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阐述地铁车站消火栓系统的控制模式,并分析消火栓系统的操作模式,对手动启泵控制模式和自动启泵控制模式进行详细分析,从启动时间、运营管理、经济性等方面进行对比,得出手动控制模式在启动时间上具有优势,但存在人为误操作的可能;自动控制模式比手动操作模式增加了压力开关(流量开关)控制系统,投资会有所增加。优化两种控制模式,在设计手动启泵控制模式时增加自动巡检或其他线路故障报警功能,在设计自动启泵控制模式时,增设低流量或者低压力报警的流量开关或者压力开关,在消火栓系统出现小流量泄漏时,能及时报警,及时维修,避免消防泵在非消防状态下的错误启动。  相似文献   
论述采用电能质量管理系统的必要性,确定电能质量管理系统的设计原则.以北京地铁亦庄线电能质量管理系统为例,介绍系统的构成、功能及仪表设置,分析系统的通信方式,对电能质量管理系统的发展趋势进行展望.实践表明,该系统能对地铁内部用电设备的各项电能质量指标进行监测和分析,具有电能监测、数据分析、电能分类统计等功能,可以及时发现...  相似文献   
复杂换乘站是指多线换乘兼对外客运枢纽车站,由于其功能和客流特征的复杂性,需采用客流模拟手段来辅助方案设计。在车站客流特征详细分析的基础上,结合成都火车南站的实际案例,提出对多线换乘兼对外客运枢纽车站进行客流模拟时,应兼顾车站的各项功能需求,针对客流特征细化模型参数,从而对设计方案进行综合评价和优化。对于多线换乘站设计方案应适当增大付费区空间,合理组织客流流线,避免流线交叉。对于衔接对外客运枢纽的车站,枢纽换乘区域应预留足够的空间以便于组织客流,并应根据客流需求配备购票和安检设施,适当增加人工售票设施,同时还应加强导向标识的设计。  相似文献   
随着经济的高速发展,城市化、区域化的进程加快,中心城区与周边地区的联系越来越密切,在这种发展形势下,介于城市地铁和干线铁路之间的市域轨道交通系统的出现可以很好地解决市域范围内中、长距离的出行需求。其服务半径大、运行速度快、服务水平高等特点,可加强中心城区各区域以及与外围组团间的快速联系。以成都市轨道交通13号线市域快线为例,在分析其线路特点、客流特点和速度目标特点的基础上,针对站间距和平面线形两个影响中心城区速度目标的因素,通过加减站分析、平面线形优化分析以及越行站分析,对穿越中心城区的市域快线线站位进行研究,总结穿越中心城区的市域快线线站位研究过程中应力求考虑的层面,确保方案合理可行。  相似文献   
石家庄CBD地下公共空间工程是集配套商业、汽车库、能源中心、智慧中心、市政管廊、人防工程、地铁车站等多种功能为一体的地下综合体.为提高车站服务水平,地铁车站采用大跨无柱、顶板设置采光天窗的方案;在介绍地下空间方案的基础上,重点分析大跨无柱车站的受力和构造措施.主要措施如下:利用围护桩兼作抗浮桩;采用斜撑解决大跨无柱车站...  相似文献   
以城市轨道交通地面式超级电容储能装置为背景,针对空载电压波动下的储能装置阈值选择问题进行探讨,首先分析城轨供电系统中空载电压波动对再生能量回收的影响:1)更改储能装置放电电压指令,可以改变储能装置和整流机组能量输出的功率比例;2)传统恒定阈值放电策略将放电指令与放电阈值固定,因此储能装置放电时不能做到对放电功率的控制;3)采用固定阈值放电策略时,空载电压值的变化会影响储能装置放电输出能量的大小。然后提出充放电阈值动态调整控制策略,实验结果表明,对于不同的空载电压,改进后的控制策略可以根据空载电压放电指令进行动态调整,使储能装置与整流机组的能量输出比例恒定,从而维持放电时放出的能量不随空载电压的波动而变化。  相似文献   
为实现地铁交流供电系统无功平衡,以广州地铁18号线为例根据线路拓扑结构,分析造成无功过剩的原因,计算该线路供电系统的无功水平,考虑线路中无功补偿装置的补偿容量和补偿方式等因素,提出基于枚举法和粒子群算法的供电系统无功补偿方法,给出无功补偿策略。结合地铁18号线的线路数据进行仿真,结果表明,通过以上方法提出的无功补偿策略可使供电系统无功得到较好的平衡。  相似文献   
Mediterranean monk seal populations have declined dramatically and survive in subpopulations scattered throughout their original distribution. The National Marine Park of Alonnisos, Northern Sporades is the first marine protected Area dedicated to the protection of the species in the Mediterranean. A Monitoring and Awareness Project has been carried out in the area from 1993 to 2000, the results of which have produced a detailed profile of the human usage pattern of the Park and indicated a significant reduction of illegal activities in the area. The pattern of human usage has enabled the monitoring team to adjust their efforts in the Park over time and provided essential baseline data for future management. The combined monitoring and awareness efforts have contributed significantly to the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal by successfully protecting pupping sites and reducing human-induced mortality of the species in the area.  相似文献   
San Felipe marine reserve, in Yucatán, México, is unique, and particularly suited for a case study because the local community created it without a mandate from higher levels of government. This article presents the results of a survey of local interest groups using the method of paired comparisons and rank correlation analysis, to reveal local judgments about the severity of damages to coastal habitats and the level of impacts of activities that cause the damages. The results show that fishers differ significantly from other interest groups in their rankings of the severity of damages to habitats and of impacting activities. These findings suggest that despite the overlapping interests in protecting the resources and the critical habitats, the different perspectives of local interest groups about the severity of damages must be considered in the management of San Felipe marine reserve.  相似文献   
This research focuses on coral reef health in the South Pacific region, an area of high global coral diversity. Coral reef health surrounding two study sites in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, has been assessed in areas that have not been previously surveyed. Each study site has distinct differences based upon marine management practices. Marine management practices are identified and described and some historical reasons as why they exist are discussed. Data are also presented on the ecological condition (coral coverage, number of coral species, clonal condition, disease, and presence and absence of bioindicators). This interdisciplinary research methodology includes both ecological and social data collection to further understand human- environment interactions. In comparing the reefs with different management practices, I argue that the implementation of traditional marine social institutions as exemplified in this case study of the Ra'ui in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, is an effective conservation management tool and is improving coral reef health. The Ra'ui site has significantly higher species diversity/Mortality Index ( F = 2.63).  相似文献   
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