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文章设计了一种面向共享汽车的智能化调节座椅系统,该系统通过手机客户端APP输入用户体型特征信息,系统上传个人信息至云端并进行智能化数据计算,模拟出一个用户舒适的驾驶环境,使用该数据调动相应电机工作调整座椅等位置,用户也可根据自身的驾驶习惯,调整至最舒适、最安全的驾驶环境。驾驶结束时,车辆ECU记录此时座椅、后视镜和方向盘的位置数据信息并上传至云端服务器,存入该用户的资料库,下次使用时直接调用数据并调节车辆。该系统的使用将有助于共享汽车的推广,使用户的出行更便捷环保。  相似文献   
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) represent potentially disruptive and innovative changes to public transportation (PT) systems. However, the exact interplay between AV and PT is understudied in existing research. This paper proposes a systematic approach to the design, simulation, and evaluation of integrated autonomous vehicle and public transportation (AV + PT) systems. Two features distinguish this research from the state of the art in the literature: the first is the transit-oriented AV operation with the purpose of supporting existing PT modes; the second is the explicit modeling of the interaction between demand and supply.We highlight the transit-orientation by identifying the synergistic opportunities between AV and PT, which makes AVs more acceptable to all the stakeholders and respects the social-purpose considerations such as maintaining service availability and ensuring equity. Specifically, AV is designed to serve first-mile connections to rail stations and provide efficient shared mobility in low-density suburban areas. The interaction between demand and supply is modeled using a set of system dynamics equations and solved as a fixed-point problem through an iterative simulation procedure. We develop an agent-based simulation platform of service and a discrete choice model of demand as two subproblems. Using a feedback loop between supply and demand, we capture the interaction between the decisions of the service operator and those of the travelers and model the choices of both parties. Considering uncertainties in demand prediction and stochasticity in simulation, we also evaluate the robustness of our fixed-point solution and demonstrate the convergence of the proposed method empirically.We test our approach in a major European city, simulating scenarios with various fleet sizes, vehicle capacities, fare schemes, and hailing strategies such as in-advance requests. Scenarios are evaluated from the perspectives of passengers, AV operators, PT operators, and urban mobility system. Results show the trade off between the level of service and the operational cost, providing insight for fleet sizing to reach the optimal balance. Our simulated experiments show that encouraging ride-sharing, allowing in-advance requests, and combining fare with transit help enable service integration and encourage sustainable travel. Both the transit-oriented AV operation and the demand-supply interaction are essential components for defining and assessing the roles of the AV technology in our future transportation systems, especially those with ample and robust transit networks.  相似文献   
Technological advances are bringing connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) to the ever-evolving transportation system. Anticipating public acceptance and adoption of these technologies is important. A recent internet-based survey polled 347 Austinites to understand their opinions on smart-car technologies and strategies. Results indicate that respondents perceive fewer crashes to be the primary benefit of autonomous vehicles (AVs), with equipment failure being their top concern. Their average willingness to pay (WTP) for adding full (Level 4) automation ($7253) appears to be much higher than that for adding partial (Level 3) automation ($3300) to their current vehicles.Ordered probit and other model specifications estimate the impact of demographics, built-environment variables, and travel characteristics on Austinites’ WTP for adding various automation technologies and connectivity to their current and coming vehicles. It also estimates adoption rates of shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) under different pricing scenarios ($1, $2, and $3 per mile), choice dependence on friends’ and neighbors’ adoption rates, and home-location decisions after AVs and SAVs become a common mode of transport. Higher-income, technology-savvy males, who live in urban areas, and those who have experienced more crashes have a greater interest in and higher WTP for the new technologies, with less dependence on others’ adoption rates. Such behavioral models are useful to simulate long-term adoption of CAV technologies under different vehicle pricing and demographic scenarios. These results can be used to develop smarter transportation systems for more efficient and sustainable travel.  相似文献   
Shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) are the next major evolution in urban mobility. This technology has attracted much interest of car manufacturers aiming at playing a role as transportation network companies (TNCs) and carsharing agencies in order to gain benefits per kilometer and per ride. It is predicted that the majority of future SAVs would most probably be electric. It is therefore important to understand how limited vehicle range and the configuration of charging infrastructure will affect the performance of shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) services. In this study, we aim to explore the impacts of charging station placement, charging types (including normal and rapid charging, and battery swapping), and vehicle battery capacities on service efficiency. We perform an agent-based simulation of SAEVs across the Rouen Normandie metropolitan area in France. The simulation process features impact assessment by considering dynamic demand responsive to the network and traffic.Research results suggest that the performance of SAEVs is strongly correlated with the charging infrastructure. Importantly, faster charging infrastructure and placement of charging locations according to minimized distances between demand hubs and charging stations result in a higher performance. Further analysis indicates the importance of dispersing charging stations across the service area and its impacts on service effectiveness. The results also underline that SAEV battery capacity has to be selected carefully such that to avoid the overlaps between demand and charging peak times. Finally, the simulation results show that the performance indicators of SAEV service are significantly improved by providing battery swapping infrastructure.  相似文献   
Increasingly, experts are forecasting the future of transportation to be shared, autonomous and electric. As shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) fleets roll out to the market, the electricity consumed by the fleet will have significant impacts on energy demand and, in turn, drive variation in energy cost and reliability, especially if the charging is unmanaged. This research proposes a smart charging (SC) framework to identify benefits of active SAEV charging management that strategically shifts electricity demand away from high-priced peak hours or towards renewable generation periods. Time of use (TOU), real time pricing (RTP), and solar generation electricity scenarios are tested using an agent-based simulation to study (1) the impact of battery capacity and charging infrastructure type on SAEV fleet performance and operational costs under SC management; (2) the cost reduction potential of SC considering energy price fluctuation, uncertainty, and seasonal variation; (3) the charging infrastructure requirements; and (4) the system efficiency of powering SAEVs with solar generation. A case study from the Puget Sound region demonstrates the proposed SC algorithm using trip patterns from the regional travel demand model and local energy prices. Results suggest that in the absence of electricity price signals, SAEV charging demand is likely to peak the evening, when regional electricity use patterns already indicate high demand. Under SC management, EVs with larger battery sizes are more responsive to low-electricity cost charging opportunities, and have greater potential to reduce total energy related costs (electricity plus charging infrastructure) for a SAEV fleet, especially under RTP structure.  相似文献   
文章分析了共享性实训基地的定位,提出了当前共享性实训基地存在的问题及应对措施,并提出了共享性实训基地的运行管理策略。  相似文献   
We propose a fair recurrent double VCG (FRD-VCG) auction mechanism to approach the emerging shared parking management problem. In a given shared parking environment with a parking management platform and a double-side perspective, the proposed mechanism considers how to restrain the potential participants (parking slot demanders and slot suppliers) opt out, which is based on the participants’ priority attributes and are calculated with respect to historic auction records provided by the parking platform. Participants’ fairness bids are then generated combining their priority attributes and their submitted bids (bid price and parking time) with the support of a novel evaluation function, which integrates priority attributes, bid price and parking time into an output value. The parking slot allocation rule and transaction payment rule are further designed to dealing with these issues include winner determination and price setting, respectively. Simulations show advantages of the proposed FRD-VCG mechanism, i.e., comparing with the double VCG (D-VCG) mechanism for the shared parking management problem where priority attributes and evaluation function are not considered, the proposed FRD-VCG mechanism has the potential to persuade participants to remain in the market whilst it improves the market’s retention rate, the parking slot’s utilization rate and the participants’ utilities.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the potential benefits and drawbacks of taxi sharing using agent-based modeling. New York City (NYC) taxis are examined as a case study to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ride sharing using both traditional taxis (with shifts) and shared autonomous taxis. Compared to existing studies analyzing ride sharing using NYC taxi data, our contributions are that (1) we proposed a model that incorporates individual heterogeneous preferences; (2) we compared traditional taxis to autonomous taxis; and (3) we examined the spatial change of service coverage due to ride sharing. Our results show that switching from traditional taxis to shared autonomous taxis can potentially reduce the fleet size by 59% while maintaining the service level and without significant increase in wait time for the riders. The benefit of ride sharing is significant with increased occupancy rate (from 1.2 to 3), decreased total travel distance (up to 55%), and reduced carbon emissions (up to 866 metric tonnes per day). Dynamic ride sharing, wich allows shared trips to be formed among many groups of riders, up to the taxi capacity, increases system flexibility. Constraining the sharing to be only between two groups limits the sharing participation to be at the 50–75% level. However, the reduced fleet from ride sharing and autonomous driving may cause taxis to focus on areas of higher demands and lower the service levels in the suburban regions of the city.  相似文献   
We study the shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) routing problem while considering congestion. SAVs essentially provide a dial-a-ride service to travelers, but the large number of vehicles involved (tens of thousands of SAVs to replace personal vehicles) results in SAV routing causing significant congestion. We combine the dial-a-ride service constraints with the linear program for system optimal dynamic traffic assignment, resulting in a congestion-aware formulation of the SAV routing problem. Traffic flow is modeled through the link transmission model, an approximate solution to the kinematic wave theory of traffic flow. SAVs interact with travelers at origins and destinations. Due to the large number of vehicles involved, we use a continuous approximation of flow to formulate a linear program. Optimal solutions demonstrate that peak hour demand is likely to have greater waiting and in-vehicle travel times than off-peak demand due to congestion. SAV travel times were only slightly greater than system optimal personal vehicle route choice. In addition, solutions can determine the optimal fleet size to minimize congestion or maximize service.  相似文献   
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