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在城市轨道交通中,随着各条线路的末班车按运行计划逐站完成载客任务,路网上OD两点间的可达路径逐渐变少,直至两点间不可达,这样的路网服务能力随时间的动态变化,称为动态可达性。本文研究运行计划约束下的路网动态可达性计算方法,以支持末班车开行的优化,实现搭乘末班车出行乘客目的地可达的最大化。本文首先分析了末班车开行带来的动态可达性,给出了最晚可达时间、路径可达性、OD可达性定义。在此基础上,提出了末班车开行下路网可达性的计算方法与最晚可达时间求解的递归算法。最后,以路网可达性最大为目标,将可达性计算方法应用于末班车换乘衔接优化。通过算例分析验证了可达性计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the impact of transit on urban land markets in the highly car dependent corridors of Perth with a focus on where new fast rail transit services have recently been built. It determines people’s willingness to pay for transit access within different pedestrian catchments for each of the corridors based on hedonic price modelling using land value data on over 460,000 households. The case study uses cross sectional and panel data hedonic price modelling methodology for the calculation of willingness to pay for transit. It finds that land market increases of up to 40% can be achieved, and is particularly relevant to car dependent cities looking to capture the financial and economic value created to build transit extensions or entirely new systems, thus making a strong case for value capture funding of transit projects into car dependent suburbs and the potential for density increases near stations.  相似文献   
A utility-based travel impedance measure is developed for public transit modes that is capable of capturing the passengers’ behaviour and their subjective perceptions of impedance when travelling in the transit networks. The proposed measure is time-dependent and it estimates the realisation of the travel impedance by the community of passengers for travelling between an origin–destination (OD) pair.The main advantage of the developed measure, as compared to the existing transit impedance measures, relates to its capability in capturing the diversity benefit that the transit systems may offer the society of travellers with different traveling preferences. To clarify the necessity of such capability, we demonstrate the randomness (subjectivity) of travel impedance perceived by transit passengers, through evidence from the observed path choices made in the transit network of the greater Brisbane metropolitan region in Australia.The proposed impedance measure is basically a nested logit “logsum” composition over a generated set of reasonable path options whose systematic utilities are evaluated based on a discrete choice model previously developed and calibrated for the greater Brisbane transit passengers. As a case study, the proposed impedance measure is calculated for all the origin blocks in the Brisbane area, during the morning commutes to the Central Business District (CBD). The results are presented and discussed, and intuitive and important advantages are demonstrated for the proposed measure.  相似文献   
合理的超高层建筑停车配建指标对解决大城市停车问题具有重要作用。基于公共交通服务能力,提出了超高层建筑的核心影响区范围。总结国内已建成的超高层建筑需求特征,结合均衡论统筹考虑超高层建筑的内外环境。认为外环境中的公共交通可达性水平、公共服务能力;内环境中的超高层建筑面积、停车共享效用指数为主要影响因素。根据影响因素,标准化研究超高层建筑停车配建指标的折减系数。提出逐步折减已有城市普通建筑停车配建标准的计算方法,并在其核心影响区范围内验算既有公共交通服务能力约束下的指标折减合理性。以西安市某超高层建设项目为例,计算得到停车配建指标0.45位/100 m2,与规范要求的配建停车位相比,停车位数量大幅度减少。从中心区可用于停车设施资源建设的有限性、停车需求政策调控性、国内主要一线城市配建指标的对比分析等方面,验证了计算结果的合理性。  相似文献   
空铁联运的优势之一在于提高客流起讫点(Origin-Destination,OD)的可达性,为机场所服务的地区提供更多出行机会.考虑\"高铁接续航空\"\"航空接续高铁\"两类接续服务,引入两类0-1变量表达高铁与航空的接续关系及OD可达关系,提出空铁联运OD可达性约束,描述高铁在空铁换乘枢纽的到发时刻、接续变量和OD可达变量...  相似文献   
交通系统的本质目标是为了提高个体的可达性.已有的基于时空维的时空可达 性计算方法忽略交通模式选择的约束,以及对于出行时间没有确切的概念,因此,提出了 基于公交时空过程的城市时空可达性计算方法.该方法以特定的公交出行时空约束作为 效用函数,从历史公交时空过程中获取公交出行时间,对于出行时间的计算更具可操作 性;并且,其考虑特定的时空约束下个体参与活动的效用值,显得更加严谨.同时该方法将 特定的交通出行方式作为一种出行的时空约束,更加符合现实情况.最终,以广州市公交 系统为研究对象,运用该方法计算特定时空约束下个体出行的城市时空可达性.结果表明 该方法具有有效性和可操作性.  相似文献   
李磊  杨雍彬 《交通标准化》2020,6(2):109-115
鉴于我国城际长途慢行交通设施建设快速发展,为提高其交通旅游服务水平,改善游客出行体验和控制建设成本,并为制订相关标准提供基础性指标,对慢行交通驿站设置间距进行了综合性量化研究.首先,构建了基于慢行交通人群出行过程的生理机能、不同情境下的应急需要及驿站设施建设成本等多因素的量化规划模型.然后,利用MATLAB软件求解函数...  相似文献   
针对北京市三环内实际交通网络,分别构建城市道路交通网络和由城市轨道交通网络叠加形成的城市复合交通网络模型.基于复杂网络理论,采用Matlab 计算节点度、聚类系数、平均路径长度、介数和节点紧密度等指标,分析了其分布规律,然后对这两个网络模型的统计特征值进行比较分析.结果表明,它们都具有一定的随机网络模型和无标度网络模型的小聚类系数特征,叠加后的城市交通网络直径和平均最短路径减小,平均度、聚类系数和节点紧密度都有不同程度增加,使整个路网的可达性得到了一定的提高,网络承载力变大.  相似文献   
The hypothesis of this paper is that some features of the built environment, particularly those concerned with the accessibility of the street network, could be associated with the proportion of pedestrians on all trips (modal split) found in different parts of a city. Quantitative analysis (bi-variate correlation and a multiple regression model) was used to establish the association between variables. The study area covered a substantial part of the metropolitan area in Madrid, Spain. Results showed a consistent influence of five particular indexes in the multi-variate model. Not surprisingly for this kind of research, four of them described density and mix of land uses. But perhaps more interestingly, the first one was a measure of the accessibility of the public space network, a less prominent variable in literature to date. This variable is called herein configurational accessibility, calculated using Space Syntax, an urban morphology theory. The relevance of configurational accessibility is probably related to its surprising ability to synthesize global and perceived properties of street networks at the same time. The findings introduce the idea that the configuration of the urban grid can influence the proportion of pedestrians (as a part of total trips in any transport mode) who choose to walk on single-journey trips. The discussion links with the current debate about walkability indexes and the need of empirical support for the chosen variables and also with transport planning. Because the relevance of the street network’s role is not so easy to grasp, inputs from configurational theory and the pedestrian potential underlying this fact are also discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
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