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针对船舶摇摆模拟试验台系统在科学研究和船载仪器可靠性试验中的应用,设计了一种多功能三轴船舶电动摇摆试验台随动控制系统。首先对摇摆试验台进行控制建模,确定电流、速度、位置三闭环控制方案,然后采用常规PID算法设计三环控制器参数,对位置环用模糊自适应PID控制器进行优化设计。提出以变周期、变幅度和组合曲线给定的摇摆方法模拟风、浪、流干扰,对系统进行仿真研究。仿真试验结果表明,设计的系统具有响应迅速、模拟准确、可靠等特点,能够较好的模拟实际海况中船舶摇摆运动,为搭建实际试验平台奠定了基础。  相似文献   
冰区加强大型商船推进系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍传统推进系统和吊舱推进系统的特点,并根据中船重工船舶设计研究中心研究的11万吨级极地原油船模实验结果及柴油机、电力推进的性能特性,结合冰区航行对推进系统的特殊要求,对比分析得出冰区航行采用吊舱推进系统的优势。  相似文献   
关于农业现代化的思想是邓小平理论中一个非常重要的组成部分,研究邓小平的农业现代化思想对指导和推动我国社会主义新农村的建设和跨世纪的发展具有重大的现实意义.邓小平的“三农“思想主要包括如下几点:农业是国民经济的基础,同时是社会主义现代化建设的基础;把调动农民积极性作为制定农村政策的出发点;尊重农民的首创精神;保证农民的经济利益;保障农民的生产经营自主权;实践证明是正确的、农民拥护的政策就不要变;农业的发展需要三靠:一靠政策,二靠科技,三靠投入;农业的发展需要科技、教育的支持.  相似文献   
城市轨道交通中无线局域网的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术已经成为当今社会的主流技术.及时、准确地得到需要的信息是很多客户的要求.无线局域网(WLAN)是相当便利的数据民用通信传输系统.随着WLAN技术的普及,如何将其融合到城市轨道交通环境中去,更好地为乘客信息系统、乘客个人终端服务,已经成为一个新的课题.车地通信的实现是WLAN能够在城市轨道交通中成功应用的关键.针对不同的模式对WLAN的应用进行了阐述,以寻找最适合上海轨道交通系统的应用方案.  相似文献   
At present, the method of calculating the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier is not given in the "Standard for Inland River Navigation" (GB50139-2004) in China, and the bridge designer usually increases the bridge span in order to ensure the navigation safety, which increases both of the structural design difficulty and the project investments. Therefore, it is extremely essential to give a research on the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier. Through the experiments of the fixed bed and the mobile bed, the factors influencing the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier have been analyzed, such as the approaching flow speed, the water depth, the angles between the bridge pier and the flow direction, the sizes of bridge pier, the shapes of the bridge pier, and the scouring around the bridge pier, etc. Through applying the dimension analytic method to the measured data, the formula of calculating the turbulent flow width around the bridge pier is then inferred.  相似文献   
针对船舶施工安全稳定性问题,以马来西亚槟城吹填二期(STP2)工程为例,介绍特定条件限制下的浅水抛石施工方法,以施工过程中的船舶稳定性验算为理论基础,判定了船舶的横倾角并通过工程实例验证,为类似工程提供相对简单、实用的船舶安全验算基础。  相似文献   
以主变电所集中供电的中压网络为基础,从建设、运营经济性、过补偿和继电保护设置配合方面,分析供电分区划分应考虑的问题;网络构成及供电分区的划分位置应考虑与运行交路的结合,最大限度地满足车辆的运行,不因网络局部故障造成全线车辆停运.供电分区的划分在满足规范要求电压损失的前提下,尽可能减少供电分区的数量,以使工程具有较好的经济性.提出在满足继电保护要求等的前提下,线路电压损失要求是中压网络供电分区划分从建设和运营经济性考虑的合理结合点.  相似文献   
随着公路建设的规范化,深挖路堑和高填路堤的现象增多,因此高、长边坡的防护成为公路建设中的新课题:同时,建设环保之路、绿色走廊、生态之路的呼声又日益高涨,故选择合理的边坡形态和防护型式是实现这些要求的重要环节。  相似文献   
基于矩阵实验室平台,将挖泥船输送系统的计算仿真程序进行封装处理,建立挖泥船输送系统计算分析软件系统(DTAS)。该系统首次汇集了多种泥泵管路特性曲线的计算方法,包括泥泵及管路数据文件的存储查询、泥泵管路特性曲线的计算以及多种计算模型的选择、施工现场数据反分析、接力泵船的计算等十几个计算模块,可以更加系统化、全面化地进行输送计算分析。DTAS系统界面操作简单,为施工及技术人员提供了便捷的计算工具,大大提高了工作效率,可广泛推广应用。  相似文献   
In the countries of the Global South such as India, rapid urbanization and the increase in individual motorization may lead to a predominance of unsustainable commuting patterns. However, urbanization also has important positive effects, including the empowerment of women. This paper examines newly released, spatially disaggregated data on home-to-work commuting by non-agricultural workers in the National Capital Region of India. It aims to understand and compare commuting patterns in urban and rural areas, including choice of travel modes, commuting distances, and gender differentials.The results reveal a tendency observable in urban residents to use individual motorized transport more often both for short and for long trips, although the proportion of individual motorization is far from what it is in the industrial world. Rural areas are characterized by the predominance of non-motorized travel modes and a large share of long trips. The mobility gap between men and women does not appear to increase with literacy. In urban areas, women often choose to commute by car rather than using green modes of transportation (especially in higher-income districts). The paper stresses the importance of the area and gender differentials that need to be taken into account when formulating regional transport policies.  相似文献   
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