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Navigation safety on coastal waters is an extremely important issue. Fatigue is an important factor threatening navigation safety. Considering that the vessel type is an oil tanker, such a threat is not posed only to the crew but also to the environment. Most of the tankers navigating coastal waters are in the small tanker category. Therefore, this study examined the working and resting hours of the deck officers in the oil tankers navigating coastal waters. The study utilized the ISF Watchkeeper 3 program for assessing and interpreting the working periods. The study reached the conclusion that the first and second officers in particular are working under unsuitable conditions. To improve the working conditions of the deck officers, effects of additional cargo officer on board was investigated. This study is in quality of recommendation. The study elucidated that the cargo officer practice determines the working and resting hours of deck officers, in the work on the oil tankers, and compliance with the related conventions.  相似文献   
Participation (e.g., stakeholder involvement) has become a central concept in the practice of environmental and coastal zone management. Research has shown that the integration of participation in coastal zone management has positive ecological and social outcomes. In the literature, however, participation is often reported in an unstructured and uncritical manner. Therefore, to find out whether and how there is a useful way to structure and characterize the way the coastal zone management literature deals with participation, we have conducted a literature review. The review was conducted and the literature structured through three central dimensions of participation, namely: power, knowledge, and (visions of) nature. The article concludes that this structured approach to participation enables us to study more systematically the role of participation and might facilitate the governance and learning processes of coastal networks.  相似文献   
Relative sea-level rise will affect vulnerable coastal communities globally. Quantifying this effect on the coastal environment and infrastructure provides critical information that enables coastal managers to develop sustainable mitigation and adaptation measures. Modeling applications have enabled the past, present, and future trends in shoreline morphology to be investigated in detail. Predictive numerical models depend largely on the reliability of the input data. This article reports on using the Soft Cliff and Platform Erosion (SCAPE) numerical model to simulate future shoreline evolution trend in the central Accra coast in Ghana. The model input parameters include historic shoreline recession rates, wave data, tidal data, bathymetry, beach volume, beach topography, historic relative sea-level rise rates, and the shoreline orientation. The data fed the SCAPE numerical model which simulated the emergence of soft rock shore profiles over timescale of decades to centuries, to project future positions of the central Accra shoreline for the next 100 years under different scenarios of climate change. Simulated future shoreline positions overlaid on a 2005 orthophoto map of Accra enabled vulnerable areas and infrastructure at risk to be identified. It emerged that a highly populated community in central Accra will be inundated by 2065, while the Rivera beach resort will be eroded from 2035. A natural fish landing site in Osu (suburb in Accra) will be lost from 2045. The study has demonstrated that considerable ecological, economic, social, and national losses should be expected within the next century. Shoreline change management options should be explored to help mitigate the expected impact of the sea-level rise.  相似文献   
Fifty-five percent of Georgia's developed coastline has been armored with various types of erosion protection devices. This article is about beach improvement projects at Jekyll Island that would operate under (a) a nourishment policy or (b) a retreat policy. Benefits are calculated from an intensive, on-site survey of beach visitors and the costs are calculated from observable sources. Two financing methods are considered: general revenue and user fee financing. The analyses imply recommending beach improvement as an effective policy within the considered time frame.  相似文献   
This article explores how a fresh approach to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in Ireland might be forged through the identification of a number of key innovative cross-sectoral professional initiatives and interdisciplinary academic thinking in this sector. It includes three interlinked research themes that assess existing cross-sectoral data management issues (to include an assessment of readiness for the INSPIRE and compliance with the Re-use of Public Sector Information European Union Directives), the degree of cross-pollination between the various sectors involved in managing the Irish Coastal Zone (to identify the need (or otherwise) for capacity- building to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas, skills, and knowledge exchange), and cross-professional competencies (to assess the desire/need (if any) for those working in coastal zone management to add to their existing competencies through continuous professional development or lifelong learning opportunities). Indeed, the specific competencies for coastal practitioners are identified here and these further illustrate the need for professional recognition of the role, responsibilities, and therefore the requirement for an appropriately qualified “Coastal Manager” professional, one that is seen not merely as a nicety but rather a necessity—a core enabler in any future innovative and integrative management approach.  相似文献   
为贯彻新修订的《危险化学品安全管理条例》,对港口危险货物作业场所现状进行分析.阐述危险货物相关概念.阐明危险货物、危险化学品的区别与联系.统计全国现有危险货物码头、库区及堆场,以及移交港口行政管理部门的储罐的数量,为港口行政管理部门进行安全监管提供理论依据.  相似文献   
煤矿产区公路路面状况对煤矿资源的开发利用具有重要影响,而抢修材料的开发和选取是道路养护工作中的关键之一。为了保证煤矿产区公路的正常通车,减轻路面病害对矿产资源运输的不利影响,结合矿区公路的交通特征,提出了AC型混合料、SMA混合料、AR-AC混合料这3种可用作煤矿产区路面抢修的混合料类型,并对其技术经济性能进行了简要的对比分析;然后以山西某矿区公路为例,介绍了抢修材料的工程应用效果,以期为矿区公路路面的养护管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   
为实现综合客运枢纽与城市空间结构及功能布局的协调发展,首先基于中国城镇化进程及现行体制,指出综合客运枢纽与城镇化发展不协调、与城市未能有机融合、综合客运枢纽交通功能不健全等主要问题。结合综合交通发展趋势,提出未来综合客运枢纽将呈现普及化、综合化、规模化的发展特点。借鉴国外枢纽成功经验,提出以多元交通方式整合、枢纽与城市功能区融合、立体多层连廊连通整个区域为主要特征的枢纽区域概念,并分析了枢纽区域的主要功能。最后,从规划、建设、运营体制机制,法律法规调整等方面提出综合客运枢纽与城市协调发展的相关建议。  相似文献   
文章分别计算了采空区上方地层弯曲时对隧道产生的附加荷载q1、q2及地层水平应变时对隧道产生的附加荷载qH,并推导出了采空区地层容许弯曲变形和水平应变数值.结果表明,现行交通部《采空区公路设计与施工技术细则》规定的采空区地基容许变形值较为笼统且偏大,结构偏于不安全.最后,文章根据计算结果对比,对不同围岩级别提出了更严格、更安全、更有针对性和可操作性的隧道对采空区地层变形限制要求,以供广大隧道工作者参考使用.  相似文献   
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