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绝缘管型母线作为一种新型母线,近年来已广泛应用于电力系统中。通过分析绝缘管型母线的组成结构及特点,结合各种时速等级铁路牵引变电所低压侧27.5 kV设备不同布置方式情况,比较从主变27.5 kV低压侧引入高压室内采用传统母线和绝缘管型母线的优劣点,提出绝缘管型母线在铁路牵引变电所应用范围。铁路牵引变电所低压侧27.5 kV设备采用AIS开关柜和GIS开关柜室内布置时,采用绝缘管型母线代替矩形裸铜排母线和高压电缆方式具有一定优势。27.5 kV绝缘管型母线与27.5 kV单相电缆具有相似的结构和相同电压等级,参照27.5 kV单相电缆相关技术参数,提出绝缘管型母线各项技术参数。通过工程应用实例,对27.5 kV绝缘管型母线在铁路应用安装、试验等方面提出相关技术要求。  相似文献   
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段主要工程地质问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段穿越藏东横断山区和藏东南高山峡谷,走行于印度板块与欧亚板块挤压形成的南迦巴瓦东构造结附近,地形环境极其艰险、地质构造极其活跃、不良地质极其发育。分析拟建铁路沿线的工程地质环境特征,提出了影响铁路建设的主要工程地质问题。研究表明:拟建铁路具有"九极"工程地质环境特征,极为复杂的宏观地质环境孕育了岩爆和软岩大变形、高地温、深大活动断裂带、高位滑坡崩塌、泥石流、溜砂坡(岩屑坡)、雪崩、冰害、生长期高陡卸荷岸坡、放射性、有害气体等工程地质问题,针对不同的工程地质问题,因地制宜地提出防治措施。针对上述工程地质问题,在拟建铁路的勘察设计过程中,本着以科学研究为先导原则,探索复杂艰险山区勘察方法手段的革新,利用新技术、新方法、新设备,研究重大地质灾害和问题的评估技术。  相似文献   
Research purposes: The vertical deformation of high-speed railway (HSR) bridge will cause the track irregularity, which threatens the safe and efficient operation of the HSR. Taking the 32 m simple supported beam bridge as the research object, based on the existing mapping analytical model for bridge vertical deformation and rail geometry, the influence of the track regularity of the CRTS Ⅰ slab ballastless track structure caused by the key parameters such as the bridge vertical deformation amplitude, the hanging length of the beam end and the vertical stiffness of mortar layer were studied, and the corresponding measures to control the rail deformation were proposed, to provide theoretical reference for comprehensive treatment of rail deformation of HSR bridge. Research conclusions:(1) The pier settlement, the vertical rotation of the beam end and the beam fault will cause the rail to follow the beam deformation, and "up-warping" of the rail on the vertical deformation boundary will appear. (2) The rail deformation is directly proportional to the vertical deformation amplitude of the bridge and the key to control the rail deformation is to reduce the vertical deformation of the bridge. (3) The rail deformation can be controlled by reducing the hanging length of beam and vertical stiffness of mortar layer. (4) The research results can provide a theoretical reference for controlling the vertical rail deformation of high-speed railway bridges. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
Research purposes: In order to further study the reinforcement of prestressed anchor frame beam in the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake, a model of the deep cutting slope is built through FLAC 3D simulation software, the seismic wave to the model from three directions of x,y and z is input, and the dynamic response of the slope is analyzed. Then, the prestressed anchor frame beam reinforcement measures are applied to the model, and this paper analyzes the reinforcement effect of the prestressed anchor frame beam to the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake. Research conclusions:(1) The prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on restraining the horizontal displacement of the deep cutting slope. (2) Under the three dimensional strong earthquake, the prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on the horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity of the deep cutting slope, which reduces the peak of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity. (3) Through the comparison of the response before and after the reinforcement of the prestressed anchor frame beam is given under the 9 degrees three dimensional strong earthquake, it can be concluded that the prestressed anchor frame beam can provide good reinforcement effect to the deep cutting slope. (4) This research can be used for reference to the earthquake resistance of the slope engineering. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
LKJ-2000"警惕"功能的应用,可有效保障机车司机在疲劳、意外等情况下列车的安全运行。介绍了LKJ-2000"警惕"功能的基本原理,并从软件和硬件电路2个方面介绍了"警惕"功能实现的方法,以及"警惕"功能应用后的效果。  相似文献   
遂渝线无砟轨道桩网结构路基现场动车试验测试分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
遂渝线无砟轨道综合试验段是我国首条成区段铺设的无砟轨道铁路,在综合试验段上试用桩网结构解决土质路基上铺设无砟轨道的技术难题.为考察桩网结构路基在不同列车荷载作用下的响应规律,尤其是对网垫层的动力作用大小,结合工程实践,对无砟轨道桩网结构路基进行现场动车组和货物列车试验测试.结果表明:采用无砟轨道结构可以有效改善列车荷载对路基基床的动力作用,测得的动应力与加速度值均远小于有砟轨道结构测得的值;列车轴重对无砟轨道路基的动应力影响明显,对加速度响应也有一定影响;无论是动车组还是货物列车,其运行速度对路堤部分的动响应影响均有限;动应力与加速度经3 m高的路堤后衰减,对桩网结构路基下部的网垫层已基本无影响.  相似文献   
既有铁路扩能改造若干问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:根据新的技术政策、新的标准规范等要求,通过对既有线扩能改造中出现的与新的标准规范不相适应的若干问题的分析研究、对既有线通行双层集装箱的合理性及增建二线后改变维修体制的探讨,提出了觖决既有线扩能改造工程若干问题的基本思路。研究结论:对于既有线扩能改造工程的一些问题,应根据项目的特点,在本着避免既有线大拆大改、节省工程投资的原则下,结合铁路新的技术发展方向、新的标准规范要求,采取具体问题具体分析,对于新建线路应不折不扣地执行新的标准规范,对既有线改建则应充分考虑到既有线的现状特点,在满足项目功能需求的情况下,应尽可能地与新的标准、规范相适应,并应考虑未来的发展需要。  相似文献   
北京地铁浅埋暗挖折返线工程结构设计与施工   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究目的:针对北京地铁10号线劲松站至终点站折返线区间具有结构形式多样、工程水文地质条件差、地面建筑物及地下管线情况复杂和施工组织难度大的特点.通过对该工程施工过程中的重点和难点问题的分析,提出第四系地层中地铁折返线区间设计及施工关键问题的解决方法.研究结论:第四系地层中修建地铁时,设计应考虑化解断面差异、减少断面过渡、预加固中间土体,按照影响程度的不同采取不同等级的建筑物保护措施;地面无管井降水施工条件下采用辐射井及洞内降水措施.同时,严格按照浅埋暗挖关键工序进行施工,即可解决工程重点难点问题,保证施工质量.  相似文献   
针对石家庄西变电所施工改造中,2008年3月发生的变电所母线和变压器换相连接问题,利用理论和测试的方法进行了分析,找出了原因。同时结合运行和施工中其他2例换相故障,提出了几项切实可行的措施。  相似文献   
杨念 《电气化铁道》2010,21(2):35-36,40
在接触网终点设计常规下锚结构形式下,集装箱中心站龙门吊装卸作业线股道接触网终点的有效行车距离无法满足电力机车直接摘挂货物列车要求。本文针对该问题提出了新型的接触网终点下锚结构形式,改进后的下锚结构形式能在不影响龙门吊作业的前提下延长接触网终点有效行车距离,满足电力机车直接摘挂取送货物列车的要求。  相似文献   
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