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汽车空调制冷剂的释放与泄漏,其中的60%与汽车空调的维修有关,主要是人为释放和自然泄漏,它造成了对环境的污染。通过对汽车空调维修特点及制冷剂使用的分析,研究提出制冷剂回收、净化、加注、检验作业等技术规范.能够遏制制冷剂的释放与消耗,是汽车维修业保护臭氧层、减少温室气体排放的有效措施。  相似文献   
钢管约束下轻集料混凝土的紧箍效应及强度准则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过钢管约束下核心轻集料混凝土的紧箍效应试验,得到核心混凝土在轴压作用下应力~变形关系曲线及试件破坏形态,重点对轻集料混凝土的紧箍效应及强度准则进行分析研究。试验和计算结果表明,在钢管的约束作用下,轻集料混凝土的延性和强度显著提高,但紧箍效应比普通混凝土小。根据试验结果建立了三向受压轻集料混凝土的强度准则。  相似文献   
重庆市信息化测绘标准建设分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从信息化测绘的技术发展背景、国家信息化测绘标准建设状况以及重庆市空间数据基础设施(SDI)建设的实际情况出发,结合国家地理空间基础设施总体框架要求与重庆市各行各业信息化对地理信息数据基础的基本需求,总结出重庆市地理信息基础设施数据建设的基本内容,从而探讨重庆市信息化标准体系的建设内容和保障机制,并介绍了已经编制完成的标准情况,提出了今后在标准建设过程中存在的问题和相关建议。  相似文献   
为了预测上伏溶洞下深埋岩溶隧道塌落范围及上伏溶洞与隧道的临界高度,构建上伏溶洞下深埋岩溶隧道的横、纵断面上的塌落机制,结合非线性Hoek-Brow n强度准则和极限分析上限法,并考虑孔隙水压力的作用下对上伏溶洞下深埋隧道的塌落范围进行研究,将孔隙水压力当作外力进行做功且根据虚功率方程和变分法原理推导出上伏溶洞下深埋隧道...  相似文献   
In support of the development of improved fillet weld sizing criteria for lightweight shipboard structures, a comprehensive static strength test program using longitudinal and transverse shear specimens according to AWS B4.0 Standards has been conducted. This test program covers base material with strength ranging from 71 ksi (490 MPa) to 96 ksi (660 MPa) and weld size ranging from 1/8″ (3 mm) to 3/8″ (10 mm). This paper focuses on a traction stress based analysis of the test data as an effort to establish a unified shear strength definition for load-carrying fillet weld specimens regardless of shear loading conditions. The proposed shear strength definition proves to be effective in correlating the fillet weld strength test data of the longitudinal and transverse shear specimens. The results of this investigation demonstrate that existing shear strength definitions used by various weld sizing criteria such as those given by Class Societies have two major limitations: (1) it cannot be related to a critical stress state on experimentally observed failure plane in transverse shear specimens; (2) it underestimates shear stress at failure due to severe stress concentration at weld end in typical longitudinal shear specimens. These two limitations have been shown to be the major cause for having two significantly different shear strength values: one is transverse shear strength obtained from transverse shear specimens and the other is longitudinal shear strength obtained from longitudinal shear specimens.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of the track geometry irregularities on the wheel–rail dynamic interactions and the rail fatigue initiation through the application of the Dang Van criterion, that supposes an elastic shakedown of the structure. The irregularities are modelled, using experimental data, as a stochastic field which is representative of the considered railway network. The tracks thus generated are introduced as the input of a railway dynamics software to characterise the stochastic contact patch and the parameters on which it depends: contact forces and wheelset–rail relative position. A variance-based global sensitivity analysis is performed on quantities of interest representative of the dynamic behaviour of the system, with respect to the stochastic geometry irregularities and for different curve radius classes and operating conditions. The estimation of the internal stresses and the fatigue index being more time-consuming than the dynamical simulations, the sensitivity analysis is performed through a metamodel, whose input parameters are the wheel–rail relative position and velocity. The coefficient of variation of the number of fatigue cycles, when the simulations are performed with random geometry irregularities, varies between 0.13 and 0.28. In a large radius curve, the most influent irregularity is the horizontal curvature, while, in a tight curve, the gauge becomes more important.  相似文献   
研究带统一通信延迟的多UUV队形控制。根据奈奎斯特准则和代数图论,提出一种与通信拓扑和通信时延有关的队形控制算法。该算法具有分布式特点,对具有双向通信拓扑和统一通信延迟的多UUV系统,能够使所有UUV的速度和位置渐近地收敛至期望值,从而达到稳定的期望队形。数值仿真结果证实所提队形控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   
FLEX3530嵌入式控制器的摩托车制动性能测试系统,主要测量摩托车制动试验时充分发出的减速度、车速、手握力和踏板力等,并采用改进的格拉布斯准则进行数据处理。试验表明,该测试系统具有良好的可靠性和稳定性,便于随车,试验测量精度高。  相似文献   
为了对跨海大桥在海水冻融和侵蚀耦合作用下的开裂性能进行评估,通过建立混凝土冻融+侵蚀耦合损伤Ottosen强度准则,结合跨海大桥非通航孔桥的结构特点和北方近海环境,计算分析、评估了非通航孔桥混凝土承台底部几个关键点的抗裂性能.结果表明,在百年一遇波浪荷载作用下或在百年一遇冰荷载作用下,在服役130 a时非通航孔桥会在混...  相似文献   
刘伟 《交通标准化》2011,(7):110-112
传统的桥梁结构是一种被动结构,一经设计、制造完成后,其性能及使用状态将在很大程度上存在着不可预知性和不可控制性,这就给桥梁结构的使用和维护带来不便,鉴于此,介绍桥梁结构健康检测系统的组成、特点、设计的准则以及桥梁结构损伤评估方法等内容,极大地方便了桥梁的养护工作。  相似文献   
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