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中国汽车市场是按波动规律发展的,30年来已发生了5次波动。文章采用“车市波动分析法”研究中国汽车市场发展趋势后认为:2009年上半年车市走出“谷底”,下半年平稳回升,结束“第5次波动期”,2010年中国车市进入“第6次扩张期”。文章阐述了“第6次扩张期”的新特点和新要求,并提出了加强宏观调控,使车市按波动规律稳健快步发展的新思路。  相似文献   
采用悬吊与斜拉组合而成的桥结构,是改变传统的双塔单跨或三跨悬索桥随着主跨的增大而加大主缆的截面和两端锚碇规模的工程量的惟一模式。杨泗长江大桥采用中间悬吊和两桥塔前后配以斜拉的方式,在保持同等跨越能力的条件下,既使桥梁提高了体系的刚度,又达到在材料使用上的合理配置。悬吊斜拉组合桥结构为世界大跨度桥梁的技术进步又提供了一种新的构思。  相似文献   
将轨道不平顺作为系统的内部激励,风载荷作为外部激励,考虑静风力和脉动风力,采用自编程序TYWTB建立车桥耦合系统动力学模型,进行不同风速激励下不同速度列车通过桥梁时的系统动力响应分析,并对车辆的安全性和舒适性进行评价。结果表明:随着风速的增加,车桥系统的动力响应增大,中跨最大垂向动挠度和横向动位移均出现在行车侧上弦;随着车速的增加,车桥系统的动力响应增大,桥上车辆的安全性和舒适性随车速的增加而降低;桥面风速等于或小于25m·s-1时,160~250km·h-1车速范围内车辆响应未超限值;当桥面风速达到30m·s-1时,160~250km·h-1范围内动车横向加速度均超限,拖车在车速250km·h-1时轮重减载率超限,行车安全无法保证;由于沪通长江大桥桥梁对车辆受风面的遮挡,平均风速达到25m·s-1时仍能保证车辆的运行安全和乘坐舒适,满足《铁路技术管理规程》的相关要求;沪通长江大桥铁路桥面采用了钢箱结构,增强了竖向、横向刚度和抗扭刚度,使得桥梁在风场和列车的共同作用下整体性能良好。  相似文献   
针对地铁上盖物业开发车辆段库内线对高等级减振产品的迫切需求,在既有成熟减振扣件结构的基础上,开展库内用高等级减振扣件的研发。研究重点为:采用多重弹性层形成串联结构,以获得低刚度,进而实现高减振性能,保证橡胶垫板超低刚度条件下轨道的稳定性和安全性,并创新性地采用了独立的支撑柱与尼龙套等部件配合,实现了弹性垫层的变形控制以及预组装。相较于道床减振措施,可大幅降低工程投资,且便于施工及养护维修。通过理论分析、室内试验和在线测试验证,该扣件的减振效果可达8 dB以上,满足研究预期目标。  相似文献   
沪通铁路沪通长江大桥为公铁两用桥,其3号墩和4号墩为140m+336m+140m三跨连续刚性梁柔性拱专用航道桥中的两个主墩,钻孔灌注桩桩径2.50m,有效桩长115~120m,实际钻孔深度130~140m。针对桥址区长江厚砂层河床区钻孔施工易坍孔、成孔质量差的实际情况,对超长钻孔桩泥浆施工技术展开研究,对淡水PHP泥浆的性能、配方、拌制工艺和使用工艺等几方面进行重点论述。施工实践表明,沪通长江大桥超长钻孔桩淡水PHP泥浆性能优越,护壁效果好,胶体率高,可以显著提高钻孔效率,保证成孔质量,具有高回收率、环境污染少和良好的经济效应。  相似文献   
结合都市圈的区域发展战略规划和引导性发展规划,从三个方面提出了都市圈地区轨道交通系统规划的理念,即:都市圈地区轨道交通的分层次规划理念,综合轨道交通网的联合规划理念,地区轨道交通和公路网的一体化规划理念。  相似文献   
修建山区高速公路规模大、技术要求高、施工环境复杂、投资风险大。此文引入全寿命周期成本理论,针对某山区高速公路某区段在可行性研究阶段提出的A、B两种线路走向方案,进行全寿命周期成本影响因素分析,全寿命周期(30年分析期)费用计算、比较与分析,结果表明,A方案优于B方案,故采用A方案。  相似文献   
文章试图从实船操作、公司岸基支持和海事机构安全监督的角度,结合大风浪船舶操纵与船舶避碰的理论,浅论船舶在大风浪中航行的安全保障。  相似文献   
The response of the Mediterranean Sea and the various sub-basins to changes in the freshwater budget are investigated in a process-oriented study, using the POM model. The model is first integrated using values of the Nile and Ebro rivers runoff, as well as of the Dardanelles freshwater input, typical of the fifties. The model reaches a steady state representative of that existing in the Mediterranean prior to the major damming period after 90 years of integration. Then the model is integrated using the reduced river runoff values typical of the after-damming period. The additional impact of decadal scale trends in the precipitation rate as well as of intense surface cooling periods/events on the thermohaline circulation during the last 40 years were also examined. The model results show that the dramatic reduction of the Nile freshwater input and to a lesser extent the reduction of the freshwater input from the Dardanelles Straits induced a large increase in the sea surface salinity in the Aegean and Levantine basins in the late sixties/early seventies, in agreement with observations. Furthermore, the Ebro runoff reduction during the same period further enhanced the salinity increase in the Levantine basin as higher salinity surface waters of the western basin reached the eastern basin via the Atlantic Water circulation. This saltier surface layer in the vicinity of the Rhodes Gyre favoured the preconditioning for the formation of the Levantine Intermediate Water, resulting in about 40% increase of its formation rate. This in turn resulted in the production of saltier and larger amounts of deep waters in the various deep-water formation sites. According to the model, the river damming and decreased precipitation since the eighties explain about 95% of the observed salinity increase in the Western Mediterranean Deep Water over the last 40 years. The major contributor to this increase was proved to be the Nile damming. The salt increase in the surface layer is proved to be insufficient to produce alone the two climatic transient events in the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean in the late sixties and early nineties, respectively. Surface cooling was found to be important, resulting in large deep water formation and thus allowing the propagation of the increased surface salinity signal to the deep layers. However, model results demonstrate that the river damming played an important role in the long-term salt preconditioning of the surface/intermediate layers, thus contributing in triggering the two events.  相似文献   
苏晓磊  方芳 《中国水运》2006,6(10):251-252
飓风等热带风暴增多,对港口和航运业造成很大损失。近期一系列的事件对海运保险业影响很大,索赔明显增多。本文以联运保赔协会为例,讨论了海运保险市场的现状和面临的问题并提出了发展趋势。  相似文献   
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