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为研究分析复杂地质条件、不合理掘进参数等与TBM刀具异常损坏、刀具消耗的关系,以利于TBM掘进效率和施工成本的控制,在系统阐述TBM刀具常见失效形式的基础上,研究分析总推力、刀盘转速、刀具贯入度等掘进参数及不同围岩单轴抗压强度、石英质量分数等地质参数对刀具磨损及异常损坏的影响规律。以引汉济渭秦岭隧洞和中天山隧道工程为例,对刀具消耗及失效形式进行统计分析,并从刀具选型、检查及维修等方面,提出针对性的优化方法。最后,基于目前刀具配置及监测技术存在不足的现状,提出应进一步研发刀间距可调的刀具配置技术,以确保不同地质条件下的刀具破岩效率;同时,加强对TBM工作环境具有较强适应性的新型刀具状态监测系统的研发及应用。  相似文献   
为解决传统竖井施工中机械化程度低、人力消耗大、安全风险高等问题,研发了一种沉井潜入式竖井掘进机。该掘进机可以实现开挖、出渣、支护同步作业,自动、高效施工。针对沉井潜入式竖井掘进机的相关结构进行研究: 1)系统阐述沉井潜入式竖井掘进机的结构组成和工作原理; 2)基于受力特性和运动特性,分别对其工作装置进行力学特性分析和运动学特性分析,构建其运动学分析简易模型; 3)采用有限元法对关键部件进行静强度分析,得到其对应的应力云图和变形量云图,验证关键部件在强度和刚度方面符合设计要求; 4)基于虚拟样机技术对其关键部件以及关键位置处进行运动学研究和动力学研究,得到其位移和受力曲线图。结果表明: 该竖井掘进机结构设计、力学特性分析以及运动学分析合理,有限元法和虚拟样机技术运用可行。  相似文献   
[Objective]This paper proposes a fuzzy sliding mode controller based on T-S fuzzy logic for the vertical plane motion control of an autonomous underwater glider (AUG) with limited actuator capability. [Methods]In the fuzzy sliding mode controller, the fuzzy switching rate is used to replace the switching rate in the fixed time controller to effectively suppress buffeting. The fuzzy switching rate is obtained by fitting the switching rate of the fixed time controller with T-S fuzzy rules. Based on the limited capabilities of AUG actuators, a saturation auxiliary system is designed to improve the actuator saturation effect. Finally, the performance of the system is verified by Lyapunov stability analysis and numerical simulation. [Results]The results show that the AUG under the fuzzy sliding mode controller and the saturation auxiliary system can converge in finite time. The effectiveness of the fuzzy sliding mode controller and the saturation auxiliary system are verified by numerical simulation. [Conclusions]By making comparisons with the fixed-time controller, it is verified that the two controllers have similar control performance, and the buffeting of the fuzzy sliding mode controller is lesser. © 2022 Journal of Clinical Hepatology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
对某型科考船水下辐射噪声控制措施的针对性、施工便利性及成本控制等方面进行分析。结合实船测试结果,提出在科考船建造过程中,对于水下辐射噪声控制,船厂应根据减振降噪的有效性,重点关注影响大且便于实施的控制措施,而非追求控制措施的全面性,为平衡科考船水下辐射噪声控制和成本控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
为了保证隧道的交通功能,实现城市水下隧道与近岸道路的连接,解决矿山法隧道水下段最小覆盖层厚度问题,通过对国内外水下隧道最小覆盖层厚度确定方法的讨论,针对江西赣州市蓉江四路章江隧道水下段最小覆盖层厚度,提出一种更为经济、合理的确定方法.该方法通过采用工程技术措施,以风险分析、数值计算、监控量测为手段,确定施工风险大小,结...  相似文献   
薛为 《水运工程》2018,(12):160-165
针对声学多普勒剖面仪(ADCP)测沙在长江水域是否可行的问题,同时采用ADCP与传统的六点法采集水样的测沙方法,在长江口江亚北槽水域进行试验,经过大中小潮的测量,得出完整涨落潮周期里的两种测量数据。经过数据比对发现,ADCP测沙是可行的,ADCP的声强对数变化值与悬沙浓度成正相关的线性关系,并发现水下噪声和水下气泡以及水体介质的多样性是ADCP测沙数据误差的主要来源。  相似文献   
青藏铁路建设中 ,遇到大量多年高含冰量冻土需要爆破开挖 ,但是 ,对多年高含冻量冻土的研究在国内外较少 ,可用于参考的文献不多。本文在青藏线某一高含冰量冻土地段 ,进行了爆破漏斗试验 ,在此基础上得出单位药包的最佳埋深、最大体积 ,进而推出最佳爆破参数  相似文献   
The control of a remotely-operated underwater vehicle to maintain a prescribed depth in shallow water under irregular surface waves is realized through the application of the Robust Adaptive Neuro Controller, a composite control system incorporating—together with the conventional control algorithm—a neural network controller. This network bestows a learning capability on the system, allowing it to deal with unanticipated disturbances that would otherwise cause erroneous behavior of the vehicle. The effectiveness of this application is verified through mathematical simulation of a model vehicle's behavior, through experiment in a model basin, and through simulation of the behavior of an actual remotely operated vehicle in shallow water under irregular surface waves. Graphic data representing the learning process undergone by the neural network distinctly indicate the rising output from the network with the progression of learning, and the vehicle's depth variation traced in terms of the mean square error vividly show the diminution of deviation from the prescribed depth obtained with application of the neural network. Thus controlled to maintain constant depth, under-water vehicles with power supplied externally through a tether for propulsion and for heavy-duty operations should consolidate their advantage for such activities as maintenance of submarine structures and surveys in deep or hazardous water.  相似文献   
深水爆炸水动压力场对潜体结构的动态影响   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
拓广DAA法用于预报水中一次冲击波对悬浮体的动响应;引和当量能量与当量深度概念,计算了有自由水面的水下爆炸迁移气泡多次脉冲动力学特性,数值计算值与实测值作了对比,并给给出了水中存在圆柱壳时气泡脉动压力的经验公式。  相似文献   
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