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中国航运电子市场发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从航运业的运量、竞争环境、服务质量、物流和商业运作模式5个方面分析了航运电子市场的形成与发展,并通过中国几个航运电子市场的服务定位与功能介绍,阐述了中国航运电子市场的利弊与发展趋势。  相似文献   
新能源汽车的出现,既体现了社会的可持续发展理念,又体现了汽车领域对技术的突破与创新,使新型出行方式逐渐在生活中被渗透.然而,与新能源汽车的销路大增不相匹配的是,该类型汽车的配套服务还非常滞后,尤其是涉及到技术维修的配套服务.可喜的是,已有众多职业院校看到了这一领域的职业需求,并开设起与之对应的技术专业,着力于向社会输送...  相似文献   
This study examines the influence of passengers’ travel-related factors, their intention to shop and the impact of socio-economic factors on their consumption behaviours while at the airport terminal. Three categories of consumption model – shopping, dining and airport entertainment – are developed to analyse different consumption behaviours. The results show that free time is the main factor that influences passengers to choose entertainment while waiting at the terminal, and the use of airline lounges has a negative influence on the extent of engagement in all three types of passenger consumption behaviour, especially dining. Furthermore, passengers’ dining expenditure has a positive effect on the extent of engagement in entertainment, but a negative influence on the extent of engagement in airport shopping. Passengers’ preferences of airport shopping area after they have cleared security is positively associated with the extent of engagement in both shopping and entertainment but negatively associated with the extent of engagement in dining activities.  相似文献   
This paper tests whether, and to what extent, airlines exploit market captivity by using price discrimination strategies. The Italian passenger market is particularly fit for this purpose, given the high differentials in the degree of the inter-modal competition amongst domestic connections. Results show that, ceteris paribus, airlines adopt a different pricing behaviour depending on the degree of inter-modal market captivity. First, in highly concentrated markets with respect to air competitors, airlines price higher when the inter-modal competition is limited. This proves that inter-modal market captivity strengthens the effect of market power. Second, the inter-temporal price discrimination leads to a J-shaped distribution of fares over time, which is more pronounced when the inter-modal competition is effective. This suggests that airlines need to adopt a pricing technique that allows for a greater market segmentation in order to compete successfully with high-speed rail transport and to extract a larger part of passengers’ surplus. These results are relevant in terms of transport-investment implications and competition policy. The indirect benefits that investments in rail infrastructure would yield through downward pressures on competing airline fares should be embedded in any cost-benefit analysis of high-speed networks investments and in any policy evaluation of measures that aim to reduce the territorial gaps in infrastructure endowment and accessibility.  相似文献   
Technological paradigm shifts often come with a newly emerging industry that seeks a viable infrastructure deployment plan to compete against established competitors. Such phenomenon has been repeatedly seen in the field of transportation systems, such as those related to the booming bioenergy production, among others. We develop a game-theoretic modeling framework using a continuum approximation scheme to address the impacts of competition on the optimal infrastructure deployment. Furthermore, we extend the model to incorporate uncertainties in supply/demand and the risk of facility disruptions. Analytical properties of the optimal infrastructure system are obtained, based on which fast numerical solution algorithms are developed. Several hypothetical problem instances are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and to quantify the impacts of various system parameters. A large-scale biofuel industry case study for the U.S. Midwest is conducted to obtain additional managerial insights.  相似文献   
To achieve transport cost reductions and to reduce the environmental impact of road transport, different European countries are allowing or testing longer and heavier vehicles on their road network. In Belgium, the Flanders region started a trial in 2015 allowing a limited number of longer and heavier vehicles on a selection of approved routes. A concern among intermodal operators is however that an allowance of longer and heavier vehicles could trigger a reverse modal shift away from rail and inland waterways container transport. Starting from experiences in other European countries, this paper discusses the potential spatial impact of allowing longer and heavier vehicles on the market areas of intermodal transhipment terminals using a geographic information systems-based location analysis model. In a second step, external transport costs are incorporated in this model, to quantify the spatially diversified societal costs of a potential reverse modal shift.  相似文献   
There is a large body of research related to carbon footprint reduction in supply chains and logistics from a wide range of sectors; however the decarbonisation of freight transport is mostly explored from a single mode perspective and at a domestic/regional level. This paper takes into account a range of alternative transport modes, routes and methods with particular reference to UK wine imports from two regions: northern Italy and Southeast Australia. The research examines supply chain structures, costs and the environmental impact of international wine distribution to the UK. A number of options are evaluated to calculate the carbon footprint and sulphate emissions of alternative route, mode, method of carriage, and packaging combinations. The estimation of CO2e emissions incorporates three main elements - cargo mass, distance and method of carriage; sulphate emissions are derived from actual ship routes, engine power and operational speeds. The bottling of wine either at source or close to destination is also taken into consideration. The key findings are: there are major differences between the environmental footprint of different routeing and packaging scenarios; the international shipping leg almost always has a much larger footprint than inland transport within the UK except in the hypothetical case of the rail shipments from Italy using flexitanks. With reference to sulphate, the lowest cost scenario among the sea maximizing options is also the sulphate minimising solution.  相似文献   
机械创新设计大赛是机械类专业培养学生创新能力、工程实践能力和团队协作能力的学科竞赛。针对当前应用型高校学生创新实践能力较差的问题,论文分析了当前大学生实践能力培养中存在的问题,通过理论教学、实践教学改革和制度保障,提出构建以机械创新设计大赛为导向的教学体系,调动了学生主动学习的兴趣,通过参赛作品的制作,一定程度上培养和提高了机械专业大学生的创新能力和实践能力,对培养工科类学生的创新实践能力有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
高职院校国际商务专业课程设置问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校国际商务专业课程设置直接关系到该专业的教学质量和效果,进而影响到人才培养质量和学生就业质量。文章针对目前高职院校国际商务专业课程设置存在的问题,提出课程设置的原则及应采取的对策建议。  相似文献   
为了将实测得到的国际平整度指数IRI值引入到路面不平度模拟中,从而在车一路或车一桥相互作用的耦舍体系中更准确地模拟由路面不平度引起的车辆动荷栽,提出了一种通过实测IRI值得到该段路路面不平度的方法.由IRI的计算方法入手,通过建立1/4车模型来分析路面不平度的输入和车辆、地面的振动响应,并通过路面不平度标准差与IRI的关系等式作为中介,将IRI引入到路面不平度的模拟中,采用周期图表法,利用功率谱密度函数和傅立叶逆变换,进一步模拟出路面不平度.最后进行了实例模拟,通过程序分析,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
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