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Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) are innovative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) tools that can reduce travel times for buses. Combining TSP and BRT can significantly improve bus travel, but can negatively impact network traffic operations. Although TSP has been implemented worldwide, few previous studies holistically examined the effects of using various conditional and unconditional TSP strategies with or without a BRT system. This research simulates multiple TSP and BRT combination scenarios to understand their impact on traffic operations, including crossing street traffic. A test bed along International Drive (I-Drive) in Orlando, Florida, was chosen as the simulation area. Field data collected for this test bed, which included traffic volumes, bus travel times, and traffic signal control data, were used to develop, calibrate, and validate the simulation model. Results showed that BRT with Conditional TSP 3 minutes behind significantly improved travel times, average speed, and average total delay per vehicle for the main through movements compared with no BRT or TSP, with only minor effects on crossing street delays. BRT with Unconditional TSP resulted in significant crossing street delays, especially at major intersections with high traffic demand, indicating that this scenario is impractical for implementation. The simulation suggests that BRT and TSP will be most effective when used in areas where crossing street volumes are low. However, it is unknown how these ITS tools affect pedestrian traffic. Using optimization methods can determine the best strategy to balance transit and pedestrian traffic.  相似文献   
阐明直线电机运载系统的产生背景、构成和工作原理,重点分析在直线电机运载系统开放的电磁环境下,信号系统车载设备和轨旁设备的电磁兼容性问题。论述为了充分发挥直线电机运载系统的优越性.应在坡道的启动控制、车辆的制动控制、小半径曲线控制、牵引力波动控制、感应板电流过载防护等方面注意信号系统与相关专业的接口,并应根据道岔类型为信号系统配置合适的转辙设备。  相似文献   
在城市中2个近距离错位交叉口之间的交织路段,来自不同方向的车流相互干扰严重,尤其是在交织长度限制下的连续换道操作,对交通效率和安全水平造成不良影响.因此,基于效率-安全综合考虑,研究了一种安全协调信号控制方案.即在上游交叉口的支路处设置右转信号灯,将交织路段内主、次路的车流冲突点进行时间和空间上的分离,并对近距离错位交叉口进行系统的相位和配时优化设计,从而达到降低车辆运行延误、提高行车安全性的目的.以福州市浦上大道-金州南路-金港路交叉口为例,运用Vissim微观仿真软件和SSAM替代安全评价模型,从效率-安全2个方面综合比较安全协调信控方案与信控现状、单点优化方案的优劣.实验结果表明,相对于信控现状,单点优化方案和安全协调信控方案的效率-安全水平分别提升了36.17% 和57.17%,验证了安全协调信控方案的优越性.此外,通过Vissim调整2个交叉口之间的距离,比较安全协调信控方案和单点优化方案相对于信控现状的效率-安全综合优化程度.研究表明,近距离错位交叉口的间距越小,安全协调信控方案的优越性越明显.  相似文献   
城市信号交叉口通过设置绿闪信号,在机动车获得通行权之前清空人行横道上的过街行人.为研究行人在此信号期间的过街行为,提出一种绿闪信号时行人过街运动模型.综合分析绿闪信号、周围过街行人、人行横道边界以及右转冲突车辆对行人过街的影响机理,基于社会力模型,建立绿闪后人行横道上行人过街行为模型,并根据实际调查所获得的人行横道尺寸、行人与车辆速度等数据,标定模型参数.基于模型仿真行人运动行为,产生行人分层现象以及与周围行人、冲突车辆避碰等行为,验证模型在宏观层面的有效性;对不同断面的仿真行人与实际过街行人的过街速率变化曲线进行拟合,拟合优度指标显示模型对人行横道前/后半段过街行人模拟精度分别为83% 和95%,验证了模型在微观层面的有效性.  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于软件无线电技术的通用数字解调方法,该方法属于非相干解调方式的一种,它是对FSK过零检测解调法的一种改进,使之能够对多种数字调制信号进行解调.通过对调制信号幅度包络进行分层变换,将复杂的采样数据转变成只包含几个简单数值的数字序列,然后分析该数字序列的数值变化情况,从而实现解调.最后,在以TMS320C5416为核心的DSP开发板上对该方法进行了测试实验.实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地解调多种类型的数字调制信号,且算法结构简单,实时处理能力强.  相似文献   
In order to maintain the overall social interest in land use and improve the level of land administration, an information system for land-use planning and management (ISLUPM) was established, which is composed of presentation layer, business logic layer and data layer in the general structure. The application support platform of the ISLUPM, built based on COM, COM and .NET standard components, includes data engine, data management, assemblies, components management, operation management, and interface. Then, an elaboration was made on major functions of the ISLUPM, such as planning revision scheme, planning operation flow, digital processing, thematic analysis and inquiry, and preparation of the chart of reserved land resources. The developed system has been successfully applied to the land-use planning and management work of Longquanyi District, Chengdu, China. It may provide a reference for development of geographic information system (GIS) for land and resources.  相似文献   
Analytical Approach to Evaluating Transit Signal Priority   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Successful deployment of transit signal priority (TSP) systems requires thorough laboratory evaluation before field implementation. Traffic simulation is a powerful tool in this regard; however, it requires tremendous efforts toward network coding, data collection, and model calibration. Besides, simulation models tend to be project specific, and the models developed for one project are often discarded upon the completion of that project. In this paper, it is shown that the impacts of two fundamental TSP strategies (early green and extended green) can be evaluated using an analytical approach. The impacts of the above two strategies on both the prioritized and the nonprioritized approaches are illustrated using graphical as well as analytical methods. A simulation study is then conducted for comparison analyses, followed by a statistical approach for the test of generality.  相似文献   
磁通门罗盘的数字信号处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高磁通门罗盘的指向精度和稳定性, 提出了磁通门罗盘的数字信号处理方法。利用微处理器直接产生激励信号, 通过模数转换采集磁通门传感器感应的磁场信号, 对所采集的原始信息进行傅里叶变换获取偶次谐波, 得到罗盘方位值。计算结果表明: 二次谐波的波形幅度在各偶次谐波中最大, 其提取精度至少提高5倍, 而且采用多个偶次谐波并行使用解算方位的方法, 降低了原始噪声, 增大了原始信息的利用率, 提高了磁通门传感器的灵敏度, 因此, 数字信号处理方法可行。  相似文献   
ITS域跨平台应用技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为适应综合交通运输网络多元化业务的发展, 实现交通信息传输的兼容性、标准化与适应性, 研究了异构信息系统的Web、CORBA、QT跨平台处理技术与H.264视频转码机理, 分析了基于ITS条件的跨平台异构操作系统数据及图像传输的基本要求, 提出了基于B/S的可伸缩SVG路况地图Web浏览界面, C/S的ViewBox视窗与H.264转码技术的交通信息监控技术。应用结果表明: 新技术的应用满足ITS的地域广与实时性高的要求, 提高了ITS图像跨平台传输的质量与系统的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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