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In the wake of traffic congestion at intersections, it is imperative to shorten delays in corridors with stochastic arrivals. Coordinated adaptive control can adjust green time flexibly to deal with a stochastic demand, while maintaining a minimum through-band for coordinated intersections. In this paper, a multi-stage stochastic program based on phase clearance reliability (PCR) is proposed to optimize base timing plans and green split adjustments of coordinated intersections under adaptive control. The objective is to minimize the expected intersection delay and overflow of the coordinated approach. The overflow or oversaturated effect is explicitly addressed in the delay calculation, which greatly increases the modeling complexity due to the interaction of overflow delays across cycles. The notion of PCR separates the otherwise related green time settings of consecutive cycles into a number of stages, in which the base timing plan and actual timing plan in different cycles are handled sequentially. We then develop a PCR based solution algorithm to solve the problem, and apply the model and the solution algorithm to actual intersections in Shanghai to investigate its performance as compared with Allsop’s method and Webster’s method. Preliminary results show the PCR-based method can significantly shorten delays and almost eliminates overflow for the coordinated approaches, with acceptable delay increases of the non-coordinated approaches. A comparison between the proposed coordinated adaptive logic and a coordinated actuated logic is also conducted in the case study to show the advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   
A multi-period multipath refueling location model is developed to expand public electric vehicle (EV) charging network to dynamically satisfy origin–destination (O–D) trips with the growth of EV market. The model captures the dynamics in the topological structure of network and determines the cost-effective station rollout scheme on both spatial and temporal dimensions. The multi-period location problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program and solved by a heuristic based on genetic algorithm. The model and heuristic are justified using the benchmark Sioux Falls road network and implemented in a case study of South Carolina. The results indicate that the charging station rollout scheme is subject to a number of major factors, including geographic distributions of cities, vehicle range, and deviation choice, and is sensitive to the types of charging station sites.  相似文献   
为探索中小型机场停机位指派问题有效合理的解决方法, 以乘客最小行走距离为优化目标, 建立了中小型机场停机位整数规划指派模型, 利用改进的启发式算法进行了求解。该算法可以缩小搜索空间, 在最坏情况下的计算复杂度是多项式的, 优于CPLEX软件的指数级计算复杂度, 具有更高的计算效率; 与CPLEX结果相比, 距离误差仅为5.2%, 指派结果令人满意。  相似文献   
考虑碎石基层横观各向同性的沥青路面结构设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了分析碎石材料横观各向同性特性对沥青路面结构设计的影响, 评价其使用特性, 运用状态空间理论, 基于横观各向同性层状弹性体系理论解, 使用路面结构分析程序ANISOLAY-ER, 对基于土基和碎石类材料横观各向同性特性的路面结构设计进行了分析, 给出了5种典型沥青路面结构三层体系设计诺谟图, 并对一碎石基层沥青路面结构厚度进行了程序化设计。结果表明: 在考虑沥青路面关键性设计指标的情况下, 对于碎石基层沥青路面结构, 沥青层底部拉应变和路表弯沉都普遍比容许值小50%左右, 其控制设计指标主要为路基顶部的压应变, 车辙为其主要破坏模式。  相似文献   
数控编程中有关工艺处理的问题关系到所加工出来零件的准确性。文中阐述了编程中工艺处理的一些原则及方法。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the interdependency across two critical infrastructures of transportation and motor fueling supply chains, and investigates how vulnerability to climatic extremes in a fueling infrastructure hampers the resilience of a transportation system. The proposed model features both a bi-stage mathematical program and an extension to an ‘α-reliable mean-excess’ regret model. The former aspect allows decision makers to optimize the pre-disaster asset prepositioning against the maximum post-disaster system resilience. The latter aspect of the proposed model devalues the impact of ‘low-probability, high-cost’ sub-scenarios upon model results. The model reveals the reliance of post-disaster urban mobility on the interdependent critical infrastructure of motor fueling supply chains. The results also suggest how investment in the fueling infrastructure’s vulnerable elements protects urban mobility while the transportation network is stressed or under attack.  相似文献   
基于自适应模糊神经网络的故障诊断方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王生昌  赵永杰  许青杰 《汽车工程》2006,28(4):398-400,409
对模糊逻辑和神经网络的优缺点进行分析,提出一种基于自适应模糊神经网络的故障诊断方法。它把模糊逻辑和神经网络有机结合起来,生成自适应模糊神经推理系统(ANFIS);文中给出了该系统的原理及实现算法,最后使用M atlab Fuzzy工具箱对柴油发动机喷油泵柱塞故障数据进行建模,结果表明该方法是可行的,并且有较高的诊断效率。  相似文献   
为了防止在高温、高压下工作的活塞发生敲缸和拉缸,提高其使用寿命和工作性能,活塞常被设计成中凸变椭圆.然而,中凸变椭圆的活塞给实际制造带来了很大困难.针对中凸变椭圆活塞数控车削加工对数控系统高实时性要求,构建了基于可编程多轴控制器PMAC(Program Multiple Axises Controller)的非圆截面活塞车削数控系统,其中采用了直线电机作为横向进给机构,数控系统采用了PMAC IPC的双CPU的结构方案,将控制系统的开发平台直接构筑于IPC的软硬件之上且应用PMAC的时基控制功能代替传统的硬靠模.并在基于直线电机驱动的数控车床上编制了椭圆截面的数控加工程序,实现了该类零件的数控车削加工.  相似文献   
文章结合苏州轨道交通4号线支线及天鹅荡停车场工程概况,阐述了停车场站场设计技术要求及设计原则,并提出了停车场总平面布置的两个方案,并对方案的优缺点进行分析、比较,同时对工程设计过程中存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
预报现代高速排水型船舶阻力性能的新型方尾图谱   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文根据多艘同类方尾船型与阻力实验资料,对原苏联"方尾图谱"进行了重分析,并对其高速范围的阻力进行了修正,并将速度范围由Fr=0.3~0.7扩展到Fr=0.3~1.0,长度排水量系数ψ由7.0~8.5扩展到5.0~10.重分析后新的方尾图谱可用于高速双体船的阻力估算.同时将新方尾图谱与高恩螺旋桨图谱的数据均转换成电子图表数据,直接应用Microsoft Excel进行现代高速(单体或双体)船舶的快速性计算.根据输入的主尺度和船型系数,自动对新方尾图谱的电子阻力数据进行查值和主要影响系数的修正计算,粘性影响修正与粘性阻力计算,以及确定高速单体船或高速双体船的总阻力与有效功率曲线.实际算例与船模试验结果比较表明,本方法便于进行不同尺度方案的阻力性能比较,是一种实用、高效、灵活、便捷与可靠的计算方法.  相似文献   
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