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Absolute values of chlorophyll a concentration and its spatial and seasonal variations in the Black Sea were assessed by using satellite CZCS and in situ data. Since the satellite CZCS had operated for the 1978–1986 period, CZCS data was used for assessing the past state of the Black Sea just before the onset of drastic changes observed in late 1980s. The approach used for the calculation of the absolute values of chlorophyll a concentration from CZCS data was based on the direct comparison of in situ chlorophyll a data and those of CZCS and by applying the algorithm developed for the transformation of CZCS data into chlorophyll a values. CZCS Level 2 data related with pigment concentration having a spatial resolution of 1 km at nadir were used. The daily Level 3 files were derived by binning Level 2 values into 4-km grid cells and the monthly and seasonal Level 3 files were created by averaging the daily Level 3 files over the corresponding period. In situ chlorophyll a data were obtained by spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods in 15 scientific cruises over the 1978–1986 period. Total number of ship-measured data used for the comparison with those CZCS values was 590.Chlorophyll a concentration (Chl) was derived from CZCS values (C) with regression equations Chl=kC; the coefficient of transformation k was calculated from six different data sets by taking into account distinctions between subregions and seasons. The reasons for difference in the k values have been analyzed.Statistical comparison of the chlorophyll a values measured in situ and those derived from CZCS data was based on log-transformed data and gave the following results: regression SLOPE=0.842, regression INTERCEPT=−0.081, coefficient of determination (R2)=0.806, root–mean–square ERROR=0.195. The mean monthly chlorophyll a distributions derived from CZCS data over 1978–1986 have been constructed and the mean seasonal chlorophyll a values in different regions have been calculated and analyzed. The significant difference in chlorophyll concentration between the western shelf regions and the open part of the Black Sea has been demonstrated, especially in warm season. At almost all seasons, the highest chlorophyll concentration is observed in the western interior shelf region which is under strong influence of Danube. The summer mean chlorophyll concentration in this region is 18 times higher than that in the open parts and about nine times higher than in the eastern shelf region. The greatest seasonal variations are observed in the open part of the Black Sea: chlorophyll concentration in cold season is four to six times higher than in summer and three to five times higher than in April and October. To the contrary, in the western interior shelf regions, the concentration is higher in May–October (about twice than that in November–March). Seasonal variations in the western outer shelf regions are smoothed out as compared with both the western interior shelf and the open regions.  相似文献   
The modern hydrological regime of the Dead Sea is strongly affected by anthropogenic activity. The natural fresh water budget has changed mainly due to the drastic reduction of runoff. Since 1977, the surface level of the Dead Sea has been lowered by an average rate of about 60 cm/year and for the period from 1998 to 2000, the lowering rate has reached about 100 cm/year. As a result of the runoff reduction, the upper layer salinity of the Dead Sea has increased and the gravitational stability of the water body was diminished. Eventually, during the winter of 1978–1979, the lake waters overturned, bringing to an end the long-term stable meromictic1 hydrological regime. The lake entered a new phase in which its hydrological regime switches between holomictic and meromictic regimes, depending on the size of the runoff into the lake (i.e. the amount of precipitation in the lake's watershed). The first holomictic period, 1979–1980, lasted for 2 months only. It was succeeded by a 4-year meromictic period (1980–1983). The second holomictic period lasted for 9 years (1983–1991). The rainy winter of 1991–1992 resulted in an almost 2-m sea level rise. The upper layer with a relatively low salinity was restored and a new meromictic period persisted for 4 years, until winter 1995–1996. During the last meromictic period, the hydrological regime of the Dead Sea was characterized by following long-term trends: the depth of the summer thermocline increased from 12–15 to 25–30 m; the quasi-salinity of the upper layer, initially of about 164 kg/m3, increased rapidly at a rate of about 16–18 kg/m3/year; the quasi-salinity of the deep water, initially of about 235 kg/m3, decreased slowly at a rate of about 0.08–0.10 kg/m3/year (for the sake of comparison, a quasi salinity of 235 kg/m3 is the equivalent of 280‰ “usual” salinity); and the winter minimal temperature of the upper layer, initially of about 16 °C, increased rapidly at a rate of about 2 °C/year. In November 1995, the latest meromictic period of the Dead Sea came to an end. During the present holomictic period, 1996–2000, the hydrological regime of the Dead Sea is also characterized by long-term trends: the quasi-salinity of the entire Dead Sea increased at a rate of about 0.5 kg/m3/year, with practically no decrease during the winters; the temperature of the deep water mass increased with a rate of about 0.25 °C/year; and the period of vertical convection of the entire water column, initially about 3 months, increased at a rate of about 1 week/year. Moreover, we observed that the temperature and salinity of the bottom layer in the deepest part of the Dead Sea raised by about 0.5–0.6 °C and 0.15–0.25 kg/m3 during each holomictic summer.  相似文献   
The methodology to achieve a real time inter-comparison of five state-of-the-art operational forecast systems for the North Atlantic and Mediterranean basins is presented. All systems provide analysis and near real-time prediction of the three-dimensional ocean through Opendap servers. A standard set of diagnostics called metrics, is described. Definition and examples of metrics are given. An inter-comparison of the five systems is conducted over a 1 year period using those metrics. It is shown that the methodology developed allows a successful inter-comparison. It has been adopted by the GODAE community. It is also shown that the systems are consistent with the current knowledge of the ocean circulation and climatologies. Systems are deficient in the representation of specific water masses characteristics as Mode waters. Data assimilation of vertical profiles of temperature and salinity solve such deficiencies. Metrics also allow a monitoring of the system's North Atlantic overturning stream function and will allow detecting any changes in the coming year system's thermohaline circulation.  相似文献   
Sea level time series derived from TOPEX altimeter and from tide gauge measurements in the Bay of Biscay (Eastern North Atlantic Ocean) are used to investigate the regional sea level rise. Altimetry sea level anomalies are computed from TOPEX measurements and resampled into fixed along track bins in order to obtain consistent records and to approach as close as possible to the coast. Tidal corrections are critical in the estimation of sea level trends; therefore an additional analysis has been carried out in order to identify and correct for residual tidal signals. The obtained mean sea level rise in the region is + 3.09 ± 0.21 mm/year over the period 1993–2002. Tide gauges have been corrected for vertical land motions by means of collocated GPS measurements. GPS-corrected tide gauges and nearby altimetry trends are found to be statistically consistent. The relationship with the atmospheric forcing is also investigated revealing that 15% of this sea level rise is attributed to the atmospheric pressure effects.  相似文献   
Sampling of the near-bottom calanoid copepods was performed on board of the research vessel Polarstern in 1993 in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic). Three new species of Xanthocalanus were identified as such, and are described and figured here: X. spinodenticulatus sp. nov., X. laptevorum sp. nov. and X. polarsternae sp. nov.  相似文献   
根据航海日志及碰撞事故报告中可能提供的船舶运动过程等资料及其精度,建立各参数物理意义鲜明、并可从船舶资料中直接或间接获取的船舶运动数学模型,利用计算机,直观显示或绘制船舶运动轨迹,供有关人员分析和处理碰撞海事参考。  相似文献   
Air–sea fluxes in the Caribbean Sea are presented based on measurements of partial pressure of CO2 in surface seawater, pCO2sw, from an automated system onboard the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas for 2002 through 2004. The pCO2sw values are used to develop algorithms of pCO2sw based on sea surface temperature (SST) and position. The algorithms are applied to assimilated SST data and remotely sensed winds on a 1° by 1° grid to estimate the fluxes on weekly timescales in the region. The positive relationship between pCO2sw and SST is lower than the isochemical trend suggesting counteracting effects from biological processes. The relationship varies systematically with location with a stronger dependence further south. Furthermore, the southern area shows significantly lower pCO2sw in the fall compared to the spring at the same SST, which is attributed to differences in salinity. The annual algorithms for the entire region show a slight trend between 2002 and 2004 suggesting an increase of pCO2sw over time. This is in accord with the increasing pCO2sw due the invasion of anthropogenic CO2. The annual fluxes of CO2 yield a net invasion of CO2 to the ocean that ranges from − 0.04 to − 1.2 mol m− 2 year− 1 over the 3 years. There is a seasonal reversal in the direction of the flux with CO2 entering into the ocean during the winter and an evasion during the summer. Year-to-year differences in flux are primarily caused by temperature anomalies in the late winter and spring period resulting in changes in invasion during these seasons. An analysis of pCO2sw before and after hurricane Frances (September 4–6, 2004), and wind records during the storm suggest a large local enhancement of the flux but minimal influence on annual fluxes in the region.  相似文献   
游艇业——福建海洋经济的朝阳产业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟惠萍 《中国水运》2006,6(12):192-194
充分利用福建船艇工业现有基础和区位优势发展游艇产业,将是福建海洋经济的新增长点,可带动海洋经济其他产业可持续发展能力的全面提升,缓解就业压力,优化产业结构,有利于形成特色鲜明、辐射面广、竞争力强的海洋产业聚集区和产业集群,为建设海峡西岸经济区提供强有力的产业支撑。  相似文献   
赵琳  孙枫 《中国航海》1996,(1):69-70
该文研究了推算船位/罗兰C(GPS)组合导航系统的组合模式和推广的非线性卡尔曼滤波算法在该组合模式中的应用,详细推导了舰船运动的七状态数学模型及其机械编排。该文还给出了该组合系统在南海进行试验时的舰船轨迹及定位误差曲线,并进行了比较分析。结果表明:组合系统克服了推位系统的积累误差,抑制了罗兰C(GPS)的随机定位误差,有效地改善了导航定位精度,滤波方案正确,算法稳定。该组合系统已成功地装备于多种型号的舰船上。  相似文献   
本文在预测了本世纪本我国铁矿石进口的基础上构筑了其海运网络。运用网络流模糊规划方法按最大最小费用流问题对矿石货流进行了合理安排。  相似文献   
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