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重点分析了西安局集团公司由2K数调主系统组网更新改造为FAS双中心网络的建设方法,并根据日常维护经验,列举了调度台通道故障处理、FASB简易故障判断及计表倒换试验、FASA和FASB系统与MSC之间的业务故障处理等。  相似文献   
为保证城市轨道交通运营安全,针对车载控制器(VOBC)出现故障时,调度人员无法获悉列车位置的情况,利用列车接入单元(TAU)上传长期演进系统(LTE)的无线性能指标进行辅助定位。该系统平时进行车辆实际位置和无线性能指标的大数据拟合,在特殊情况时利用拟合曲线和无线性能指标进行辅助定位,为列车安全运行提供可靠的保障。  相似文献   
Connected vehicle systems (CVS) are considered in this paper where vehicles exchange information using wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. The concept of connected cruise control (CCC) is established that allows control design at the level of individual vehicles while exploiting V2V connectivity. Due to its high level of modularity the proposed design can be applied to large heterogeneous traffic systems. The dynamics of a simple CVS is analysed in detail while taking into account nonlinearities in the vehicle dynamics as well as in the controller. Time delays that arise due to intermittencies and packet drops in the communication channels are also incorporated. The results are summarised using stability charts which allow one to select control gains to maintain stability and ensure disturbance attenuation when the delay is below a critical value.  相似文献   
混合式教学能让线上、线下教学相互补充、相互促进,从而优化教学过程,提升教学效果.在对中职汽车运用与维修专业《汽车发动机电控系统》的课程性质、课程内容以及教学目标进行分析后,参考混合式学习已有研究成果基于云班课线上教学平台和六步教学法搭建中职学校混合式教学的模式框架,并进行教学实践应用,运用比较分析法对混合式教学...  相似文献   
目前,传统的铁路专用线建设模式是铁路专用线自接轨站接轨,通过区间正线引入厂区的建设模式,这种模式的区间正线受地形条件、厂区位置和沿线规划影响较大,这些影响将不可避免地导致铁路专用线建设工程投资的增加,如能根据运输性质考虑缩短区间正线长度,在接轨站旁边设装车作业站,将大大减少专用线工程投资.以乾元公司铁路专用线建设模式为例来研究铁路专用线场站模式,就如何在接轨站旁边设装车作业站,实现接轨站设备与铁路专用线共用进行探讨.  相似文献   
It is essential to obtain accurate location of vehicles for new applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems. To remedy the defects of present Global Positioning System and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V-I) positioning technology, a new positioning approach based on vision and V-I communication is proposed. This approach aims at lane-level positioning with lower cost than conventional ones. In this approach, the position of the vehicle is represented by its lateral position (the lane number) and longitudinal position (the distance from entrance of the road) in a course coordinate system along the road; the specific lane the vehicle is occupying (the lane number) can be judged using the information of lane lines detected by vision systems; then the distance to the vehicle is obtained by a Road Side Unit (RSU) during the V-I communication; and the longitudinal position is calculated. The error of the approach on typical operating conditions is analyzed, indicating that the new approach can achieve the accuracy of less than 0.31 m for straight road and 0.58 m for typical arc road with ultra-wideband communication and ranging technologies and rational arrangement of RSUs. The feasibility of this approach is presented.  相似文献   
针对城市轨道交通PPP融资成本高、投资回收期长、不确定性因素多等特点导致整个融资过程充满风险,且难以进行科学的评价,进而增加风险评价难度的问题,提出基于OWA与灰色聚类的城市轨道交通PPP融资风险评价方法。首先从全寿命周期角度构建城市轨道交通PPP融资风险指标体系。然后基于OWA算子对专家决策数据按照降序的方式重新排序,消除极值带来的不利影响,加权得出指标的权重值。最后考虑指标的灰色性、信息不完整性,构建灰色白化权函数实现指标信息的透明化,完成对PPP融资风险的聚类分析。应用构建的模型对郑州地铁1号线一期工程PPP融资风险进行评价,认为该地铁工程PPP融资风险等级高,应重点关注前期策划、社会资本、政策环境、设计质量、成本超支、建设质量、残值7个主要风险指标的控制,以期为该项目融资风险管理提供建议,并进一步丰富城市轨道交通PPP融资风险的评价方法。  相似文献   
Active control of electric powertrains is challenging, due to the fact that backlash and structural flexibility in transmission components can cause severe performance degradation or even instability of the control system. Furthermore, high impact forces in transmissions reduce driving comfort and possibly lead to damage of the mechanical elements in contact. In this paper, a nonlinear electric powertrain is modelled as a piecewise affine (PWA) system. The novel receding horizon sliding control (RHSC) idea is extended to constrained PWA systems and utilised to systematically address the active control problem for electric powertrains. Simulations are conducted in Matlab/Simulink in conjunction with the high fidelity Carsim software. RHSC shows superior jerk suppression and target wheel speed tracking performance as well as reduced computational cost over classical model predictive control (MPC). This indicates the newly proposed RHSC is an effective method to address the active control problem for electric powertrains.  相似文献   
有效的语言通信对船舶的安全航行和营运至关重要。根据IMO事故报告分析,通信不利是导致事故发生的重要因素之一。而缺乏使用SMCP的意识是通信不利的主要原因。文章主要介绍SMCP的结构和通信特征以及如何将SMCP应用到VHF通信的教学实践中去。  相似文献   
高速铁路短期客流预测是铁路运输系统的重要组成部分。无论是对列车开行方案的制定,还是对如何采取正确的营销策略,都具有重大的现实意义。通过混合经验模态分解方法和神经网络方法相结合的EMD-BPN方法来预测高速铁路短期客流量。组合方法主要分为三步:首先,使用经验模态分解方法将客流时间序列分解;其次,将IM Fs作为BP神经网络的输入;最后,应用神经网络对客流量做出预测。数值实例表明,该方法对于高速铁路短期客流预测在精度和稳定性上都有良好的表现。  相似文献   
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