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高铁是区域快速综合交通网的主骨架,作为城市间高效快捷的出行方式,为提升通道客运能力和缓解既有铁路货运压力起到重要作用。本文从高铁对城市可达性、要素市场及空间结构的影响等3方面,综述了国内外高铁对城市经济空间结构影响研究的主要成果,归纳总结了共性结论和存在的分歧。通过分析高铁对城市可达性变化的程度和可达性变化在不同区域之间是否平衡,揭示高铁(网络)对城市间出行需求的直接影响。城市可达性的改善进一步重塑生产要素的区域空间分布,加速资本和人口流动,促进产业发展和就业改善,并对土地和住房市场产生深远影响。市场各种要素的相互作用给城市宏观经济发展,特别是高铁站区空间重构带来重大机遇。系统评估高铁对城市经济空间结构的影响,能够为管理部门高铁投资决策、规划建设及影响评估等提供参考。最后,结合理论研究与实践经验,并基于新时代背景展望了有待开展的若干重点研究方向:一是将城市群视作新的利益集合体,研究高铁投资的经济效益、收益分配和高铁开通后对城市群经济发展和要素空间分布的影响;二是探究高铁通勤行为对城市资本、人口和土地等要素市场的影响,剖析车站选址和票价变化等影响高铁通勤的关键性因素;三是考虑城市间高铁竞争与合作博弈行为和客货混跑模式对城市经济空间结构影响的新变化;四是运用大数据和机器学习等新兴技术分析高铁对城市经济微观层面的影响。  相似文献   
为探索一带一路影响下腹地-口岸可达性演化特征及其空间溢出效应,构建腹地-口岸可达性测算模型,运用泰尔指数和空间马尔科夫链分析其空间差异特征及溢出效应。结果表明:腹地-口岸可达性高值区沿主要运输通道延伸并呈以经济实力较强的城市和城市群为中心的群状集聚现象。腹地-口岸可达性逐年优化,高值区向一带一路沿线扩散趋势明显;腹地-口岸可达性空间差异呈现以2013年为界先减少后增加的V型变化特征,东部和西部可达性空间非均衡程度大于中部和东北部;高可达性城市具有显著的正向空间溢出效应,低可达性城市与高可达性城市相邻时其类型向上转移的概率大于与中、低可达性城市相邻概率,且一带一路之后,类型向上转移概率高于一带一路之前;腹地-口岸可达性形成以最短旅行时间为主导、路网密度为支撑的时空演化格局。  相似文献   
旅游交通可达性分析能够为区域旅游交通规划提供理论依据,而高速铁路的开通将直接改变区域旅游交通可达性格局.本文采用加权平均旅行时间作为节点城市旅游交通可达性的评价指标,利用Arc GIS可视化平台分析旅游交通可达性空间格局,获取高铁开通前后云南省旅游交通可达性的演变特征.在此基础上,对公路、铁路、航空和高铁的权重进行灵敏度分析,辨识出旅游交通可达性对各种交通方式权重的敏感度.结果表明:高铁途经的各城市客源地到达云南的旅游交通可达性水平均有大幅提升,旅游交通可达性的时空收敛效应显著,省外城市到达昆明的旅游交通可达性对铁路权重的敏感度较大;高铁开通之后,云南省旅游交通可达性格局总体呈现以昆明为中心向外围区域递减的"核心—外围"模式;高铁开通前后,云南省内旅游交通可达性的变化幅度较小,地区间的总体差异也不断缩小,省内高铁途经城市的旅游交通可达性对高铁权重的敏感度较大.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the links between public transport and labor market outcomes in the French agglomeration of Bordeaux. Our objective is to analyze the effects and consequences of the construction of a tramway line in some neighborhoods and municipalities of the agglomeration. These localizations are confronted to isolation and concentration of unfavorable socio-economic characteristics. Among other things, this line has permitted to facilitate the access to the historical job center of Bordeaux for inhabitants concerned. We use difference-in-differences methods to compare labor market outcomes of inhabitants who benefit from this better access with others who do not, before and after the construction. Results show that if unemployment rate has globally decreased on the period observed, the decrease is more important for neighborhoods located close to tramway stations. More generally, it seems that the tramway project helped to reduce some socio-economic inequalities in the agglomeration of Bordeaux.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the performance of accessibility‐based equity measurements in transportation and proposes a multiobjective optimization model to simulate the trade‐offs between equity maximization and cost minimization of network construction. The equity is defined as the spatial distribution of accessibilities across zone areas. Six representative indicators were formulated, including GINI coefficient, Theil index, mean log deviation, relative mean deviation, coefficient of variation, and Atkinson index, and incorporated into an equity maximization model to evaluate the performance sensitivity. A bilevel multiobjective optimization model was proposed to obtain the Pareto‐optimal solutions for link capacity enhancement in a stochastic road network design problem. A numerical analysis using the Sioux Falls data was implemented. Results verified that the equity indicators are quite sensitive to the pattern of network scenarios in the sense that the level of equity varies according to the amount of overall capacity enhancement as well as the assignment of improved link segments. The suggested multiobjective model that enables representing the Pareto‐optimal solutions can provide multiple options in the decision making of road network design. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文章分析了阿拉善左旗公路管理养护现状及存在的问题,提出了建立阿拉善地区农村公路养护管理长效机制的思路,为该地区加强农村公路养护管理,实现交通事业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
农村水泥砼路面公路建设存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章针对农村公路特点,分析目前农村砼路面公路建设存在中的问题,提出通过转变农村公路建设市场管理职能、规范招投标市场、加大技术指导和质量监管力度的相关对策,为农村水泥砼路面公路建设把好关。  相似文献   
周群  肖鸣 《综合运输》2021,(1):133-137
在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,以湛茂阳城市带18个县域单位为研究对象,通过利用综合交通可达性指数及交通区位优势度、县域内交通连通度和对外通达性三个分指数,全面分析湛江国际机场搬迁前后湛茂阳城市带各县级行政区的交通可达性空间格局特征。结果表明:湛江国际机场搬迁后,湛茂阳城市带综合交通可达性得到明显提升,较高可达性市县区由7个增加至10个;表现出更强的空间集聚性和空间自相关,并且形成以湛江各区、茂南区和江城区为中心,沿海连续形成可达性高值带状片区。对湛茂阳城市带县域尺度综合交通可达性进行研究能够为区域协调均衡发展提供更好的理论和实践指导。  相似文献   
In order to plan for, and achieve, a sustainable and accessible transport system, research and policies alike recognize a need to implement and enhance alternative transport options in favor of the private car. Moreover, these sustainable alternatives need to offer sufficient levels of accessibility regardless of where people live or work. We present and discuss an approach for capturing and evaluating perceived accessibility, with the ability to differentiate between individuals. Levels of perceived accessibility are compared before and after a fictive car use restriction, and between residential areas, using data from 2711 residents of Malmö, Sweden. A main conclusion is that levels of perceived accessibility become significantly lower for car users when they are limited in their options for daily travel. The difference is more substantive for frequent car users, who already travel less by sustainable modes today. There are also significant differences in levels of perceived accessibility in the restricted scenario, depending on where individuals live. These novel findings may not come as a surprise, but they emphasize the importance of including and analyzing perceptions of car users when designing accessible and sustainable transport systems. The paper ends with a discussion on how to facilitate the transition from current transport systems to an inclusive and accessible system.  相似文献   
This contribution presents the results of a microscopic traffic simulation study of the potential effects of an overtaking assistant for two-lane rural roads. The overtaking assistant is developed to support drivers in judging whether or not an overtaking opportunity can be accepted based on the distance to the next oncoming vehicle. Drivers have been found to consider this to be a difficult part of an overtaking manoeuvre. The assistant’s effects on traffic efficiency, driver comfort and road safety have been investigated using traffic simulation. The results indicate that this type of overtaking assistant can provide safety benefits in terms of increased average time-to-collision to the next oncoming vehicle during overtaking manoeuvres. This safety benefit can be achieved without negative consequences for traffic efficiency and driver comfort. A driver assistance system that supports the distance judging part of overtaking manoeuvres can therefore contribute to improved traffic conditions on the two-lane rural roads of the future.  相似文献   
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