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台州湾跨海大桥通航孔桥结构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台州湾跨海大桥通航孔桥为主跨488m双塔双索面叠合梁斜拉桥。该桥位于台州湾椒江口海洋环境中,地质条件差,潮差大,风速高,且通航等级高和耐久性要求高,故建设条件较为复杂。介绍该桥的桥跨布置、约束体系、主梁、拉索、索塔、桥墩和基础的构造,阐述其耐久性设计、抗风设计和防船撞设计等,可供类似桥梁设计时借鉴参考。  相似文献   
随着国内城市群轨道交通互联互通发展进入关键期,跨区域、多制式、多运营主体背景下的轨道交通AFC票务清分互联互通问题得到广泛关注。分析研究粤港澳大湾区轨道交通线网运营现状、建设规划和轨道交通互联互通优先发展战略要求,探讨湾区轨道交通互联互通给AFC票务清分管理带来的问题和面临的挑战。综合分析对比城市群轨道交通AFC票务清分互联互通模式,在借鉴广佛城市轨道交通AFC票务清分互联互通部分成功经验的基础上,总结湾区轨道交通AFC票务清分互联互通最优实现模式和轨道交通湾区清分中心建设定位,提出湾区轨道交通AFC票务互联互通、一票通达管理思路和实现步骤,并指出湾区多网融合AFC票务清分互联互通下一步的技术实现方向。  相似文献   
朱琴生 《隧道建设》2010,30(6):670-674
通过三臂液压凿岩台车在青岛胶州湾海底隧道施工中的应用研究,充分地发挥三臂液压凿岩台车作业范围大、灵活性强、空气粉尘污染小、安全文明、液压冲击钻高效的技术优势,不仅在Ⅱ,Ⅲ级围岩施工中体现了其无可比拟的优越性,而且在Ⅳ,Ⅴ级及破碎弱风化围岩施工中,也显示了其较强的适应性,实现了快速、优质、安全、高效施工。  相似文献   
Wave climate evolution in the Bay of Biscay over two decades   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As a background, a review of long term evolution of wave climate in the North Atlantic is discussed. Most studies show that interannual evolutions in wave heights may be related to climatic factors, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation Index for example.Data of a waverider, consisting of a time series of 20 years in the Bay of Biscay (off Biscarosse, France), are analysed. Based on these data obtained from 1980, wave heights tend to decrease over the period. Also, interannual evolutions exist, particularly in the wave period. The fact that the annual wave periods at Biscarosse are found to vary more significantly than the annual wave heights led us to assume that it is an indirect effect of the evolution in the location of generating storms relative to the buoy. The relationships between wave parameters and climatic factors such as the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and the Garonne discharge have been derived: they show that the NAO index is negatively correlated with the river discharge and positively correlated with the wave period. This result is in agreement with the general climate scheme associated with NAO cycle proposed by Kushnir et al. [Kushnir, Y., Cardone, V.J., Cane, M., 1995. Link between Atlantic climate variability of surface wave height and sea level pressure. Proc. Fourth Int. Workshop on Wave Incasting and forecasting, Banff, AB, Canada, 59–64.]: NAO+ shifts storm tracks northward and dry weather are encountered in the southern part of Europe (conversely NAO− brings storm tracks and rainfall closer). Concerning wave heights, the lack of dependence on NAO index may be associated with compensation effects between wind intensity and storm tracks: wave energy is partly dissipated while reaching the Bay of Biscay in case of severe but distant storms (NAO+), which is not the case for storms generated nearer to the buoy and associated with moderate westerly winds (NOA−). However, the reason of the decrease in wave heights is not clear.  相似文献   
通过调研分析粤港澳大湾区内城际铁路运营管理现状,分别对城际类、通道类项目的运营管理模式进行分析讨论。对城际类项目,建议可独立运营的线路采用自管自营模式,与国家铁路联通紧密的广珠线可继续委托广州铁路(集团)公司运营,内地与港澳联合运输线路应与相关方签订联合运输协议。对通道类项目,建议按照高速铁路的运营管理选择代管模式。  相似文献   
在综合交通运输一体化和粤港澳三地"硬链接"日益深化的趋势下,如何解决粤港澳大湾区客运体制机制壁垒问题,进而破解粤港澳三地交通运输服务"软联通"障碍成为当务之急。本文基于构建粤港澳大湾区特色"一票式"联程客运服务体系目标,研究建立粤港澳大湾区联程客运服务产业联盟的价值和意义,构思了联盟组织定位,设计了联盟成员选择和运作机制,从联盟目标设立、联盟职责制定、成员权利义务设置入手,系统、准确把握联盟需求和成员诉求协同机制,为构建粤港澳大湾区"一票式"联程客运服务产业联盟组织提供方向和参考。  相似文献   
2019年2月18日中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,其中航运清洁发展是重要的内容之一。面对粤港澳大湾区水路运输高速发展的态势,尤其是石油及其制品的运量快速增长,船舶及其有关作业活动对水域环境造成的污染风险越来越大,大湾区内各市均不同程度面临着严峻的船舶污染防治形势。为保障国家、行业以及《规划纲要》关于船舶污染防治措施和要求的落实,本研究对大湾区船舶污染风险进行了分析,梳理了大湾区船舶污染防治现状,并提出了相应的污染防治对策。  相似文献   
The annual cycle of nanoflagellates (NF) including autotrophic (ANF), heterotrophic (HNF) and mixotropic (MNF) flagellates carried out in a temperate sea (Central Cantabrian Sea, southern Bay of Biscay) is presented. Three stations with characteristics ranging from coastal to oceanic conditions were analysed in order to compare NF response to this gradient. Samples were monthly collected at each station at three different depths between February 2002 and December 2002. CTD profiles were also taken at each station. NF were grouped according to their trophic status into ANF, HNF and MNF. Abundance and biomass were determined for each group. The annual cycle showed a general pattern consisting in a maximum in July with secondary maxima in March and October and minimum values in May. ANF were the most important fraction, making a major contribution (nearly 75%) to total NF biomass in all stations. HNF represented over 20% along the cycle, except for a peak in spring found in every station. MNF reached less than 5%, showing low seasonability. Small flagellates (2–5 µm) dominated throughout the cycle. Microplankton community was also analysed in terms of abundance and biomass. A significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.49) was obtained between 2–5 µm NF and 10–20 µm HNF–MNF biomasses, suggesting a possible trophic relationship between these groups which should be cautiously taken. No significant relationships were found between microplankton and NF or between nutrients and ANF, indicating that the regulation of NF numbers is complex and probably implicates other groups. In addition to this, the unexpected 2002 Chl a concentration pattern and the misplacing of upwelling events render necessary to perform additional studies to fully understand the precise behaviour of NF in the Cantabrian Sea. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of a NF cycle in a temperate sea that considers all functional groups.  相似文献   
文中分析了渤海湾危险货物滚装运输发展的现状,论述了制约危险货物滚装运输的主要因素,提出了相应的改进建议和加强监督管理的措施  相似文献   
Recent sedimentary study of the shelf of the Basque country   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The Northern Iberian margin of the Spanish Basque country (provinces of Gipuzkoa and Viscaia) is characterized by a narrow continental platform, which receives inputs of riverine particulate matter from the numerous riverine systems located within the Basque country. This particulate matter is subsequently deposited within the Bay of Biscay, and Gouf de Capbreton [Frouin, R., Fiuza, A.F.G., Ambar, I., Boyd, T.J., 1990. Observations of a poleward surface current off the coasts of Portugal and Spain during winter. Journal of Geophysical Research 95 (C1), 679–691]. The main goal of this study is to establish a map of the surface sediment distribution of the Basque continental shelf and more specifically to map the muddy patch located at the eastern side of that continental shelf.Three oceanographic cruises were conducted in 2003 and 2004. From these campaigns 340 surface samples, 12 short cores and 3 gravity cores have been collected over the mid and outer shelf from depths ranging between 50 m and 150 m deep. 3 seismic profiles were obtained across the shelf mud patch using a Sparker device.Sediment grain-size analyses were performed by the classical physical method of sieving and use of settling columns. The POC (Particular Organic Carbon) amounts in sediment and water samples were determined using the Strickland and Parsons' method [Strickland, J.D.H., Parsons, T.R., 1972. Determination of particulate carbon. In : A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Fisheries ResearchBoard of Canada, Ottawa, pp. 207−211] as adapted by Etcheber [Etcheber, H., 1981. Comparaison des diverses méthodes d'évaluation des teneurs en matières en suspension et en carbone organique particulaire des eaux marines du plateau continental aquitain. Journal de Recherche Océanographique VI (2), 37−42]. Radioisotopic measurements (210Pbexc) were made using a semi-planar germanium detector coupled to a multichannel analyser. Radiographical analysis was performed with an X-ray equipment (SCOPIX®) coupled with a radioscopy instrumentation and processing unit.Firstly, a detailed sedimentological map of this shelf has been produced and secondly, geophysical surveys have precisely mapped the geometry of the main mud patch on the continental shelf. In the mud patch itself the rates of sedimentation are between 0.13 and 0.50 cm yr− 1. The maximum rate of sedimentation is located in the central mud patch, whereas the minimum rate of deposition occurs close to the rocky outcrops. These results seem to be in agreement with the estimation of the total thickness of the mud patch revealed by seismic profiles. The central part corresponds to the maximum thickness of 7 m.Interpretations of the associated oceanic current forcing factors (current direction, wave fetch and wind directional modes) relating to the identified sediment depositional zones are also undertaken.  相似文献   
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