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以沪瑞国道主干线(贵州境)镇宁—胜境关高速公路安龙铺隧道为工程背景,利用有限元分析程序,对中壁CRD开挖法进行了数值模拟,分析研究开挖过程中隧道围岩应力场和位移场的变化。  相似文献   
谭忆秋  徐立廷  辛星  周纯秀 《公路》2006,(2):137-139
首先对橡胶颗粒物理力学特点进行分析,在此基础上提出了二次成型橡胶改性沥青混凝土的方法;而后,进行了不同温度下橡胶改性沥青混凝土室内成型工艺研究。研究表明:只要成型工艺恰当,马歇尔法完全能够成型橡胶改性沥青混凝土试件。  相似文献   
信号控制对动态路线选择的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以动态路线选择模型为基础的先进的出行者信息系统(ATIS)的实施必然对城市交通控制系统产生影响,同时交通控制系统的控制方案对路线诱导信息“运行时间”的估计也发生作用,影响用户对最优路线的造选择。对两系统的相互关系进行了分析,并建立了两系统相互关系模型最后给出了实际案例分析。  相似文献   
ClassNK has undertaken wide-ranging basic research covering many aspects related to the safety of ship structures, including design loads, structural analysis, strength assessment of buckling, collapse, and fatigue, and rational corrosion margins to develop new design standards which have transparency and consistency. Among the wide-ranging basic research, this article summarizes the results of extensive work on the design loads used for strength assessments of tanker and bulk carrier structures. The main aim of the research was to develop practical estimation methods of design loads with rational technical backgrounds relating to the actual loads acting on the primary structural members of tankers and bulk carriers. During this study, we proposed the following methodology. Design sea states that closely resemble the actual sea states which are considered to be the most severe for hull structures. Find practical estimation methods for the design sea states by parametric studies using the results of series calculations on representative tankers and bulk carriers. Find practical estimation methods for design regular waves which will result in the same level of stresses as those induced in irregular waves under the design sea states. We also briefly introduced some practical estimation methods for the design loads, such as ship motions, accelerations, hull-girder bending moments, and hydrodynamic pressures that are induced under design regular waves. The findings in this study have been summarized and implemented in the new design standards for tanker and bulk carrier structures.Updated from the Japanese original which won the 2003 SNAJ prize (J Soc Nav Archit Jpn 2002; 191:195–207; 2002; 191:208–220; and 2002; 192:723–733)  相似文献   
Plaut  Pnina O. 《Transportation》2004,31(2):229-255
The paper focuses on the socioeconomic characteristics of workers at home and those who walk to work and these are compared with commuters (those who travel to work by motorized transportation). Understanding of such characteristics of these people is useful for purposes of designing policies that encourage these forms of "travel" to work, if it is believed desirable for planning or environmental purposes. For example, subsidizing public transportation may also have an impact on the proclivity to work at home or walk to work. Using a large census data set for Israel, separate subsamples are analyzed for heads of household and for their spouses. Metropolitan areas as well as peripheral urbanized areas are analyzed separately. Logit analysis is used to identify those variables that affect the likelihood of different groups of people to walk to work or to work at home.It is shown that walkers to work tend to be lower-income, less-educated people with lower asset ownership rates. Females are overrepresented amongst them, while "high-status" professionals are underrepresented. Workers at home appear to be a more complex group. They tend to have higher levels of education and wealth than commuters, but earn less on average. They include proportionately more females. The likelihood of working at home increases with home size and with ownership of some durable goods. The workers at home may in fact be comprised of two or more differing groups with contrasting characteristics, one higher-income and higher-educated, the other with lower socio-economic indicators. Because they may be a heterogeneous group, development of planning policies to encourage non-vehicle commuting may require different policy tools for the different subgroups.  相似文献   
为了提高传统路面嵌锁块尺寸与嵌锁块竖向嵌锁能力, 开发了大尺寸企口连接嵌锁块, 分析了其受力特性。以有限元方法建立了嵌锁块路面整体模型, 以弹簧单元模拟嵌锁块间传荷能力, 分析了嵌锁块尺寸、嵌锁块传荷能力、碎石基层厚度与路基强度对路表弯沉和路基顶面竖向压应变的影响。以路基顶面永久应变为控制指标, 建立了路基顶面应变水平与标准累计轴次的关系。计算结果表明: 在相同地基和基层条件下, 嵌锁块尺寸由30cm×20cm增大到50cm×30cm时, 路表弯沉可减小25%~30%, 路基顶面压应变可减小25%~45%。当接缝弹簧弹性系数由102 N·m-1增加至108 N·m-1时, 路表弯沉降低50%~55%, 路基顶面压应变降低65%~75%。可见, 采用较大尺寸的嵌锁块与加强嵌锁块的传荷能力对提升路面性能有显著作用, 路面设计时应依据道路的交通水平查图确定路基顶面的压应变水平, 据此确定合理的基层厚度和嵌锁块尺寸, 使路基顶面竖向压应变满足要求。  相似文献   
童波  金强 《船舶》2011,22(2):8-14
南海环境条件复杂多变,深水、高压、低温、波流的不规则性以及内波的存在等使半潜式钻井平台设计面临重大挑战。研究海洋环境条件的意义是在现有的平台设计水平和设备技术水平条件下,确保该海域作业的半潜式钻井平台的作业性、安全性和经济性。研究南海海域的环境特征,可应用于南海半潜式钻井平台设计中不同工况的海况参数选取。  相似文献   
大跨度铁路桥梁梁端伸缩装置对列车走行性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁端伸缩装置是大跨度桥梁的重要组成部分,是容易受损的构件之一,对高速车辆的走行性影响较大。本文针对大跨度铁路桥梁梁端伸缩装置,建立结构动力分析的有限元模型,通过多工况车-桥(线)耦合振动计算,分析梁端伸缩装置自身变形、安装误差及梁端折角等因素对列车走行性的影响,提出车辆平稳性和乘客对车辆振动感觉的评判标准,并进一步基于车辆的平稳性和乘客对车辆振动的感觉确定车速及梁端竖向折角限值。研究表明,车辆响应对梁端竖向折角较为敏感。  相似文献   
航道整治需抓住工程实施的有利时机,在通航条件还未恶化前提前预防。以淮河出海航道(红山头—京杭运河段)大淤滩整治工程为例,利用平面二维水流数学模型对滩头不同侵蚀方案产生效果进行计算,分析若不对滩头进行守护将可能导致的后果,说明滩头守护的必要性,并结合河床演变分析提出滩头整治工程平面布置方案。  相似文献   
康有为  孙丽萍  康庄 《船舶工程》2014,36(6):117-121
外输系统在深水油田开发中得到了广泛应用,而其中输油管的疲劳问题是外输系统设计分析的关键。针对西非深水海域外输系统中的输油管展开疲劳特性分析,基于典型西非海况下外输系统整体时域耦合分析结果,对输油管时域应力曲线采用雨流计数法进行分析,然后根据合适的S-N曲线和Miner线性准则对输油管进行疲劳损伤计算。分析内容包括西非海域不同的环境条件对输油管疲劳的作用,穿梭油轮系泊情况下输油管的疲劳特性并考虑了横向升力对于输油管疲劳损伤的影响等。通过分析得出与输油管疲劳特性相关的环境参数及造成输油管疲劳损伤的主要因素,为输油管的设计与分析提供参照。  相似文献   
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