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An improved Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the motion of electrons in c-C_4F_8 and SF_6 gas mixtures for pulsed townsend discharge. The electron swarm parameters such as effective ionization coefficient, [AKα-] and drift velocity over the E/N range from 280~700 Td(1Td=10-21 V·m2) were calculated by employing a set of cross sections available in literature. From the variation cure of [AKα-] with SF_6 partial pressure p, the limiting field (E/N)_lim of gas mixture at different gas content was determined. It is found that the limiting field of c-C_4F_8 and SF_6 gas mixture is higher than that of pure SF_6 at any SF_6 mixture ratio. Simulation results show excellent agreement with experiment data available in previous literature.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a relocation model for free-floating Carsharing (FFCS) systems with conventional and electric vehicles (EVs). In case of imbalances caused by one-way trips, the approach recommends profit maximizing vehicle relocations. Unlike existing approaches, two types of relocations are distinguished: inter zone relocations moving vehicles between defined macroscopic zones of the operating area and intra zone relocations moving vehicles within such zones. Relocations are combined with the unplugging and recharging of EVs and the refueling of conventional vehicles. In addition, remaining pure service trips are suggested. A historical data analysis and zone categorization module enables the calculation of target vehicle distributions. Unlike existing approaches, macroscopic optimization steps are supplemented by microscopic rule-based steps. This enables relocation recommendations on the individual vehicle level with the exact GPS coordinates of the relocation end positions. The approach is practice-ready with low computational times even for large-scale scenarios.To assess the impact of relocations on the system’s operation, the model is applied to a FFCS system in Munich, Germany within three real world field tests. Test three shows the highest degree of automation and represents the final version of the model. Its evaluation shows very promising results. Most importantly, the profit is increased by 5.8% and the sales per vehicle by up to 10%. The mean idle time per trip end is decreased by 4%.  相似文献   
The need to increase measurement accuracy of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in vehicles is forcing the market to develop chassis-dyno test cells that reproduce on-road conditions realistically.Air-cooling is key to vehicle performance. It is therefore critical that the design of a test cell guarantees realistic cooling of all vehicle components, as important errors in fuel consumption and emissions measurements may otherwise arise. In a test-room, a blower placed in front of the vehicle supplies the cooling air. While there are some guidelines in the literature for the selection of fans required for emissions measurements for standard driving cycles, the information for designing the air supply system for specific tests in other areas is scarce.New Real Driving Emissions (RDE) legislation will force manufacturers to perform on-road measurements of pollutants. This represents a significant challenge due to the variability of conditions coming from non-controlled parameters. In order to optimize vehicles, different tests are performed in cells equipped with a chassis-dyno where the on-road flow field around the vehicle is reproduced as closely as possible.This work provides some guidelines for the definition of the airflow supply system of chassis-dyno facilities for vehicle optimization tests, based on a CFD analysis of the flow characteristics around the vehicle. By comparison with the solution obtained for a vehicle in real road driving conditions, the exit section of the blower and the distance between the blower exit and the car that best reproduce realistic on-road flow conditions in a test room are determined.  相似文献   
文章结合罗天乐连续刚构桥施工实例,运用有限元模型对该桥0#块混凝土浇筑施工过程中的温度场变化情况进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明,0#块混凝土内部最高温度及最大内外温差计算值与实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   
介绍了宽频型迷宫式约束阻尼钢轨的降噪原理,通过现场测试阻尼装置安装前后列车通过高架桥曲线段时车厢内、司机室、高架桥噪声数据,经过A计权声压级处理得出不同测点的降噪效果,以确定高架线路段阻尼钢轨的控制频带范围。测试结果表明:对于车厢内和司机室噪声,800 Hz频率处降噪效果最好,500~3 150 Hz频带内有效降噪5.0~7.7 dB(A);对于高架桥环境辐射噪声,2 000 Hz频率处降噪效果最好,7.5 m处平均降噪8.4 dB(A),30 m处平均降噪5.2 dB(A)。  相似文献   
北京地铁一区间联络通道兼泵房采取冻结法施工,冻土帷幕是冻结法施工的关键所在。施工前对盐水温度、冻土温度、泄压孔压力进行现场监测,分析冻土帷幕发展规律,判定冻土帷幕各参数是否达到施工指标。通道开挖时获得冻土帷幕信息,以此来验证监测数据的准确性。结果表明:温度随着时间的变化先是急剧下降,之后缓慢下降趋于稳定;冻结壁交圈发生在泄压孔压力开始增大时,泄压孔压力稳定表明冻土帷幕基本形成。开挖施工获得的冻土帷幕信息证实了监测数据的准确性。  相似文献   
为了探索一种可应用于城市轨道交通运营列车组的轨道检测方法,基于ARM微处理器和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计搭载式轨道检测系统。分析了搭载式轨道检测系统的总体架构和数据处理印刷电路板的设计过程,并对系统的核心部件嵌入式微处理板卡进行了重点探讨,该板卡可实现小型化、低功率、多样化数据集成。对该系统进行了动态试验验证,试验结果说明该系统在准确性、重复性、一致性等方面都满足标准要求。搭载式轨道检测系统可安装于城市轨道交通运营列车上进行实时检测,大大提高了轨道检测的效率和实时性,可有效指导线路养护维修工作,且该系统不必占用专门检测车资源,具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   
内外温差对明挖隧道主体结构内力的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
明挖隧道内外温差会使其衬砌结构产生附加应力,严重时会使隧道轴线方向的衬砌产生环向裂缝。通过对温度进行现场监测,获得工程实际内外温差,对其规律进行简要分析并将其作为有限元计算的温度边界条件;采用ANSYS进行有限元计算,考虑明挖隧道主体结构修建完成和回填完成两个阶段,对隧道内部温度低于外部温度、隧道内部温度高于外部温度以及无温差3种工况进行分析,得出温差对隧道结构应力的影响规律。  相似文献   
超深振捣对混凝土成品质量有害无益,研究超深振捣引起模板侧压力增大的规律,可为规避其害提供依据。为此设计4个混凝土墙体试件,实测在浇筑过程中模板侧压力的变化情况。基于振捣液化和液体压力平衡理论,建立了超深振捣情况下混凝土模板侧压力计算模型,推导了计算公式,并与实验数据进行对比验证。研究结果表明,振捣深度是影响混凝土墙体模板侧压力的重要因素,本文提出的计算模型能很好地预测墙体结构超深振捣位置的模板侧压力。  相似文献   
以毕奥-萨伐尔定律为基础,建立亥姆霍兹线圈以及格拉斯磁环中心磁场分布模型,并计算了它们内部的轴向磁感应强度分布,绘出了空间分布图,分析了轴向磁感应强度与x、y坐标的关系,分析结果得到了亥姆霍兹线圈和格拉斯磁环内部匀强磁场分布区域,通过比较得到格拉斯磁环内部的匀强磁场区域比亥姆霍兹线圈内部的匀强磁场分布区域更大的结论。  相似文献   
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