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目的探讨顺铂(cisplatin)作用于人肝癌细胞系HepG2后细胞增殖能力和周期的变化,及残余细胞中CD133、ABCG2及ICAM-1表达量的变化。方法以人肝癌细胞系HepG2为研究对象,分别采用MTT比色法和PI染色法检测不同浓度cisplatin作用后细胞增殖能力及细胞周期分布的变化;免疫荧光法检测cisplatin对肿瘤干细胞标志物表达量的影响。结果不同浓度cisplatin作用后均可明显抑制HepG2细胞的增殖。进一步研究发现,分别使用4mg/L和2mg/L的cisplatin作用48h后对HepG2细胞周期G0/G1期及S期有显著影响,cisplatin处理使残留HepG2细胞中CD133、ABCG2及ICAM-1的表达量明显升高。结论 HepG2细胞中存在的小部分肝癌干细胞能够逃脱cisplatin的杀伤作用,此种逃避过程的发生可能是临床上肝癌经治疗后复发的重要原因。  相似文献   
在对南宁至友谊关高速公路典型工点侧向变形、纵向开裂病害检测与形成机制分析的基础上,借鉴岩土锚固技术原理,提出小导管注浆锚固综合处治技术,总结了设计方法、施工与质量控制。实践证明,该工艺具有高效、经济、可靠、对运营公路干扰小等优点,为处治道路纵向开裂病害提供新理念。  相似文献   
The strata of Chengershan tunnel is mainly consist of the slightly cemented tertiary sandstone, the tun⁃ nel body passes through F 2 fault core zone. Geological disasters of mud outburst, sand gushing and extrusion of work face occurred several times during tunnel construction, so the risks are very high. In view of the core zone of F 2 fault with high pressure and abundant water, a variety of construction schemes were compared and analyzed in terms of technology, feasibility and safety, and vertical freezing technique was used for stratum reinforcement in the railway tunnel for the first time, furthermore the freezing scheme and tunnel support measures were studied, providing refer⁃ ence and guidance for similar tunnel construction.Mountain railway tunnel; Fault zone; Tertiary sandstone; Vertical freezing technique; Application © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
为了测量穿浪双体船艏部结构在航行过程中的动态变形,并分析其变形的规律,文章利用光学微动测量系统对船体艏部结构的变形进行实时监测,并对测量数据进行实时自动采集与存储。试验结果表明:航行过程中动态变形为4.72 mm~7.60 mm;低海况高航速下的结构变形明显大于高海况低航速下的结构变形;在不同航向试验中,顶浪航行结构变形最大,艉斜浪、艏斜浪和顺浪工况相差不大。分析结果既可论证微动测量法监测动态变形的可行性,又可为高速双体穿浪船艏部结构疲劳裂纹和变形等机理研究及局部优化提供参考。  相似文献   
针对热弹塑性有限元法仅适用小规模焊接的弊端,采用弹塑性固有应变法对厚壁球面舱壁结构的焊接工艺进行模拟,并对球面舱壁结构的焊接工艺进行优化,最终给出球面舱壁结构合理的焊接工艺.在大型有限元软件ANSYS的基础上,通过开发的热弹塑性焊接计算程序得到单道焊缝焊接时的残余应变;通过残余应变等效,对球面舱壁的各焊缝处施加温度载荷;通过一次弹塑性有限元法得到厚壁球面舱壁结构的整体变形.通过开展不同焊接工艺下球面舱壁结构的焊接变形分析,给出厚壁球面舱壁结构合理的焊接工艺.  相似文献   
轮边驱动系统对车辆垂向性能影响的研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于引入轮毂电机,使得轮边驱动电动汽车驱动系统的质量显著增加,引起整车非簧载质量相对过大,恶化了车辆垂向性能。在查阅国内外大量文献的基础上,详细介绍了对轮边驱动系统相关问题的研究现状,具体分析了非簧载质量过大对车辆垂向性能的影响以及国内外解决该问题的主要方法和效果,最后对轮边驱动系统未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
管幕内顶进箱涵时顶部管幕力学作用的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海市中环线虹许路北虹路下立交工程是目前世界上在饱和含水软土地层中施工的横截面最大的管幕法工程。为了充分研究箱涵顶进过程中管幕的力学作用,根据相似理论,按照实际工程状况进行了室内模型试验,得到了箱涵推进过程中地面和顶部管幕的竖向位移,以及管幕下土压力的变化特征,发现箱涵前端一定范围内的地层主要表现为竖向沉降变形,顶部管幕在箱涵推进过程中起到一定的承载作用,这对于稳定箱涵前端开挖面是有利的。试验结果对实际工程的设计与施工提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
通过使用抗泡性较好的润滑油,提高信号油泵的进口油压,稳定机组工作油温,可以明显改善信号油泵的工作性能,降低对润滑油抗泡性的要求.当信号油泵进口油压和油温较高时,对使用的润滑油抗泡性能要求相对较低.因此,为了确保信号油泵的工作性能,应保证信号油泵较高的进口压力.同时,应尽可能使用抗泡性好的润滑油,稳定机组工作时的油温.  相似文献   
 A nonlinear time-domain procedure is presented which is used to calculate the vertical responses of a container ship advancing in head waves. The method assumes linear radiation forces represented by time convolution of memory functions, infinite frequency added masses, and radiation restoring coefficients. The nonlinear hydrostatic restoring and Froude–Krilov forces are computed exactly over the instantaneous wetted surface of the ship's hull. Forces due to green water on deck are calculated using the momentum method. Nonlinear effects are identified on different vertical ship responses, namely on the heave and pitch motions, the vertical accelerations, and the vertical bending moment. These non-linear effects are expressed by the variation of the transfer function with the wave amplitude, the higher-order harmonics of the time signals, the offset of the time series, and the asymmetry of the peaks. The numerical results and the quantified nonlinear effects are compared with experimental results showing an ability to reproduce the main nonlinear effects. Received: December 17, 2001 / Accepted: January 31, 2002  相似文献   
The modern hydrological regime of the Dead Sea is strongly affected by anthropogenic activity. The natural fresh water budget has changed mainly due to the drastic reduction of runoff. Since 1977, the surface level of the Dead Sea has been lowered by an average rate of about 60 cm/year and for the period from 1998 to 2000, the lowering rate has reached about 100 cm/year. As a result of the runoff reduction, the upper layer salinity of the Dead Sea has increased and the gravitational stability of the water body was diminished. Eventually, during the winter of 1978–1979, the lake waters overturned, bringing to an end the long-term stable meromictic1 hydrological regime. The lake entered a new phase in which its hydrological regime switches between holomictic and meromictic regimes, depending on the size of the runoff into the lake (i.e. the amount of precipitation in the lake's watershed). The first holomictic period, 1979–1980, lasted for 2 months only. It was succeeded by a 4-year meromictic period (1980–1983). The second holomictic period lasted for 9 years (1983–1991). The rainy winter of 1991–1992 resulted in an almost 2-m sea level rise. The upper layer with a relatively low salinity was restored and a new meromictic period persisted for 4 years, until winter 1995–1996. During the last meromictic period, the hydrological regime of the Dead Sea was characterized by following long-term trends: the depth of the summer thermocline increased from 12–15 to 25–30 m; the quasi-salinity of the upper layer, initially of about 164 kg/m3, increased rapidly at a rate of about 16–18 kg/m3/year; the quasi-salinity of the deep water, initially of about 235 kg/m3, decreased slowly at a rate of about 0.08–0.10 kg/m3/year (for the sake of comparison, a quasi salinity of 235 kg/m3 is the equivalent of 280‰ “usual” salinity); and the winter minimal temperature of the upper layer, initially of about 16 °C, increased rapidly at a rate of about 2 °C/year. In November 1995, the latest meromictic period of the Dead Sea came to an end. During the present holomictic period, 1996–2000, the hydrological regime of the Dead Sea is also characterized by long-term trends: the quasi-salinity of the entire Dead Sea increased at a rate of about 0.5 kg/m3/year, with practically no decrease during the winters; the temperature of the deep water mass increased with a rate of about 0.25 °C/year; and the period of vertical convection of the entire water column, initially about 3 months, increased at a rate of about 1 week/year. Moreover, we observed that the temperature and salinity of the bottom layer in the deepest part of the Dead Sea raised by about 0.5–0.6 °C and 0.15–0.25 kg/m3 during each holomictic summer.  相似文献   
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