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双向行车的隧道通风,除了维持洞内空气的卫生标准和规定的视距外,还必须有利于火灾时的排烟和人车避难,这在特长隧道是很困难的。我国已建成的4 km以上的双向行车隧道,均采用有平行导洞的纵向式通风,但此种方式缺点很多。文章吸取了国外经验,提出采用半横向式通风,并对此种通风方式提出了一些改进意见及推导了应用公式。  相似文献   
为了研究聚丙烯纤维(PPF)水泥稳定砂砾的干缩、温缩和低温冻融性能,基于PPF长度和掺量变化,通过室内试验考察了不同龄期各组试件的上述物理力学性能,得到了PPF长度和掺量变化下的影响规律,并从材料组成的微观、宏观以及断裂力学角度分析了其机理.结果表明,各龄期PPF水泥稳定砂砾的干缩和温缩系数均随PPF长度、掺量的增加而减小;PPF对水泥稳定砂砾低温性能的改善幅度,随PPF长度的增加呈递增趋势,而随PPF掺量增加的改善趋势会因PPF长度的不同而表现各异:PPF长度较小时呈递增趋势,长度较大时呈先增加后减小趋势.研究给出了合理的PPF长度及掺量取值,与普通对比组相比,PPF组的平均干缩系数和温缩系数可分别降低19.4%和12.1%以上;冻融抗压强度和劈裂强度可分别提高12.1%和16.7%以上,冻融质量损失率可降低87.8%以上.  相似文献   
  目的  船舶轴系监测系统具有监控对象多、测试数据量大和存储空间需求大等特点,如果存储方案不合理,数据未预先统计和分类存储,会导致数据不便于检索、计算和分析。为此,提出针对测试数据的批量统计特征数据及分表存储的方法。  方法  在现有数据库的基础上,设计时间序列特征数据表和汇总表,以及统计测试数据的均值、极值、标准差、偏度等的流程;采用仿真对比,选择均值和偏度作为特征向量;通过DBSCAN聚类设计传感器数据异常识别算法,验证对传感器系统异常数据的识别效果。  结果  结果表明,所提方法对异常数据的识别效果较好,  结论  可适用于实际测试系统的特征数据提取。  相似文献   
我国商业银行信息化建设研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国商业银行信息化建设已走过近20年的路程,在取得巨大业绩的同时也存在若干不足之处.文章在总结我国商业银行信息化建设经验的基础上,对其信息化建设的现状进行了深入的分析,同时指出了我国商业银行信息化建设的总体规划方向,以期大幅度提高我国商业银行的信息化建设绩效。  相似文献   
Identifying the generators of paratransit trips by persons with disabilities is important to comprehend the current demand patterns and forecast future demand. Only a handful of studies have been conducted so far to identify the generators of paratransit trips and most focused on the home end of the trips. Given some of the inconsistencies in past studies and the scarcity of studies on the generators of trips away from home, this study attempts to identify the generators of paratransit trips beginning and ending at clients’ homes and away from home. It uses an extremely large dataset consisting of 1.91 million trips made by NJ TRANSIT’s Access Link clients, socioeconomic data from the American Community Survey, employment data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics, and establishment data from Dun and Bradstreet. The analytical methods include an ordinary least squares model (OLS) and several spatial generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) to identify the characteristics of census block groups associated with Access Link trip generation at home and away from home, Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis to identify the types of establishments located in the immediate vicinity of drop-offs, and a multinomial logit model (MNL) to examine the relationship between the characteristics of the establishments in the vicinity of drop-offs and the characteristics of the dropped-off clients. Together, the various analyses provide useful insights about paratransit trip generators at the macro and micro levels. Some implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
北京局集团公司以"公转铁"为主攻方向,深入推进铁路货运增量行动,提高货运产品供给质量,提升货运市场竞争力,实现货运稳定增长,引领铁路货运高质量发展。通过阐述北京局集团公司货运发展现状,从货运增量任务艰巨、物流市场竞争激烈、货运站场能力亟需补强、信息系统缺乏有效整合等方面分析影响因素,探讨北京局集团公司货运高质量发展对策,即:多措并举,实现货运稳定增长;提质增效,提升货运产品供给质量;创新驱动,引领货运高质量发展。  相似文献   
大断面双层双跨平顶直墙暗挖地铁风道施工时具有开挖跨度相对较大、临时支护体系繁多、二次结构受力转换复杂的特点,针对某地铁车站风道双层段的工程实践,分析大断面平顶直墙结构施工时的关键技术环节,如中洞法开挖、受力转换、分块模筑等.结果表明,关键工序合理,切实可行,施工过程中通过受力转换确保了原初期支护结构的稳定和安全,施工过程中严格监测控制,使风道二次衬砌质量得到保证,加快了衬砌施工进度,对整个风道工期控制起到了积极作用.  相似文献   
In this research, we present a data-splitting algorithm to optimally solve the aircraft sequencing problem (ASP) on a single runway under both segregated and mixed-mode of operation. This problem is formulated as a 0–1 mixed-integer program (MIP), taking into account several realistic constraints, including safety separation standards, wide time-windows, and constrained position shifting, with the objective of maximizing the total throughput. Varied scenarios of large scale realistic instances of this problem, which is NP-hard in general, are computationally difficult to solve with the direct use of commercial solver as well as existing state-of-the-art dynamic programming method. The design of the algorithm is based on a recently introduced data-splitting algorithm which uses the divide-and-conquer paradigm, wherein the given set of flights is divided into several disjoint subsets, each of which is optimized using 0–1 MIP while ensuring the optimality of the entire set. Computational results show that the difficult instances can be solved in real-time and the solution is efficient in comparison to the commercial solver and dynamic programming, using both sequential, as well as parallel, implementation of this pleasingly parallel algorithm.  相似文献   
Increased speed variation on urban arterials is associated with reductions in both operational performance and safety. Traffic flow, mean speed, traffic control parameters and geometric design features are known to affect speed variation. An exploratory study of the relationships among these variables could provide a foundation for improving the operational and safety performance of urban arterials, however, such a study has been hampered by problems in measuring speeds. The measurement of speed has traditionally been accomplished using spot speed collection methods such as radar, laser and loop detectors. These methods can cover only limited locations, and consequently are not able to capture speed distributions along an entire network, or even throughout any single road segment. In Shanghai, it is possible to acquire the speed distribution of any roadway segment, over any period of interest, by capturing data from Shanghai’s 50,000+ taxis equipped with Global Positional Systems (GPS). These data, hereafter called Floating Car Data, were used to calculate mean speed and speed variation on 234 road segments from eight urban arterials in downtown Shanghai. Hierarchical models with random variables were developed to account for spatial correlations among segments within each arterial and heterogeneities among arterials. Considering that traffic demand changes throughout the day, AM peak, Noon off-peak, and PM peak hours were studied separately. Results showed that increases in number of lanes and number of access points, the presence of bus stops and increases in mean speed were all associated with increased speed variation, and that increases in traffic volume and traffic signal green times were associated with reduced speed variation. These findings can be used by engineers to minimize speed differences during the road network planning stage and continuing through the traffic management phase.  相似文献   
因材施教是以学生全面发展为目标的教育教学原则.高职院校培养人才的特点,决定了其教育教学必须贯彻因材施教的原则.在多年的教学及教学管理实践中,笔者认为,高职院校贯彻因材施教原则可以通过学分制的实施、分类分层教学的推行、选修课及辅修专业的设置等途径来达成,同时指出,学生发展的个性差异、已有知识准备的差异性及社会需求的多层次性,使得因材施教原则在高职教育中具有了可能性和必要性.  相似文献   
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