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石进  刘栓  宋理想 《水运工程》2017,(10):216-220
针对长江口地区近年来出现的新圈围造地工程,因条件限制或成本控制不宜设置储泥坑的情况,通过长兴潜堤工程实例,介绍长江口深水航道疏浚吹填一体化施工工艺,对工艺中的疏浚施工、艏吹抛锚定位以及吹泥施工等关键技术进行重点阐述。该工艺无需设置中转储泥坑,疏浚土一次性吹填上岸,并用于造地成陆,在长江口地区应用效果较好。  相似文献   
金沙江、岷江的非恒定流调节过程较为复杂,在宜宾汇合后形成新的非恒定流向下游传播。通过近年实测资料,分析金沙江、岷江非恒定流特征及汇合效果。结果表明:宜宾段非恒定流特征与向家坝电站下泄非恒定流的符合度更高,岷江的非恒定流无典型过程;宜宾段水位变幅和金沙江、岷江水位变幅存在线性关系;涨幅在1.7 m左右,起调水位在1 m左右的泄水波可作为宜宾段非恒定流过程的典型代表,其在下游的传播速度沿程基本保持一致,衰减幅度随着距离的增加而减小。  相似文献   
文章基于当前产业结构大调整背景,提出广西要在迎接产业转移的竞争中胜出,必须着力构建以西江水运为龙头的现代物流体系,从而把西江经济带打造成为与"珠三角"这一世界加工制造中心紧密联动的加工制造次中心。  相似文献   
在长江口航道养护工作中,为查找南导堤上段局部整治建筑物损坏的原因,通过对现场的详细调查和对损坏区段的地形状况、水动力特征、水动力模型进行分析,得知损坏的主要原因,即在河势条件及水动力因素综合作用下,近堤边坡不断变陡,从而导致了损坏。据此编制修复设计方案,并完成修复,取得良好的效果。  相似文献   
近年来,京杭运河黄河以北段复航呼声越来越高,京杭运河穿黄及黄河北山东段走向成为目前需要迫切解决的问题。本文通过对东平湖周边防洪工程现状分析,提出了穿黄位置、穿黄方案及穿黄线路走向;根据黄河北河系水网布置,提出了京杭运河黄河北山东段航道初步走向,为京杭运河黄河以北段复航工程提供技术参考。  相似文献   
近年来长江中游河道治理和航道整治工程中采用大量的生态护岸技术,且取得较大生态效益,但是经过现场调查发现在生态护岸岸坡存在一条明显的青黄线.针对此问题,以长江中游航道整治工程新厂护岸工程和桃花洲护岸工程为例,以青黄线为界将岸坡分为青绿带和青黄带,分析岸坡上青绿带和青黄带狗牙根分布特征及其形成的原因,并通过统计水位累计频率...  相似文献   
为防止武汉鹦鹉洲长江大桥2#桥墩建设对拟建的武桥水道航道整治工程建设和整治效果产生不利影响,提出将桥墩防护工程和其周边航道整治工程合二为一的设计方案,统筹安排施工进度,并根据建设过程中出现的问题,适时调整设计方案,解决了桥梁建设与航道整治工程之间的矛盾,确保两项工程保质、保量、按时竣工。  相似文献   
济南市黄岗路隧道是目前内地在建直径最大的盾构隧道,穿越地上悬河黄河。结合悬河保护要求高、盾构掘进距离长、承受水压大、开挖断面大、工作井深度深、建构筑物及环境保护要求高等特点,从隧道功能定位、城市客运专用隧道技术标准选取、隧道平纵断面设计、横断面布置及两岸接线考虑等方面,对隧道总体设计方案进行综合分析,介绍关键技术问题设计方案的解决方案,对提高我国城市客运专用隧道、大型水下盾构隧道及穿越黄河隧道建设水平具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
Traditionally, the design of mooring lines and risers of floating production systems (FPS) has been performed separately, by different teams, employing uncoupled analysis tools that do not consider the nonlinear interaction between the platform hull and the mooring lines and risers. Design processes have been focused on fulfilling the design criteria of the respective component (mooring/riser) alone, with few or no consideration to the other component, and little interaction between the design teams. Nowadays the importance of employing analysis tools based on coupled formulations is widely recognized, and analysis strategies have been proposed to consider feedback between mooring lines and risers within their respective design processes.In this context, this work details a proposal of one single and fully integrated design methodology for mooring systems and risers for deep-water FPS. In this methodology, the design stages of both risers and mooring lines are incorporated in a single spiral, allowing the full interaction of different teams; mooring design implicitly considers the riser integrity, and vice-versa, leading to gains in efficiency and cost reduction.Different analysis strategies are employed, taking advantage of uncoupled and coupled numerical models. The models generated at the initial/intermediate design stages can be reused in subsequent stages: simpler models are used in the initial stages, and more refined models are gradually introduced, to reach an ideal balance between computational cost and accuracy of results. In the advanced stages, the exchange of information between mooring/riser also allows the definition of criteria for the selection of governing/critical loading cases to be revised and verified in detail. This leads to the reduction of the original loading case matrix, allowing a feasible use of time-consuming fully coupled analysis.Results of a case study illustrating the application of some of the main processes of the methodology are included.  相似文献   
长江官洲河段位于安徽省内,上起吉阳矶,下至皖河口,为首尾束窄中间放宽的鹅头型分汊河道,全长28.0km。该文根据历年水文泥沙及水下地形图等基础资料,分析了该河段的近期演变情况。通过对洲滩及汊道演变分析,得出结论:目前该河段河势处于相对稳定状态,岸线基本稳定。受上游东流河段河势变化影响,局部河床会发生冲淤变化。  相似文献   
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