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近年来,长江干线危险货物运输的安全和防污染形势严峻,文中作者通过对长江干线的专题调研,希望能揭示长江危险货物运输中存在的问题,为相关部门提供参考。  相似文献   
国际海运温室气体减排措施概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中分析了国际海运温室气体排放的特征,介绍了国际海运温室气体减排措施,并对未来发展趋势作出了预测。  相似文献   
利用遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,对缺失的1995年的水下地形资料进行了插补,并利用插补后的1973~2003年南港水下地形资料计算了南港河段的泥沙冲淤量,分析了南港河段等深线和横断面的变化,结果表明BP人工神经网络水深反演模型能反演出研究区的水深分布情况,特别是对水深浅于-5m区域,模型反演效果更好。  相似文献   
通过对新老内河通航标准的学习,分析新标准在老标准的基础上增加和调整的内容,并提出几点建议。  相似文献   
收折式可行走架空支承平台施工技术可以降低成本,缩短施工周期,加快施工进度,并不影响被跨越的公路或铁路的正常通行。  相似文献   
This paper presents a discussion of the characteristics of ship waves in a narrow channel restricted by vertical walls, based on observed data and the results computed by a 2-D model. In the numerical model, the propagation of waves generated by a moving ship is simulated by solving 2-D depth-integrated Boussinesq equations. To get the boundary conditions at the location of the ship, the slender-ship approximation is employed. A field observation was carried out at a straight length of navigation channel. The ships targeted in the observations are two kinds of waterbuses with lengths of 28 and 24 m. The relative depth Froude number for the river current, an appropriate parameter for assessing the influence of the current on ship wave characteristics in a navigation channel, ranged from 0.47 to 0.76. The observed maximum wave height varied between 0.13 and 1.26 m. The maximum wave height of the wave train is sharply increased when the relative depth Froude number exceeds 0.6. The results computed by the present model agree fairly well with the observed data.  相似文献   
沅水梯级渠化最末一级凌津滩枢纽建成后,船闸下游引航道口门以下现行航道弯曲分汊、水浅流急、航道易淤积,船舶进出船闸困难,严重影响枢纽通航功能的发挥;在分析近坝河段航道碍航原因的基础上,通过水流和遥控自航船模、定床输沙物理模型试验,分别对左、右航线不同的工程整治方案进行研究优化;通过综合对比分析,废弃现行左线航道,选择右线开辟新航道,并针对存在的问题提出相关对策。  相似文献   
The deterministic Riverstrahler model of river functioning is applied for the first time to sub-arctic catchments. Seasonal nutrient (N, P, Si) deliveries to the coastal zone are simulated, and nutrient annual fluxes are established for the nearly pristine river Kalix (hereafter called Kalixälven) and the heavily dammed river Lule, (hereafter called Luleälven) both located in Northern Sweden and draining into the Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea.For Kalixälven simulations are performed with a runoff calculated from precipitation, evapo-transpiration and temperature data for the period 1990–1999, using a hydrological model calibrated on observed monthly discharges at the river outlet. The same hydrological parameters are used to calculate specific runoff for the Luleälven basin in absence of dam regulation. Reservoir filling and emptying are simulated using a simplified representation of their management rules. Diffuse sources of nutrient are evaluated according to land cover of the catchment. The simulated seasonal trends are within the range of the observed data, in particular for discharge, dissolved silica, total phosphorus, inorganic nitrogen and total organic carbon. Specific runoff is 50% higher in the Luleälven than in the Kalixälven watershed due to higher altitudes and precipitations. Average silica, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations are much lower in Luleälven than in Kalixälven. Comparison of model results for the Luleälven with and without dams shows a reduction of respectively 25% and 30% in silica and phosphorus fluxes delivered at the outlet, while nitrogen delivery is increased by 10% in the dammed vs. undammed river system. The model allows assessing the respective role of reservoir trapping of nutrient in the reservoir through algal uptake and sedimentation, and of changes in the vegetation induced by flooding the valley formerly covered by forests and wetlands.  相似文献   
上海丹巴路朝阳河桥是跨越朝阳河的一座大挑臂三跨连续箱梁桥。该文重点介绍了该桥的上下部结构设计和计算分析,以及关键点的处理。其成果为今后类似桥梁的设计提供了一些有价值的技术资料和思路。  相似文献   
研究目的:回顾50年前武汉长江大桥设计施工方面的一些问题,并介绍建成通车50年后的实际现状。研究方法:通过回顾武汉长江大桥设计施工各方面的问题,揭示出武汉长江大桥的创新技术对铁路、公路桥梁史的贡献。研究结论:武汉长江大桥质量经历了50年的考验,墩台无丝毫沉陷,钢梁主桁铆钉无一松动,全桥平、立面线型、拱度50年不变。武汉长江大桥的创新技术在此后的50年中,得到了不断的延伸扩展,铁路、公路桥梁又取得了辉煌的业绩。  相似文献   
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