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针对当前海上船舶间靠帮补给装置的不足,提出了一种混联式靠帮补给装置,使用串联式起重臂和并联式补偿装置的组合,可实现目标船甲板的覆盖以及对目标船的姿态补偿。根据设计的补偿装置结构参数,分析了装置的可达空间约束方程,利用工作空间极坐标搜索法结合Matlab软件得到了补偿装置的实际可达空间。使用三维设计软件进行补偿装置的建模,利用Adams软件的运动学分析模块对允许最大海况下满载的装置进行运动学分析,得到各驱动杆组的运动参数,有利于装置的进一步设计与完善。  相似文献   
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and Conservation Act, enacted in 1974, is the primary federal fishery management legislation in the United States. The political impetus that led to enactment was the extensive foreign fish off U.S. shores that expanded following World War II and the failure of international negotiations to prevent the decline in many fisheries relied upon by domestic fishers. In Congress, there was uncertainty as to whether a comprehensive management program would be created along with a unilateral extension of fishery management jurisdiction out to 200 nautical miles. The delay in agreement over a new United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty and resolution of the extent of coastal nation jurisdiction over fisheries culminated in enactment of the legislation sponsored by Senator Warren Magnuson, a Democrat from Washington State, and Senator Ted Stevens, a Republican from the State of Alaska.  相似文献   
针对川藏线拉萨—林芝段娘盖村隧道开挖与支护施工难、拱部塌落灾害频发等工程技术难题,提出了“三台阶互补循环式开挖+型钢钢架+喷射混凝土+双层密钢网+多组锁脚锚杆(管)+衬砌壁后注浆”的开挖支护组合体系,选取漂卵石隧道2组典型断面开展支护体系受力与变形实测研究,分析了围岩荷载作用特征、支护体系受力特性以及洞内外变形规律,揭示漂卵石隧道新型支护体系承载作用机制,总结提出了相应的防控新原则。分析结果表明:围岩压力以拱部松动塌落荷载为主且沿洞周分布不均,初期支护与二次衬砌平均荷载分担比例分别为67.65%和32.35%;锁脚锚杆受力拉压兼具,优化后最大拉、压力分别减小了45.9%和20.0%;二次衬砌受力总体较小,具有足够的结构安全储备;洞身段拱顶下沉不超过15 mm,水平收敛为8~9 mm;洞口段变形不对称且受浅埋偏压和降雨条件影响显著,拱部最大下沉达52.4 mm,上、下台阶水平收敛分别为11.4和15.6 mm,在类似不利条件下应尽早施作仰拱和二次衬砌以保证施工安全;漂卵石隧道支护体系设计遵循“少扰动、强拱脚、防超挖、密钢网、勤注浆”的防控原则,能够及时控制拱部松动区扩展,调动深层围岩的自承载能力,从而达到改善支护结构受力性能和有效避免拱部塌落灾害发生的目的。  相似文献   
We investigate the problem of designing an optimal annual delivery plan for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). This problem requires determining the long-term cargo delivery dates and the assignment of vessels to the cargoes while accommodating several constraints, including berth availability, liquefaction terminal inventory, planned maintenance, and bunkering requirements. We describe a novel mixed-integer programming formulation that captures important industry requirements and constraints with the objective of minimizing the vessel fleet size. A peculiar property of the proposed formulation is that it includes a polynomial number of variables and constraints and is, in our experience, computationally tractable for large problem instances using a commercial solver. Extensive computational runs demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model for real instances provided by a major energy company that involve up to 118 cargoes and a 373-day planning horizon.  相似文献   
本文根据21世纪初世界军事格局的变化特点,分析了美,俄海军装备发展趋势,并从六个引入关注的方面,论述了高新技术对军事装备发展的推动力。  相似文献   
依照UIC513《铁路车辆内旅客振动舒适度评价标准》,提出了加速度能量法的概念,并在LabVIEW7.1环境下开发了一套列车振动舒适度检测和评价系统,通过对频率在1-80 Hz内的纵向、横向、垂向3个方向加速度数据进行分析处理,得出振动舒适度等级,同时实现加速度数据波形和振动舒适度等级的实时显示。该系统以计算机为硬件工作平台,以图形化编程语言LabVIEW7.1为软件开发平台,主要由数据采集、数据分析两大模块组成,具有可靠性高、可扩展性强、精确度高、成本低、易升级、易操作的优点。  相似文献   
The research aims to study the port selection in liner shipping. The central work is to set up a model to deal with port choice decisions. The model solves three matters: ports on a ship’s route; the order of selected ports and loading/unloading ports for each shipment. Its objective is to minimize total cost including ship cost, port tariff, inland transport cost and inventory cost. The model has been applied in real data, with cargo flows between the USA and Northern Europe. Afterwards, two sensitive analyses are considered. The first assesses the impact of a number of port calls on the total cost which relates closely to the viability of two service patterns: multi ports and hub & spoke. The second analyzes the efficiency of large vessels in the scope of a logistics network. The overriding result of this research is to indicate the influence of logistics factors in the decision of port choice. The research emphasizes the necessity to combine different factors when dealing with this topic, or else a result can be one-sided.  相似文献   
伴随我国经济和航运事业的快速发展,船舶营运造成了我国海洋环境的严重破坏,但我国防治船舶海洋污染法律制度的建设却严重滞后。在充分考量我国防治船舶海洋污染法律制度的现状的基础上,借鉴美国在相关法律制度建设上的立法经验,对我国防治船舶海洋污染法律制度的建设提出建议与对策。  相似文献   
石钧 《中国海事》2012,(8):28-30
文中以《海事行政强制实施程序暂行规定》集中列举的17种传统行政强制措施为例,对传统海事行政强制措施的分类和存在问题加以分析,并以一般性与特殊性相结合的原则对《行政强制法》视角下海事行政强制措施的范围提出了建议。  相似文献   
大跨径连续刚构桥跨中下挠的成因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跨中下挠过大是目前国内大跨径连续刚构桥的主要病害之一.对跨中下挠过大的原因进行了全面的分析,并在此基础上提出了有效的改进措施.  相似文献   
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