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The relationship between land use and the utility of automobile travel is examined by refining the utility concept, particularly by combining the microeconomic utility theory, which is concerned with the disutility of travel, and the perspective on the positive utility. A conceptual model is accordingly developed and then adjusted considering different purposes of travel. The purpose-specific models are tested through a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes approach in Seoul, Korea, using datasets from a sample survey and geographic information systems. The major finding is that land use affects the utility mainly by changing synergy and affective utility rather than instrumental utility, which encompasses disutility variables. Among land use variables, the utility is found to be the most sensitive to the number of transit facilities for commuting and shopping travel and land use balance for leisure travel.  相似文献   
Environmental contours are often applied in probabilistic structural reliability analysis to identify extreme environmental conditions that may give rise to extreme loads and responses. They facilitate approximate long term analysis of critical structural responses in situations where computationally heavy and time-consuming response calculations makes full long-term analysis infeasible. The environmental contour method identifies extreme environmental conditions that are expected to give rise to extreme structural response of marine structures. The extreme responses can then be estimated by performing response calculations for environmental conditions along the contours.Response-based analysis is an alternative, where extreme value analysis is performed on the actual response rather than on the environmental conditions. For complex structures, this is often not practical due to computationally heavy response calculations. However, by establishing statistical emulators of the response, using machine learning techniques, one may obtain long time-series of the structural response and use this to estimate extreme responses.In this paper, various contour methods will be compared to response-based estimation of extreme vertical bending moment for a tanker. A response emulator based on Gaussian processes regression with adaptive sampling has been established based on response calculations from a hydrodynamic model. Long time-series of sea-state parameters such as significant wave height and wave period are used to construct N-year environmental contours and the extreme N-year response is estimated from numerical calculations for identified sea states. At the same time, the response emulator is applied on the time series to provide long time-series of structural response, in this case vertical bending moment of a tanker. Extreme value analysis is then performed directly on the responses to estimate the N-year extreme response. The results from either method will then be compared, and it is possible to evaluate the accuracy of the environmental contour method in estimating the response. Moreover, different contour methods will be compared.  相似文献   
Seabed in regions, such as the Gulf of Guinea and North West Shelf of Australia, may exhibit a crust layer where the undrained shear strength can be an order of magnitude higher than that of the immediately underlying sediment. This can complicate design of steel catenary risers, where fatigue depends on the cyclic vertical stiffness of the pipe-soil interaction. Potential punch-through of the riser into the underlying soft soil may invalidate design assumptions based on the pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer, which exhibits similar properties to an over-consolidated soil, is also poorly understood. This paper describes centrifuge model tests undertaken in a clay sample with a crust layer, simulating the punch-through process of a pipe under load control and investigating the pipe-soil stiffness during long-term cyclic loading tests under displacement control. Results confirm that the potential for punching-through the crust layer depends strongly on the relative ratio of pipe diameter to crust layer thickness. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness showed a steady increase after an initial remoulding stage in contractile soils (normally consolidated and lightly over-consolidated), but a steady reduction in the heavily over-consolidated, more dilatant, crust. The magnitude of pipe-soil stiffness changes (during both remoulding and reconsolidation) is governed by the over-consolidation ratio of the soil and the amplitude of the cyclic displacements. This study provides insights on the relevant cyclic stiffness to consider when assessing SCR fatigue life in over-consolidated soils and soils exhibiting a superficial crust layer.  相似文献   
利用AVL_BOOST软件建立了某船用柴油机SCR催化器仿真模型,通过响应面优化法和BBD试验设计法开展仿真试验,得到以NO_X转化率为目标函数,压降和NH_3滑移量为约束条件的回归方程。通过回归方程对SCR催化器载体结构参数进行优化,优化结果为:横截面积为0.069m~2,长度0.833m,载体孔密度为22/cm~2,涂层厚度0.01mm,载体壁厚0.15mm。  相似文献   
杨勇  车驰东  唐文勇 《船舶力学》2015,(9):1139-1148
为确保带减速齿轮箱主推进系统的可靠性,文章对船舶轴系的扭转振动进行了研究。首先根据各组成部件的特点将轴系分解为连续和离散的两个子系统,分别利用波分析法和多自由度系统分析法列出连续子系统的波动形式及离散子系统的振动微分方程,同时考虑了减速齿轮箱油膜刚度的影响。然后根据两子系统连接处的动态平衡和连续条件,建立整个轴系在扭转振动模式下总运动方程,通过求解总方程得到系统的位移响应。该扭转振动分析被应用到某LNG船带减速齿轮箱的轴系振动计算中,通过考虑轴系减速齿轮箱啮合齿面间油膜刚度使轴系扭转振动模型更接近轴系实际运转工况。计算结果显示:随着减速齿轮箱啮合齿面间油膜刚度的增加,最大轴系扭转应力向低转速区域偏移。这对船舶轴系转速禁区的划分产生极大的影响。有助于防止因不良轴系振动计算引起轴系事故的发生。  相似文献   
LPG船舷侧结构的碰撞性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了LPG船舷侧结构碰撞损伤过程和多种构件的抗撞作用,通过分析发现,LPG船的舷侧耐撞力远远低于同吨位的常规单壳船。LPG船的强肋骨在抵抗碰撞中起主要作用,由此提出提高常规LPG船舷侧结构提高耐撞力的最佳途径。  相似文献   
为促进钢-混凝土组合结构的工业化建造,实现钢构件和混凝土构件的工厂化预制、装配化施工,针对传统剪力钉均匀满铺建立的等效刚度理论不能反映群钉集中布置时组合结构受力特性的问题,以跨座式单轨交通为研究背景,设计制作群钉连接装配式钢-混凝土组合轨道梁,进行装配前的钢梁与装配后的组合梁固有频率、荷载-挠度曲线、截面应变曲线对比分...  相似文献   
某国六重型卡车排气系统应用单层波纹管+伸缩管的保温软管结构,该结构在整车可靠性试验过程中,两款车型多次出现波纹管断裂问题.经对其结构分析,知现用保温挠性软管刚度过小,在整车运行过程中会发生运动失稳引起波纹管断裂,同时挠性软管两端应力集中引起端边波纹断裂,且波纹管波峰圆角过小(近似尖波)易造成波纹管断裂,故开发改进型保温...  相似文献   
针对某牵引车车架横梁开裂事件,使用Creo构建整车三维模型,导入Hyperworks中进行前处理网格划分等,使用Optistruct进行求解得出弯曲、制动、左转弯、右转弯、扭转、扭转+转弯工况等分析结果,将结果与实际开裂情况进行了对比,结果表明在扭转+转弯工况下第三横梁开裂,与分析结果一致,并提出横梁优化方案进行求解,分析结果表明在扭转+转弯工况下,第二横梁最大应力值降低38.1%,第三横梁最大应力值降低64.3%,提出后续牵引车设计时横梁优化意见及注意事项。  相似文献   
针对在白车身等复杂的焊接结构进行有限元分析过程中,不同焊点的模拟方法对结构的弯曲刚度和扭转刚度影响较大的问题,文章对CWELD焊点进行研究,以RBE2刚性单元为参照,得出CWELD焊点对弯曲和扭转刚度的影响,为焊点的有限元建模方法积累经验。  相似文献   
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