设计、利用自然资源解决消防和投资问题、平层空间中对多种交通体系的有机组织、不同坐标和高程系统背景下分区域构建柱网、各板块交接处的问题解决等技术成果,总结出同类型建筑的设计思路,力求为该领域的建筑设计发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
目前内河航运行业存在制度与标准建设滞后现象,不利于工程建设与行业发展。以龙溪口航电枢纽工程为例,梳理现阶段内河航运工程建设用地工作中用地指标、建设工期定额及涉及工程建设用地与征地移民有关的技术规范等微观制度建设方面的不足,并提出相应建议。从政策层面尽快颁布《航运工程建设用地指标》等政策文件,或明确借用相关行业类似政策文件;在航运工程建设征地中引入“先行用地”制度与应用;从行业层面尽快颁布《航运工程建设工期定额》、《航运工程建设征地处理范围界定规范》等行业规范文件,以利于航运工程征地移民工作管理,促进项目与行业高效、健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   
为探明城陵矶—武汉河段的航道水深资源,根据每一水道的河相关系参数对研究河段进行区段划分,并采用稳定航深估算法对不同区段的航道最大稳定航深进行计算,进而确定研究河段的航道最大水深。结果表明:研究河段依据水道河相关系参数变化规律,可自上游至下游分为仙峰水道—新堤水道、石头关水道—簰洲水道、水洪口水道—白沙洲水道区段;这3个区段在98%设计通航保证率流量、航宽200 m下的航道最大稳定水深自上而下分别为6.133、11.268和6.433 m,故城陵矶—武汉河段在200 m规划航宽下基于自然禀赋的最大稳定航深为6.1 m。  相似文献   
传统的航道水深测量方式,测量成本较高,而且,很多情况下,由于水浅等原因,较大的常规测量船不能到达,而难以测量.文中介绍了航道水深测量遥控测量船的设计原理和应用情况.遥控船上安装有测量系统,能够实现远程手动遥控测量和按预定航线自动导航测量.该船吃水浅、航速快、稳性好、遥控距离远,有2套动力系统,可远程自由切换,安全性高.2011年投入使用以来,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
针对现代舰船航海的需要,融合GIS和PDA技术,采用模块化设计,研制了“手持式航海功能绘算系统”.该系统在WindowsCE环境下融合多种导航信息,绘算快速准确,运行稳定可靠,操作灵活方便,可以提高舰船航海保障能力.  相似文献   
A linearized aero-hydro-servo-elastic floating wind turbine model is presented and used to perform integrated design optimization of the platform, tower, mooring system, and blade-pitch controller for a 10 MW spar floating wind turbine. Optimal design solutions are found using gradient-based optimization with analytic derivatives, considering both fatigue and extreme response constraints, where the objective function is a weighted combination of system cost and power quality. Optimization results show that local minima exist both in the soft-stiff and stiff-stiff range for the first tower bending mode and that a stiff-stiff tower design is needed to reach a solution that satisfies the fatigue constraints. The optimized platform has a relatively small diameter in the wave zone to limit the wave loads on the structure and an hourglass shape far below the waterline. The shape increases the restoring moment and natural frequency in pitch, which leads to improved behaviour in the low-frequency range. The importance of integrated optimization is shown in the solutions for the tower and blade-pitch control system, which are clearly affected by the simultaneous design of the platform. State-of-the-art nonlinear time-domain analyses show that the linearized model is conservative in general, but reasonably accurate in capturing trends, suggesting that the presented methodology is suitable for preliminary integrated design calculations.  相似文献   
本文针对LNG应急逃离情况以及国内LNG应急锚地使用现状,总结分析国内、外LNG应急锚地布置情况;结合江苏滨海LNG码头通航条件,提出LNG应急通道及应急锚地三种布置方案,通过操船模拟试验论证比选并得出结论,供类似工程参考。  相似文献   
GNSS/INS组合方式是下一代列控系统定位技术的发展趋势,但由于惯导系统累计误差较大,使得列车处于卫星信号失锁环境下定位性能降低。为解决这个问题,针对微机械惯性测量单元IMU确定性误差的3个主要误差项:非正交误差、零偏误差、刻度因数,建立加速度计和陀螺仪的误差模型,在此基础上详细推导标定原理并提出标定方案。将误差补偿结果应用于京沈高速铁路试验现场并由试验结果分析可知:该方法能有效提高IMU的测量精度,相较于补偿前测量误差降低80%以上;补偿之后的惯导系统在40s时间内的导航速度误差小于1m/s,位置误差在10m之内,满足定位需求,具有实际意义的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
吴昊  刘蕊 《中国海事》2020,(2):55-57
文中在通过利用智能手段采用AIS网络对航行计划、交通管制、水文气象等VTS相关信息进行推送的相关领域进行了研究,以便提高船舶信息获取效率,减少VTS服务工作强度。  相似文献   
[Objective ] To meet the requirements of remotely controlling ship in curved, narrow and crowded inland waterways, this paper proposes an approach that consists of CNN-based algorithms and knowledge based models under ship-shore cooperation conditions. [Method]On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of ship-shore cooperation, the proposed approach realizes autonomous perception of the environment with visual simulation at the core and navigation decision-making control based on deep reinforcement learning, and finally constructs an artificial intelligence system composed of image deep learning processing, navigation situation cognition, route steady-state control and other functions. Remote control and short-time autonomous navigation of operating ships are realized under inland waterway conditions, and remote control of container ships and ferries is carried out. [Results]The proposed approach is capable of replacing manual work by remote orders or independent decision-making, as well as realizing independent obstacle avoidance, with a consistent deviation of less than 20 meters. [Conclusions]The developed prototype system carries out the remote control operation demonstration of the above ship types in such waterways as the Changhu Canal Shenzhou line and the Yangtze River, proving that a complete set of algorithms with a CNN and reinforcement learning at the core can independently extract key navigation information, construct obstacle avoidance and control awareness, and lay the foundation for inland river intelligent navigation systems. © 2022 Journal of Clinical Hepatology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
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